Taking care of your face isn't always easy. Here are some tips to keep your skin healthy and glowing.

Step 1. First, cleanse your face twice a day with the right products for your skin type
If you have acne, you should use those prescribed by the dermatologist. In case you only have a few pimples from time to time, try a natural remedy based on lemon and dandelion juice and honey. If you have sensitive skin, opt for a mild cleanser.

Step 2. Remove unwanted hair for a cleaner look
Shave the eyebrows and remove the "mustache". As for the eyebrows, ask a beautician to create the shape you want or make an appointment to have them tattooed. Make sure you get a professional who knows how to do her job well - eyebrow disasters are hard to fix. If you prefer to shave them alone, place a cloth moistened with warm water on the affected area and then use the tweezers. Keep them tidy - some women fix them once a week, while others do it every day.

Step 3. Hydrate your skin with a moisturizer if you tend to have dry skin, with a sebum-regulating cream if you tend to have it oily

Step 4. Make sure you drink plenty of water to eliminate toxins and purify the body
Try to drink at least two liters a day.

Step 5. Don't touch your face
Those with imperfections often tend to touch them, making the situation worse. Avoid squeezing pimples and touching the skin: Squeezing a pimple that would go away in a couple of days will cause irritation and other blemishes. Change the pillowcase every two days, in this way, you will save yourself the damage caused by contact with the sebum that is deposited on the fabric.

Step 6. Moisturize your lips with lip balm or lip balm, to keep with you at all times
If you use a chemical one, don't overdo it. Either way, opt for a natural one. Once a week, make a sugar-water scrub to remove dead skin cells.

Step 7. Apply sunscreen every day
Ultraviolet rays damage the skin over time. If possible, also buy makeup that contains SPF. Also wear sunglasses and a hat.
Step 8. Do one do-it-yourself facial cleansing once a week
Or, book a monthly facial cleansing from the beautician.
- The sun protection factor should be at least 50, especially if you have fair skin.
- Facial cleansing should be part of the routine, so don't skip it. Results will soon be seen!
- Care for eyebrows: unwanted hair is really unsightly.
- Squeezing or touching pimples can also leave scars.
- Be constant!
- The skin does not change from day to day. Be patient and love her: the first improvements begin to be noticed two to four weeks after starting a treatment.
- Do not overdo it with face washes and use of products, or the skin will dry out or flake. If this happens, stop using the cleanser or cream that caused the problem and apply the moisturizer for a few days.