3 Ways to Look Elegant Without Effort

Table of contents:

3 Ways to Look Elegant Without Effort
3 Ways to Look Elegant Without Effort

Everyone wants to know how to dress well and have the right look for various contexts in life, so if you don't know how to organize your wardrobe, read on.


Method 1 of 3: Part One: Maintain the Perfect Wardrobe

Be Stylish Step 1
Be Stylish Step 1

Step 1. Wear clothes that flatter your figure

The first thing to do to look effortlessly stylish is to make sure you wear clothing that fits your body type. Since the effortlessly created elegant style should be unnoticeable, you may want to bring bespoke pieces in order to achieve a fine, expensive-looking look with what you have in your closet. You need clothes that make you look slimmer and of the perfect height, with everything in proportion.

Be Stylish Step 2
Be Stylish Step 2

Step 2. Go for classic cuts

The naturally elegant style is mainly based on classic looks. Dressing according to trends only shows that you have thought too much about the outfit or that you have been following the fashion news as a broker watches the stock market. Choose classic styles with classic cuts for a more spontaneous look that never fades over the years.

For example, this means that women should avoid floor-length casual dresses and favor knee-length ones, while men should steer clear of skinny suit pants and choose them with a softer fall

Be Stylish Step 3
Be Stylish Step 3

Step 3. Choose soft, neutral colors and bold accents

Which colors are popular and which ones to dodge depends a lot on the time and place. Just take a look at your mom's clothes from the seventies to give an example. To make your style seem naturally flawless, you'll need a timeless look, which means you'll have to go all out on muted and neutral colors. But this does not mean being boring: it is possible to break up the outfit with hints of color, especially with regard to accessories.

  • Subdued colors include beige, black, white, denim / navy blue and gray.
  • Colors that give a good whimsical hint include most shades of red, shades of purple, purple and aubergine, golden yellow (such as rubber ducks or tulips) and emerald green.
  • Be careful of certain colors. Watch out for other greens and yellows and, in principle, keep a safe distance from oranges, as these colors are very likely to become instantly trendy and then leave the scene just as quickly.
Be Stylish Step 4
Be Stylish Step 4

Step 4. Avoid loud prints and textures

Flashy prints and textures (such as furry fabrics, pom poms or feathers) can quickly make an outfit look dated and unfashionable, as they tend to be trendy for only one season or, at most, one year.. Next year it will be up to something else, so forget it. Having a naturally flawless look is all about keeping clothes that are in fashion for decades, not months.

Be Stylish Step 5
Be Stylish Step 5

Step 5. Buy strategically

To have a truly trendy look, you want your clothes to look expensive. Now, you can make cheap pieces look like that, but investing in actually expensive items isn't a bad idea. A few luxury items that are hard to replicate, like a good sweater or wool coat, can really add a touch of sophistication to your wardrobe. Having a limited number of higher quality clothes is preferable to having a disproportionate number of very cheap looking clothes.

Be Stylish Step 6
Be Stylish Step 6

Step 6. Create an interchangeable collection

If you really want effortless flawless style, you need a closet where almost all the pieces fit together. This will allow you to dress according to comfort, style preferences or weather conditions, instead of being limited in color or style combinations.

Use a single clothing style (vintage, modern, etc.) and a palette of just a few colors (this will be easier for you if you've followed our advice to use soft colors with limited flashy hints)

Be Stylish Step 7
Be Stylish Step 7

Step 7. Take care of your clothes

Dressing stylishly means your pieces will need to be kept well. No stains, no holes, no dangling threads, no wrinkles. If you want your clothes to look well preserved, then the best way to do this is by taking care of them! Keep them clean, fold them up and put them in place properly, and take care of other basic maintenance if necessary.

Be Stylish Step 8
Be Stylish Step 8

Step 8. Get tailored clothes

What you probably don't know about models and celebrities is that part of their stylish look comes from the fact that their clothes fit their bodies perfectly. But how do you go about perfecting your pieces? Asking for help from a tailor, of course! Find a reliable one in your area to perfectly modify your clothes according to your physique. This service is also offered in some stores.

  • It is not as expensive as it may seem. A shirt modified by a tailor can cost between 10 and 20 euros, trousers around 30 euros.
  • It might seem like a silly extra expense, but making beautiful tailored clothes and keeping them well are two actions that will allow you to have an amazing look for the next 10 years. It is an investment.

Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Create Your Outfits

Be Stylish Step 9
Be Stylish Step 9

Step 1. Go simple

Having a naturally flawless style means having a beautiful look without, apparently, any effort, so focus on simplicity. Use a limited number of clothes and accessories. This is especially important when it comes to accessories.

For example, don't wear a scarf, bangles, large earrings and a hat. Try to limit yourself by choosing a maximum of two remarkable accessories, create only one hint

Be Stylish Step 10
Be Stylish Step 10

Step 2. Choose an outfit appropriate for the occasion

You will want to wear clothes that look fine, but not excessive for the context you are in. Overdoing the outfit is a sure sign that you put too much effort into it and thought more than you should about how you would dress. Don't put on a fancy dress to go shopping, and don't wear an evening dress when a cocktail dress will suffice, for example.

Be Stylish Step 11
Be Stylish Step 11

Step 3. Emphasize the outfit with accessories

Since clothes alone are usually supposed to be soft and neutral colors, make the accessories express your desire for color. They should attract attention and look very cool. It is easier and cheaper to have accessories that conform to the latest fashions and trends, so don't worry too much about them (in this area, you won't have many problems).

  • For example, you could pair a fluffy hat and scarf with a trendy pattern with a brown jacket, blue sweater, white skinny jeans, and brown boots.
  • Another example would be wearing a black dress and combining it with red earrings and a bracelet.
  • Just be sure to keep a well-matched color palette throughout the outfit. Accessories should generally be the same color or complementary.
Be Stylish Step 12
Be Stylish Step 12

Step 4. Don't neglect your hair

The hair must also have a certain style. You can style it simply or prefer a perfectly "messy" look, but make sure you keep this idea with the right outfit. Your hair should be fine, even if it doesn't look like you spent an entire hour on it to get this done.

Avoid certain products to achieve a naturally elegant look. This means you shouldn't use gel or hairspray

Be Stylish Step 13
Be Stylish Step 13

Step 5. Minimal makeup

Women should avoid applying too much make-up. Keep your eyes natural, the idea is to give the impression that you are totally removed. Of course, you should highlight your best features and hide certain flaws, but don't overdo it.

Lips are the classic exception to the rule, since they can be made up to give an extra touch to a neutral outfit, so opt for bright colors, like a classic red

Be Stylish Step 14
Be Stylish Step 14

Step 6. Keep lines and textures to a minimum

Mixing different patterns is incredibly complicated and will make your look look more chaotic and less elegant. In the outfit, you can have an article featuring a pattern or a certain texture, but you will have to limit yourself to one.

Be Stylish Step 15
Be Stylish Step 15

Step 7. Avoid the volume

The layers must be minimal to avoid the creation of masses or excesses of volume. Otherwise, you risk looking more robust and with a less slim and stylish figure. Oversized sweaters are meant to be used in certain places and occasions, but they tend to appear and disappear fairly quickly in the fashion world, so pay attention.

Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Introduce Yourself

Be Stylish Step 16
Be Stylish Step 16

Step 1. Don't forget the perfume

While not visually apparent, smell can go a long way in determining how you are perceived by others. Try to smell good by washing yourself every day and wearing clean clothes, but also consider spraying a perfume or cologne to enrich the outfit. Avoid youthful scents, such as fruity ones, and opt for something more mature, for a touch of true class.

Be Stylish Step 17
Be Stylish Step 17

Step 2. Try to cultivate a style that leaves its mark

Develop a personal style to be recognized. You will create a look that people will associate with you and that will make you look more stylish, although not necessarily everyone will like your clothes.

Be Stylish Step 18
Be Stylish Step 18

Step 3. Adapt the look to who you are

The style you create for yourself should generally complement your way of being. For example, a very sweet woman who opts for a super sexy look will look unconvincing and out of place, the same goes for a serious businessman dressed like a gangster. Make your clothes reflect your personality, and people will be much more inclined to consider this style unique and unique to you.

Be Stylish Step 19
Be Stylish Step 19

Step 4. Be confident

Do you ever see some models and claim that while wearing a brown paper bag, they could walk the runway and make you look like a high fashion piece? Do you know someone who always manages to be fashionable even with a track suit on? What the fashion industry doesn't want you to know is that a good percentage of a sleek look actually comes from projecting one's confidence. Of course, you don't necessarily have to really have it, but if you walk down the street in clothes that you think look really good on you, people will usually be inclined to agree (at least a little) that those pieces are perfect for you.

Be Stylish Step 20
Be Stylish Step 20

Step 5. Act like you don't care

Being stylish without too much effort should also be linked to presenting yourself in public as if you didn't care or as if you had worn the first things found in the closet. Perfect your “I don't care” expression and be humble and indifferent when people compliment you on your clothes.

Be Stylish Step 21
Be Stylish Step 21

Step 6. Walk gracefully

In order to look stylish, you will also need to look elegant and coordinated. This means don't fall off your high heels, ladies! Having grace should be easier for kids, but it's still important not to underestimate it.

Be Stylish Step 22
Be Stylish Step 22

Step 7. Try to look comfortable, even when you don't

While wearing 12cm stiletto heels, you need to make sure that everything looks perfectly natural, as if you are perfectly comfortable. Don't complain or constantly adjust your clothes. If that style doesn't work for you, if you can't wear it comfortably, then try something that feels really comfortable for you. You can be comfortable and be fine.

Be Stylish Step 23
Be Stylish Step 23

Step 8. Relax

We repeat it. Effortless style is all about creating a great look without giving the impression that you've even tried it. The effort has to be minimal, right? So relax. Try to have a generally quiet attitude towards everything in life. Always remain calm and happy and your look is sure to be better no matter what outfit you are wearing.


  • Never let the clothes "wear" you. It is your personality that should shine through the clothing, not that of the pieces.
  • Take a look at the baskets with offers! You will be surprised by what you will find! Just because they're cheaper pieces, that doesn't necessarily mean they're not wearable! Also pop into thrift stores or thrift stores. You can find many cute and unique things for a fraction of the original price!
  • Don't go to the classic shops that everyone goes to just because they are trendy. They are generally not the most original and then you should cultivate your style according to the clothes that fit you best, wherever you find them.
  • You don't have to have the newest or most famous clothes from designers. Look for simpler pieces in low-cost stores, such as classic t-shirts and blouses, and then make them more elegant by adding more expensive pieces, such as accessories and / or jackets.
  • Use what you have; mix and match old clothes or create a new design for a dated pair of jeans.
  • When using necklaces and / or other accessories, opt for the colors that suit your outfit!
  • Remember, following trends doesn't always make you stylish. True style depends on choosing and selecting the one that suits you. You should wear what you think you value yourself and emphasize your personality.
  • Read the fashion section of a variety of magazines, such as Cosmopolitan and Glamor for girls and GQ for boys. Pick up the tips, pay attention to what you like and what you don't like.
  • When you feel like you need to update your wardrobe a bit, empty the closet and try to find a way to wear what you already have differently, instead of immediately rushing to shop.
  • This advice comes from a girl who is just like you - it might seem awkward, but thrift shops are a must. The classic mall outlets all offer the same things, bought from the crowd. Especially in the more luxurious areas, second-hand shops can be very useful.
  • You will find more tips on The Style Diaries.


  • Don't choose clothes just because other people like them. Try to have your own style, live as you prefer!
  • Be honest with yourself, or you won't feel comfortable.
  • Try not to be in bad taste; if you'd rather die than show your parents what you're wearing, then don't wear it!
  • Don't walk around naked, put on some clothes! Going out with a low-cut sheath top and super-short shorts isn't elegant.
