3 Ways to Make Slime with Dishwashing Liquid

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3 Ways to Make Slime with Dishwashing Liquid
3 Ways to Make Slime with Dishwashing Liquid

Slime is a modeling clay that is quick to make and very pleasant to handle! Chances are you already have most of the ingredients you need in your kitchen to make a well-elastic and easy-to-shape dough. Use dish soap along with glue and baking soda, cornstarch, water or toothpaste, and salt to create different variations of this recipe.


Variant based on Glue and Sodium Bicarbonate

  • 120 ml of vinyl glue
  • 1 tablespoon of dish soap
  • 2-3 tablespoons of water (about 40 ml)
  • Food coloring (optional)
  • Baking soda (at least 180 g)

Corn starch based variant

  • 60 g of corn starch
  • 80 ml of dish soap
  • 1 tablespoon of water

Toothpaste-based variant

  • 2 tablespoons of dish soap (about 30 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of toothpaste
  • ½ teaspoon of salt
  • Food coloring (optional)


Method 1 of 3: Make the Slime with Dishwashing Liquid, Glue and Baking Soda

Step 1. Mix vinyl glue, dish soap and water in a bowl

Use 120ml of vinyl glue, 1 tablespoon of dish soap and 2-3 tablespoons of water. Use a medium-sized bowl so that you have enough room to work the slime once it begins to expand. Mix everything until you get a frothy mixture.

When making slime with a child, give him a bowl of his own so he can have fun making the modeling clay himself

Make Dish Soap Slime Step 2
Make Dish Soap Slime Step 2

Step 2. Add 4-5 drops of your favorite food coloring to the bowl

Add more drops to intensify the color, or use less to make it lighter. Mix primary colors to teach children how different shades are born.

  • For example, mix yellow and blue to get green.
  • You can use a gel or liquid food coloring.

Step 3. Add 180g of baking soda

Measure the baking soda and mix it with the soap and glue using a long-handled spoon. For now, avoid using your hands! Blend the mixture until there is no visible lump of baking soda left.

The mixture will be quite sticky at first, as a result it will stick to the skin and end up under the nails if you use your hands

Step 4. Continue adding baking soda until the slime stops being sticky to the touch

Combine 45 g of baking soda at a time, until you get a smooth and elastic paste. Test its consistency by pressing it with your fingers: if it sticks to the skin, keep adding baking soda.

If you accidentally use too much baking soda, add ½ tablespoon or 1 tablespoon of dish soap so the pasta can regain its elasticity

Make Dish Soap Slime Step 5
Make Dish Soap Slime Step 5

Step 5. Store the slime in an airtight container for 3 to 4 days

After you've finished playing with it, place it in a plastic container with a lid. Play with it for a couple of days and throw it away once it has lost its original compactness.

This is a great recipe for babies who have sensitive skin, not to mention it smells good on their hands too

Method 2 of 3: Make the Slime with Corn Starch and Dishwashing Liquid

Step 1. Mix cornstarch, dish soap and some water

Use 60 g of cornstarch, 80 ml of dish soap and 1 tablespoon of water. At first, mix the ingredients with a spoon. However, once the starch and detergent are almost completely incorporated, you can very well start using your hands.

The combination of soap and water will help create a light lather, resulting in a fluffy slime

Step 2. Add glitter or other small objects to enrich the sensory experience of the toy

Use 1 tablespoon of glitter to make it shimmer. Instead, add a handful of rice or dried pulses to create a pleasant sensory experience for the kids.

Even beads, figurines or foam cubes can be added to the slime to make it more original and enjoyable to use. If a child is going to play with it, just make sure it is big enough to prevent it from swallowing smaller items

Step 3. Use more starch to remedy too sticky slime or more water to remedy excessively crumbly slime

It may be necessary to slightly modify the proportions of the recipe according to the humidity of the air in the place where you live: if the slime is sticky, fix it by adding another tablespoon of starch; if it crumbles, fix it by adding 1 tablespoon of water.

Of course, if you prefer a sticky slime, simply add more water until you get the desired result

Step 4. Store the slime in an airtight container for 2 to 3 weeks

Once you stop playing with it, put it in a plastic container with a lid. When you feel like using it again, just knead it with your hands a few times in order to soften the hardest parts and start playing again!

Once the slime has dried, throw it away and prepare it again

Method 3 of 3: Make the Slime with Toothpaste and Dishwashing Liquid

Step 1. Mix dish soap and toothpaste until the toothpaste is completely dissolved

Use 2 tablespoons of detergent and 2 tablespoons of toothpaste. Stir them with a spoon for 1 to 2 minutes or until the toothpaste has completely dissolved in the detergent.

Do not use your hands at this stage, otherwise the mixture will stick to the skin and be difficult to remove

Step 2. Add a pinch of salt to the mixture and mix for 1 minute

Use about 1/2 teaspoon of table salt. Mix it with the detergent and toothpaste mixture for at least 1 minute so it can start reacting with the other ingredients.

The salt ions will thicken the mixture and make it compact, creating the characteristic consistency of the slime

Step 3. Add 1 or 2 drops of food coloring if you want to dye the slime

You could also divide it into several parts and dye them in different colors for an original effect. Add more drops of dye to darken it, or mix primary colors to get more.

Glitter also helps to make the slime prettier

Step 4. Chill the mixture in the fridge for an hour

After adding the salt, put the bowl in the fridge and set the timer for an hour. You don't need to cover the slime, but you can do it if you want.

Keeping the slime in the fridge helps make the mixture more compact. If you were to skip this step, it won't acquire the right consistency

Step 5. Knead the slime with your hands once more and use it to play

Remove it from the refrigerator and remove it from the edges of the bowl with the help of your fingers. Knead it and then remove it from the bowl.

Try to keep it away from clothing, furniture, and carpets. Having a less compact structure than other types of slime, it tends to stain and stick to other objects more easily

Make Dish Soap Slime Step 9
Make Dish Soap Slime Step 9

Step 6. Store the slime in an airtight container for a couple of days

Use an airtight plastic container to store the slime. Play with it for a few days, but throw it away once it has lost its original texture.

You could always try adding the old slime to a new one to see if you can get it back


  • Use glitter glue to make shimmery slime.
  • Don't despair if it gets on your clothes or furniture! There are many ways to get rid of slime stains.
