If you find yourself having something to smoke but don't have a pipe to use, try making your own using an apple. Such a pipe can be built in minutes, and it works like a pleasure - just be sure to throw it away when the apple starts to turn soft. Here you will find two different methods of building one.
Method 1 of 2: Making a Pipe from an Apple Using a Pen

Step 1. Get an apple and a pen
This type of pipe is considered the "purest" one, as all you will need is an apple and a long, thin object, such as a pen, sharp enough to make a hole in the apple.
- Make sure you use a fresh apple. A soft apple may crack while you try to puncture it.
- The ideal would be to use a ballpoint pen with an unscrewable tip, so that the cartridge can be removed. If not, you could smear the whole apple with ink. Once you have removed the ink cartridge, screw the tip back on.
- Don't use a pencil. It is likely to break inside the apple while you are piercing it.
Step 2. Remove the stem from the apple
You can use your fingers to twist or tear it, otherwise you can carve a slit around it to remove it. Be sure to remove the entire stem; if it breaks, dig into the hole with your fingers and remove it from the base.
Step 3. Make a hole in the top of the apple
Place the tip of the pen over the place where the stalk used to be and insert the pen into the apple at a slight angle. Press it into the apple until you make a hole about halfway deep in the apple.
- If you have a hard time getting the pen into the apple, you could make the job easier by twisting the pen as you push it.
- After digging the initial hole with the tip of the pen you can take out the pen, unscrew the tip, and use the blunt pen to dig the apple. A piece of apple will fit inside the empty pen. When you've finished making the hole, take out the pen and remove the piece of apple inside.
Step 4. Dig a second hole near the bottom of the apple
You should start at a distance of just over 1 centimeter from the hole in the base of the apple. Insert the pen and dig a hole that joins with the first one you dug.
Step 5. Make a third hole on the side of the apple
Insert the pen into the apple, at a distance of 2.5 cm or so from the top hole. Push the pen into the apple until the third hole joins the system you created with the other holes. This hole will serve as a valve (or clutch), so it will need to be positioned so that it is easy to cover it with your finger as you light your pipe.
Step 6. Create the stove
Use the pen or other object to carve a hollow on the top of the apple, where you dug the first hole. Make the cavity large enough to hold the material you want to smoke.
Step 7. Use your pipe
Fill the stove with the smoking material. Hold the apple in one hand and keep a finger on the clutch, which is the small hole you made on the side of the apple. Use your other hand to ignite the material in the stove, and suck with your mouth through the hole near the bottom of the apple.
Method 2 of 2: Make a Pipe with a Hollowed Apple

Step 1. Get an apple, a knife, a spoon and a pencil
For this method you will need a few more items, but the pipe will be easy to create and the result will be more refined.
Step 2. Cut off the top of the apple
Place the knife about 2.5 cm below the stem and cut off the top of the apple. Extract the stalk from the cut side.
- Do not cut too close to the stem. The top of the apple will become the stove, and it will need to be tough.
- You may need to move and twist the stem to be able to remove it. Try not to damage the top of the apple.
Step 3. Excavate the combustion chamber
Use a spoon to dig a circular chamber into the base of the apple. Run the spoon over the pulp near the edge of the apple, creating a circle about 0.8 cm from the edge. Stick the spoon into the apple to remove the pulp inside the circle, digging to just under 1cm from the base of the apple.
- Don't get too close to the edge or bottom of the apple while digging with the spoon. The pipe won't be very strong if you don't leave enough pulp to support the structure.
- Use a knife to help you extract the pulp in the center of the circle if you find it difficult to remove it with the spoon. Make a few incisions with the knife, then dig around the incisions with the spoon.
Step 4. Obtain the clutch and mouthpiece
Hold the base of the apple in your hand. Use the pencil carefully to make a hole about 2.5 cm below the edge of the apple. This hole will be the clutch. Dig a second hole a few inches to the side of the clutch to get the mouthpiece.
Step 5. Use your pipe
Put the lid back on the apple. Fill the hole in the top of the lid (where the stem was) with the material you want to smoke. Hold the apple in your hand and cover the clutch with your finger, while resting your mouth on the mouthpiece. Use your other hand to light the pipe as you inhale.
- Use the freshest apple you can find.
- Throw away the apple as soon as it starts to get soft.