How to Get Rid of Acne on the Face in a Week

How to Get Rid of Acne on the Face in a Week
How to Get Rid of Acne on the Face in a Week

Table of contents:


Do you like pimples and blackheads? Most likely not! Here's what you can do to quickly and effectively hide and delete them.


Get Rid of Face Acne in a Week Step 1
Get Rid of Face Acne in a Week Step 1

Step 1. Wash your face carefully (there may be a buildup of sebum)

Get Rid of Face Acne in a Week Step 2
Get Rid of Face Acne in a Week Step 2

Step 2. Use an acne-specific cleanser

Get Rid of Face Acne in a Week Step 3
Get Rid of Face Acne in a Week Step 3

Step 3. Apply benzoyl peroxide medication to acne

Get Rid of Face Acne in a Week Step 4
Get Rid of Face Acne in a Week Step 4

Step 4. Save the eggshells you ate for breakfast, even though it may seem like a weird tip

Remove the inner skin from the shell and apply it to the pimples. Let it sit for 15 minutes.

Get Rid of Face Acne in a Week Step 5
Get Rid of Face Acne in a Week Step 5

Step 5. If you want to prevent breakouts, it is important to wash your face every day with a specific cleanser

Get Rid of Face Acne in a Week Step 6
Get Rid of Face Acne in a Week Step 6

Step 6. Cover acne with concealer (buy a product that suits your skin tone


Get Rid of Face Acne in a Week Step 7
Get Rid of Face Acne in a Week Step 7

Step 7. Even after the acne has disappeared, don't forget to wash your face thoroughly and apply your specific cream


  • Always take care of cleansing your face even after the pimples have disappeared.
  • Eat lots of fruit.
  • Don't eat large amounts of junk food.
  • Apply a beauty treatment, a specific facial mask is able to remove acne in a few days.
  • Take fish oil supplements.


  • Benzoyl peroxide makes skin extremely sensitive to the sun, don't forget to use a sunscreen!
  • Benzoyl peroxide can dry out and crack the skin, so apply a moisturizer rather than stop using it.
