The chain stitch is universal and is one of the oldest sewing stitches. It is the one most commonly used in sewing. Many beautiful jobs have been done entirely with the chain stitch and it is the most suitable to use when a uniform line is needed. It is equally useful for making a border or a fill and its adaptability, given by the chain shape, makes it particularly suitable for following curved or spiral lines.

Step 1. Follow the illustrations provided with this article for reference

Step 2. Pass the needle across the top of the drawn line

Step 3. Hold the working thread to the left with your thumb

Step 4. Insert the needle where the thread just passed and bring it 1.5mm forward on the drawn line

Step 5. Pull the thread through the part of the thread that is held with your thumb
It should show clean stitching on the wrong side.
- The chain can be made more loosely by inserting the needle to the right, rather than where the thread came out.
- The chain can also be used for crochet loom work. The result is similar, although the working technique is quite different because you do not work with a needle but with crochet. This makes it run faster, but the more mechanical aspect, so it's not highly recommended.