Plastered walls tend to crack and crack if you try to drive a nail directly into the wall. Adhesive portrait hooks are your best bet for preventing damage while hanging something, but even making a small hole prevents cracks and splinters from forming. The best option often depends on the weight of the portrait in question.
Method 1 of 2: Light Portraits

Step 1. Weigh the portrait
For this option, a portrait is considered light if it weighs 2.25kg or less.
Also consider room humidity standards when choosing your method. If the room and walls are very humid, this method will not work well, as the humidity will cause the adhesive to lose strength quickly

Step 2. Clean and dry the wall
Before sticking the adhesive on the plaster, you will need to clean the surface of the wall to remove residue and dirt. Thoroughly dry the plaster when you're done.
- Glue stickers will not hold if the surface is rough, dirty or wet.
- Drying the wall thoroughly is important for the safety of the adhesive, but the plaster is very porous, so problems such as mold can occur if it continues to be damp. For this reason, drying the wall after cleaning it is doubly important.
There are several ways to clean plaster, but the simplest is the use of warm water and mild dish soap.
- Wet a non-abrasive washcloth in hot water, then spread a soap bead on top. Squeeze the washcloth to form some foam.
- Clean the wall area with the washcloth and soap. Rub gently, in a circular motion.
- Rinse the washcloth in hot water, then use it to wipe away any soap left on the wall.
- Use a dry, non-abrasive wipe to remove moisture from the wall, again in a circular motion. Be as accurate as possible.
Hang Pictures on Plaster Walls Step 3 Step 3. Choose an adhesive hook
A simple portrait hook may be fine for light portraits, but the hooks come in different shapes and sizes. When choosing one, read the packaging to see if the hook is strong enough to hold the weight of the portrait.
- Remember the size of the hook or wire on the back of the portrait. The hook you choose should be thick enough to fit into the hook or wire.
- Extremely light portraits can be hung with just a piece of double-sided tape. Medium light portraits can stand up only with a sticker, without the support of a hook. But if you want to choose the safest method, the best choice remains the hook for most situations.
Hang Pictures on Plaster Walls Step 4 Step 4. Attach the adhesive hook to the wall
One side should be marked "hook side", another with "wall side", "portrait side", or something similar. Attach the wall side of the sticker to the wall, then press the hook on the appropriate side of the sticker.
- Install the hanger on the wall in the location where the hanger or portrait wire will go.
- If the hook is too thick to fit into the back of the portrait, try installing two hooks on the wall, thereby resting the portrait on the second hook. The two hooks can also be placed horizontally, and the space between them be slightly less than the width of the portrait background.
Hang Pictures on Plaster Walls Step 5 Step 5. Hang the portrait
Once the hook is in place, all you need to do is attach the hook on the back to the installed hook.
- If you use two hooks, you will use them as a support, placing the bottom of the picture on them.
- This operation closes the process.
Method 2 of 2: Medium and Heavy Portraits
Hang Pictures on Plaster Walls Step 6 Step 1. Choose where to hang the picture
If you are hanging a very heavy portrait, you need to drive a nail into the wall and hang the painting on it. For most medium-weight paintings, you will be able to use almost any space available.
- Once you figure out where to hang the portrait, use a tape to determine where the vine should go. Measure where the picture hook is, then put the same measurements on the wall.
- Once you have determined where the screw goes, lightly mark the spot with a pencil X.
Hang Pictures on Plaster Walls Step 7 Step 2. Put painter's tape on the mark
Tear off a small piece of painter's tape and make a hole in the middle with the tip of the pencil. Put the tape so that the hole falls on the X drawn on the wall.
The tape will give you extra guidance when you need to drill the hole in the wall
Hang Pictures on Plaster Walls Step 8 Step 3. Put another piece of tape under the hole
Tear off a longer piece of tape and fold it in half along the length, with the non-adhesive side folded inside. Attach half of the tape to the wall, just below the X.
- The other half of the tape should be perfectly perpendicular to the wall. The adhesive on your craft shelf will catch the dust and debris you produce when you drill the hole in the wall, making cleaning easier later on. Simply put, this step isn't critical, but it can help you.
- This "shelf" of duct tape should be approximately 10cm long and positioned approximately 5cm below the hole.
Hang Pictures on Plaster Walls Step 9 Step 4. Make a hole in the plaster very carefully
Check the instructions on the back of the package of screws and pins to find out how big the drill bit should be to use. Use a power drill to drill a hole on the drawn X.
- For medium pins, you will need to use a 0.2 cm gauge drill bit.
- The tip will need to be slightly smaller than the pin to use. Of course, it is always best to follow the advice on the package of pins when choosing the tip.
- The tip will stop spinning when it touches the bottom of the wall. If it starts spinning slower, you may have hit a layer of wood under the plaster. You can puncture it without causing damage, but you should stop once you notice the layer.
- Try to drill cleanly and in the right direction. The size of the hole must be that of the tip and not larger.
Hang Pictures on Plaster Walls Step 10 Step 5. Plant a stud in the wall
Place the pin in the hole in the wall. Screw it inside using the right force not to bend it and not to crack the wall.
- Remove the tape covering the hole before driving the pin inside.
- If the hole is not large enough, a plastic pin is likely to bend. If the pin bends, pull it out and enlarge the hole. The pin should fit snugly inside the wall.
- Remember that the stud must also be level with the wall.
- The wall stud consists of a sheath that expands when a screw is inserted into it. In this way the screw remains firmly attached to the wall and the load on the plaster is minimized.
- Plastic pins are the most common and suitable for these projects. There are also fiber, wood and metal posts, so you have a wide range of options to choose from.
Hang Pictures on Plaster Walls Step 11 Step 6. Insert the screw into the pin
Place the screw in the pin hole and use a screwdriver to insert it. Don't level your head against the wall though. Instead, let a small part of the vine stay out.
- Since using a screwdriver involves a lot of force, you can also use the same drill. Make sure you use the right size tip and work calmly to prevent the screw from going too deeply into the wall.
- The screw should come out of the wall by about 1.25 cm.
Hang Pictures on Plaster Walls Step 12 Step 7. Clean the area
Carefully fold the ribbon to collect the dust, then pull it off. Eliminate any residual dust from the floor and wall.
- Most of the dust and debris must be on the belt. Fold the tape inward, sealing the dust inside the sticker. If you work carefully, you can avoid dropping debris everywhere.
- With a dry cloth remove the dust from the wall and with a broom or vacuum cleaner the dust from the floor.
Hang Pictures on Plaster Walls Step 13 Step 8. Hang the picture
The screw must be able to support it. Place the hook or portrait wire on the part of the screw that comes out of the wall.