You are able to roll your own cigarettes yourself and you realize that you are saving a lot of money annually. How can you save further? Well, you might consider growing your own tobacco. Growing this plant can be a fun experience, and will allow you to set aside some money that you would otherwise spend on buying it.

Step 1. Find a nursery or a person who grows tobacco from seed
You could even do it yourself, but tobacco seeds are almost microscopic and it's difficult to successfully germinate them. You can also buy some plants on eBay or other similar sites.

Step 2. Place the seedlings in pots with good soil and leave them in the sun for a week or two, watering them daily until they get used to the new environment

Step 3. Plow your garden

Step 4. Put the tobacco plants in a row
The rows should be about one meter apart. The seedlings must be at least half a meter apart.

Step 5. Water them, use some fertilizer if you want and keep them under control as they grow
You may need fertilizers, but keep chemicals to a minimum.

Step 6. When the flower appears at the tip of the plant, you need to cut it
The flower is where the seed is produced and if you leave it on the plant this could stop its growth. It is necessary to remove it.
After four months of growth, your plant should be ready

Step 7. Cut the leaves
You can hang them upside down in the traditional way and dry them in the sun. Leave them hanging for a couple of months, until they turn a golden brown color.

Step 8. Select the leaves to your liking when removing them from the plants
The upper leaves should be sweeter while the lower ones should be stronger. It depends on your personal taste.

Step 9. Once you have collected the dry leaves, put them in a food processor
You will thus obtain tobacco flakes. Tobacco may not have the same scent as what you usually buy, but it's still tobacco and smokers great.

Step 10. You can store tobacco in empty coffee cans
The leaves of a tobacco plant can fill the container halfway.
- You have to shake the tobacco containers once a week to keep it fresh.
- You can grow tobacco plants the same way you would tomato plants.
- It may be better to mix half with some "Dark Horse" or "Gambler" quality packaged tobacco. Homemade tobacco may have an uncommon flavor, but when mixed with purchased tobacco, it will create a delicious blend.
- If you can't wait to try some of your tobacco, you can leave some in the sun for a day or two and have a cigarette. If you prefer, you could even dry everything out in the sun. The Chinese process tobacco this way.
- If you want the plant to produce seeds, you could make a bud bloom entirely as shown.
- It is our right to create the products we need on our own. It is completely legal to grow tobacco for personal use.
- As the tobacco plant grows, you should tie a wooden stick next to each plant. The leaves are quite heavy when they grow. Wind and heavy rain may take them down, but they are hardy plants and will return to good shape once they are re-established.