Welding is a fun, rewarding, and very useful hobby that can also bring you new job opportunities. This article will get you started by explaining the basics of the welding arc and giving you suggestions for further improvement.

Step 1. Whether you are young or even old, in Italy most of the training institutions offer welding courses that you can attend
These lessons are very cheap if not free, as they are subsidized by EU funds.

Step 2. Go to training centers and schools and ask for a timetable that lists all the different courses they offer

Step 3. Take a walk around the school and check the welding equipment to see if you are interested

Step 4. Find out when the daily welding class ends by talking to the trainer who teaches it
Usually, they are more than willing to answer questions and give you a basic description of the lessons and what you can do after completing them.

Step 5. Learn by yourself
If you have access to a soldering iron and metals, try to learn welding on your own.

Step 6. Buy, borrow or hire a welder
For simplicity, we will look at a standard AC arc welder using welding electrodes.

Step 7. Obtain welding rods called electrodes
They are sold according to their intended use, and are usually identified by a coded number. A 6011 bar is a mild steel electrode, designed to use alternating current (AC) or positive electrode direct current (DCEP). It is an excellent choice for the basic learning of welding on steel.

Step 8. Find some mild steel to practice with
It should be clean, unpainted, ungalvanized, and thick enough that it won't burn easily when soldering. A good piece of steel to start with is a flat piece measuring 15x15x1cm, but any flat or corner plate scrap will do.

Step 9. Place your piece of steel on a clean, dry, flat surface that is heat resistant and non-flammable
The ideal would be a welding table if available. If you end up working on the ground, clear the field of any nearby flammable objects.

Step 10. Connect the ground terminal
This is usually a non-insulated copper clamp that is part of the soldering iron. Make sure it has good contact, squeezes the metal firmly and is away from the welding process.

Step 11. Put on your welding gloves
You will practice without the soldering iron on, but getting used to the feel of the stinger with gloves will make the transition easier once the soldering iron is on.

Step 12. Insert the "clean" end (without the coating dust) of your electrode into the electrode holder
The stinger is a high amperage insulated clamp with a handle that you will hold in your hand while soldering. It should have grooves to hold the electrode in position 180, 90 or 45 degrees to the handle.

Step 13. Practice "hitting" the electrode against the workpiece
The end of the electrode will have to hit the metal and go back about 3 mm, after which the arc will ignite or start. When practicing with the soldering iron off, you will have to "feel" the metal and check the tip to understand how much to pull it back after contact with the metal. To support the "arc flame" you will have to keep very close to the metal at the end of the electrode without touching it, which will require some practice.

Step 14. Set the temperature range (or amperage) of the soldering iron to about 80 A (amperes)

Step 15. Put on your safety goggles and welding hood (or helmet, as it's sometimes called), with the dark lens turned upside down to allow you to see
Some hoods do not have a zipper, so you will have to take the entire helmet off. Most helmets are also hinged to the headband to allow you to hold the helmet in place while replacing the electrode or working on metal.

Step 16. Turn on the soldering iron
The electrode is now charged with 80 A of electricity at approximately 28 volts and is very dangerous. Do not touch the uninsulated parts of the stinger while the soldering iron is active. You can install a new electrode with a dry gloved hand by holding it where it is coated with a continuous flux.

Step 17. Lower the dark lens or full helmet before lighting the electrode against the metal for practice
You will see a flash when the arc has formed, and most likely you will tend to snap back - it's a natural reaction that you will soon be able to handle. You may need to practice hitting your bow and moving the rod backward rapidly several times before you are actually able to sustain a stable arc flame. This is the first step in starting welding.

Step 18. Move the electrode along the surface of the metal slowly, checking the pool of molten metal under the arc flame
You will get a more consistent weld bead if you twist or move the electrode back and forth as you move the electrode along the path of the weld. Usually, the finished weld is about the same width as two electrode diameters. If the electrode used for welding was 3 mm in diameter without flux, the finished weld should be about twice as wide, i.e. 6 mm.

Step 19. Create the weld bead a couple of inches along the metal, then pull the electrode back to break the arc

Step 20. When you raise the shield to look at the weld and evaluate it, you must wear your safety glasses
This is the typical time when people get a hot splinter in the eye if they don't wear glasses under the shield. Looking at the weld seam, is it straight? Is it uniform in width? Is the thickness uniform?

Step 21. Use a scraper (or other similar tool) to peel the slag (oxidized metal and molten flux) from the bead to see the new metal deposited by the weld rod
Safety glasses are essential when scraping slag, and it's best to cool the metal - or wait for it to cool - before doing so. On your work piece you need to get a weld bead (the path of the new weld metal) with a smooth, flat surface. If there are bumps or places where little metal is deposited, it probably means that you have transferred it at an irregular speed.

Step 22. Continue practicing on pieces of scrap metal, using the same electrodes and the same amperage setting, until you have an even bead

Step 23. Try joining two pieces of metal with solder
You must "prepare" the surfaces to be joined by filing a corner on each side to form a "V" where they meet and pin them together to hold them in place as you weld.

Step 24. Experiment with other electrodes and amperages to see the different effects they get
Thicker metal requires more amperage and larger diameter electrodes, while thinner metal requires lower amperage and smaller diameter electrodes. Special electrodes are available for welding certain steel alloys, for cast iron, ductile iron and aluminum. You can find electrodes at your local hardware or welding shop.
Step 25. Examine other welding processes, such as flux-cored metal inert gas (MIG) or tungsten inert gas (tig) and oxyacetylene
Learn Welding As a Hobby Step 25Bullet1 -
Learn Welding As a Hobby Step 25Bullet2
- If you know someone who welds, getting them to teach you the fundamentals will provide you with a great boost.
- All colleges require you to graduate from high school or the GED (general education diploma). Although most American universities offer free preparation and training to pass the GED, the exam itself must be paid for. It's pretty cheap - ask a school representative how to get more information.
- Don't be afraid to try. Face it knowing that if you want something with conviction, you can get it.
- Any item of clothing made of polyester, nylon, vinyl or flannel must not be worn during welding.
- Sneakers should not be worn during welding. Mostly they contain vinyl, nylon or polyester. Think what it would be like to have to rip molten plastic off you.
- Welding takes place at over 900 ° C. Any flammable material in contact with the weld casting ignites.
- Be aware of what is happening around you at any time during welding.
- Keep a fire extinguisher handy while welding. Sparks can ignite clothing or flammable materials placed nearby.
- The electric current required for welding is dangerous. Do not touch uninsulated conductors or parts you work with while the soldering iron is on.
- The glow of the arc is bright enough to burn the retina of your eyes, even through the eyelids: never look directly at the arc with unprotected eyes. Make sure you wear specific and sufficiently colored safety goggles for the welding process. Sunglasses won't work! If you are soldering at home, be aware of family members and pets that may be witnessing the operation.
- Welding can produce noxious fumes. Weld in a well-ventilated area.
- Do not wear loose clothing such as low pants or clothes that may be stained with oil or other flammable materials.
- If you have long hair, try tying it back or wearing a welder's cap.
- Wear a respirator when welding. This will save your lungs, especially when you settle on metal that gives off toxic fumes, such as aluminum or galvanized metals.