How to Do a Simple Theater Makeup (for Women)

Table of contents:

How to Do a Simple Theater Makeup (for Women)
How to Do a Simple Theater Makeup (for Women)

Theatrical makeup is a far cry from a soap and water look. Read on to find out how to value yourself before going on stage.


Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 1
Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 1

Step 1. Apply a generous layer of foundation with a latex sponge

Try to get even coverage. If you have fair skin, choose a foundation a few shades darker than your complexion to combat the whitening effect of the spotlights.

Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 2
Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 2

Step 2. Before fixing the foundation, be sure to remedy the creases that have formed in the area around the eyes with the help of a sponge

Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 3
Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 3

Step 3. Pour some neutral setting powder on the palm of your hand or on a handkerchief

Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 4
Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 4

Step 4. Apply powder to the eyelids to set the foundation

Help yourself with a brush and proceed with care. In this area it often happens that the foundation is fixed in the pleats.

Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 5
Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 5

Step 5. Apply the powder to the rest of the face

Once all traces of shine have been eliminated, you will be sure to have fixed the foundation well.

Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 6
Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 6

Step 6. Run a brush over your eyebrows to remove foundation residues and define their shape

Define Eyebrows with Makeup Step 4
Define Eyebrows with Makeup Step 4

Step 7. Define the shape of the eyebrows better with a special pencil

Trace it more than usual, as the spotlights make them much less defined.

Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 8
Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 8

Step 8. Define your eyes by applying black liquid eyeliner from the inner to the outer corner

If possible, try to do this in one stroke and remember to hold the applicator as close to the lashline as possible.

Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 9
Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 9

Step 9. Apply black mascara from the roots to the tips of the lashes in a zigzag motion

Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 10
Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 10

Step 10. Before going on stage it is important to apply the blush to define the bone structure of the face

Choose a more intense tone than normal. Don't be afraid to go bold with a deep pink or gold. Consider your complexion to choose the right color.

Apply Indian Dance Makeup Step 5
Apply Indian Dance Makeup Step 5

Step 11. Apply the blush on the cheekbones and work downwards

Spotlights will cause it to fade a lot, so don't worry if it looks too strong in natural light.

Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 12
Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 12

Step 12. Moisturize your lips with a balm and prime them for lipstick with a primer

Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 13
Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 13

Step 13. The intense red it is one of the most used colors to go on stage, because it helps to define the lips well.

For reflectors, intense colors are preferable to natural or dull ones.

Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 14
Apply Basic Stage Makeup for Women Step 14

Step 14. Apply the lipstick with a brush for more definition, especially on the Cupid's bow and the corners of the lips


  • Powder blushes are particularly suitable for when you go on stage.
  • Spotlights fade makeup, so it's important to choose rich colors. Rehearse before a major show to avoid overdoing it.
  • If you need to apply eyeshadow, choose a lighter or neutral tone, such as a dull pink or beige.
  • Apply a generous layer of foundation, but don't overdo it. After application, the skin should look slightly tanned.
  • It is important to use good quality brushes and to clean them thoroughly. It is one of the best investments you can make.
  • Theatrical makeup has a higher pigmentation than normal products, consequently it allows you to get a better result in the spotlight. Ben Nye is a relatively cheap premium quality brand specializing in theatrical make-up.


  • Do not use dirty brushes, mascara or other expired makeup.
  • When you apply foundation and powder to your eyelids, proceed with care and extreme delicacy. If a product gets in your eyes, they will burn you and you will have to wash them.
  • Do not use products that you are allergic to. It is good to take a test a few days before the event.
