With the right tools, you can make a custom engraving on a leather bracelet yourself. Use embossing molds to create simple patterns, or make more elaborate stencils or freehand drawings.
Method 1 of 2: Printed Patterns

Step 1. Choose a reason
For this technique, you will need to use embossing molds, so you will need to think of a possible pattern to create with the molds you have.
- You should find the molds at home improvement stores or haberdasheries.
- This technique works best if you decide to engrave letters on a leather bracelet, also because letter molds are the easiest to find. You can use these molds to write names, motivational phrases, short quotes or sayings.
- You can also opt for a decoration that includes numbers, simple shapes or images. But remember that simplicity is essential in this case. If you want to make more elaborate motifs, you will need to use the freehand technique.
- Before purchasing the molds, make sure they are no wider than the cuff you plan to use. Also remember that you can find plain leather bracelets without designs at home improvement stores or haberdashery shops.

Step 2. Decide on the location of the decoration
Determine how much distance you want to keep between designs before you even start engraving.
- Spread the leather bracelet on your work surface. Line up the molds side by side on the cuff. Move the molds to position them evenly along the entire cuff.
- If the decoration you have chosen is too large, you may need to look for smaller molds or another motif to engrave.
- It may be a good idea to chalk the sides of each mold on the bracelet. This mark will then be removed once the engraving is complete.

Step 3. Wipe your skin with a damp sponge
Wipe a damp sponge on both sides of the bracelet. The skin should be moist but not too waterlogged.
- Soak the sponge completely by putting it under running water, then squeeze it to remove excess water. What remains should be enough to moisten the bracelet.
- The moisture softens the leather, which makes it easier to engrave.
- Too much moisture, however, could cause the skin to crack when dry.

Step 4. Place the first mold
Put the bracelet on a hard surface and lay the first mold in its precise position.
- Make sure the "right" side of the bracelet is facing up. The incisions made with the molds are not deep enough to pierce the bracelet and show itself on the other side.
- You must use a rigid countertop. If you use a soft surface, the pressure applied by the mold will not be enough to engrave the leather.
- If you've chalked the position of the mold, make sure the edges match up perfectly when you put it in place.

Step 5. Hit the mold with the hammer
Hold the mold steady using your non-dominant hand and strike it using the hammer in your dominant hand.
- Hit the mold one to three times using some force.
- When you hit the mold more than once, be sure to always hold it firmly in the same position, otherwise the end result could be warped and inaccurate.
- Once you have lifted the mold, you should be able to see the incision in the leather already.

Step 6. Repeat the operation with the other molds
Place the other molds in the right position and hit them with the hammer. Work on one mold at a time.
- Follow the arrangement of the decoration you prepared and make sure that the various molds are spaced correctly. If you made marks with chalk, make sure the edge of each mold matches perfectly with your mark before making the incision.
- Do things calmly. Haste only increases the risk of making mistakes.

Step 7. Let the bracelet dry
Set the cuff aside and let it dry. Once the skin is completely dry, the incisions should have settled and the bracelet is ready to wear.
- Use the moistened sponge to clean the bracelet of chalk marks before the leather dries.
- If you want to further decorate the leather with colors or embellishments, you can do this after making the engravings.
Method 2 of 2: Freehand Patterns

Step 1. Trace the shape of the bracelet on a piece of paper
Place the leather bracelet on a sheet of tracing paper and trace the outline.
- Once you've traced the outline, lift the bracelet.
- Do not cut out the paper after drawing the outline. It needs to stay a little larger than the drawing to be easier to handle.

Step 2. Create the design
Trace the pattern you want inside the outline you made. You can use a pencil or a pen.
- Draw freehand or use stencils to create intricate patterns.
- This method is particularly suitable for more complex motifs, while for simpler ones it is easier to use the stamping technique.

Step 3. Wet the leather bracelet
Use a damp sponge to wet the side of the skin to be engraved.
- Soak the sponge completely by putting it under running water, then squeeze it to remove excess water. Pass the sponge over the skin to moisten it.
- Moisture reduces the resistance of the leather and makes it easier to engrave. Too much moisture, however, could cause the skin to crack when dry.

Step 4. Secure the tracing paper to the skin using masking tape
Place the tracing paper on the leather bracelet. Secure it to the bracelet itself or to the work surface using tape so it doesn't move.
- Make sure the traced outline on the tracing paper lines up perfectly with the edges of the bracelet.
- The worked side of the bracelet must face up.
- Remember that you have to work on a hard and not soft plane.

Step 5. Trace the design onto the skin
Use a stylus or pointed modeling tool to trace the design you made onto the tracing paper.
- Apply enough pressure to sink the stylus into the skin. There is no need to puncture the tracing paper while tracing the design.
- If there are a lot of straight lines, you can use a ruler or something similar with straight edges to be more precise.

Step 6. Engrave the design deeper
Remove the tracing paper and go over the edges, making them more visible.
- If the pattern has only simple outlines, you can use the same stylus or tool you used earlier to make deeper incisions.
- For more complex reasons, you can use a revolving knife to actually cut the leather.

Step 7. Smooth out the incisions
Trace the incisions made with the revolving knife using a spoon-tipped spatula.
The idea is to smooth the corners and lines of each engraving, making them smoother and more orderly

Step 8. Trace the darkened lines with ink
Turn the leather bracelet inside out so that the wrong side is facing each other. Trace the raised lines of the pattern using a liquid ink pen to make them more visible.
If the outlines of your pattern are not visible on the back of the bracelet, you will need to go over the front side again using the spoon-tipped spatula

Step 9. Press inward on the skin
Use a spatula with a ball tip to press the parts of the decoration that should be raised on the front.
Make sure you do not go outside the outlines drawn with the pen when you do this

Step 10. Smear some leather glue on the raised areas
Turn the bracelet over again so that you can work on the right side. Use a small brush to spread the leather glue on all the raised parts of the decoration.
- The glue helps to "plug" the granules of the skin, creating a smoother surface.
- Let the skin dry before continuing.

Step 11. Wet the skin again
Use a damp sponge to wet the right side of the skin.
As previously done, the skin should be moist but not too waterlogged

Step 12. Round off the lines of the cuts
Use a spoon-tipped modeling tool to round out all the lines of the decoration.
Draw the lines exactly as you did to smooth the corners earlier. This latter smoothing process will give the decoration a smoother and more tidy look

Step 13. Let it dry
Let the bracelet air dry completely. Once dry, the incision will be completed and should be ready to wear.