3 Ways to Treat a Cut Caused by Dry Skin

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3 Ways to Treat a Cut Caused by Dry Skin
3 Ways to Treat a Cut Caused by Dry Skin

Many people have cuts on their hands caused by dry, cracked skin, especially in winter. These lesions are very painful and sensitive to touch. The petroleum jelly and liquid patch allow cuts to heal, while keeping your hands well moisturized with a cream prevents further damage.


Method 1 of 3: Vaseline

Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 1
Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 1

Step 1. Disinfect the cut

Wash it with warm soapy water and pat your skin dry, without rubbing. Make sure there is nothing around the wound that can continue to irritate the skin.

Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 2
Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 2

Step 2. Apply petroleum jelly

Spread it on the cut with a cotton swab, but do not dip it in the product more than once, so as not to contaminate the one left in the container.

Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 3
Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 3

Step 3. Cover the wound

Once the petroleum jelly is applied, put on a bandage. If the cut is on the fingers, you can simply slip a finger cover over the affected area. Make sure the dressing is on dry skin to keep it in place. If you put it on the area covered with petroleum jelly, it will likely come off.

Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 4
Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 4

Step 4. Change the dressing regularly

If the cut is on the hand, the patch will likely come off after repeated washing, while it will come off from other parts of the body after a bath or shower. When this happens, change the dressing. If the patch does not come off, cover it with petroleum jelly and change it every morning, checking the healing process of the cut.

Method 2 of 3: Liquid Patch

Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 5
Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 5

Step 1. Buy the liquid patch at the pharmacy

This product works by sealing the cut, trapping moisture inside and blocking germs outside. It can stay on the skin for up to a week without losing its effectiveness. It is a great solution to heal cuts on children's hands, because there is no need to add a traditional patch (although children often like to have patches on their skin, it may be difficult to keep them attached, ensuring hygiene and protection. of the wound).

Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 6
Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 6

Step 2. Disinfect the cut

Clean the skin with soap, warm water and pat dry. It is very important to dry your hands thoroughly after washing them, especially when you have dry skin or need to be out in the cold all day.

Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 7
Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 7

Step 3. Apply the liquid patch

Acts like a glue by filling and sealing the cut. It is most effective for small and superficial wounds. It is not necessary to cover it with a traditional plaster, but avoid teasing it.

Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 8
Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 8

Step 4. Wait until the product falls by itself

Generally, it detaches spontaneously 5-10 days after application. At this point, the cut should be healed.

Method 3 of 3: Preventing Dryness

Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 9
Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 9

Step 1. Use your moisturizer constantly

This product is available in many formulations and some are able to regenerate very dry skin, while others are lighter and designed to maintain the normal moisture already present on the epidermis. Choose the most suitable lotion for the care of your hands. Do some research to find the best one for your needs by going to the pharmacy and trying some samples. Try to apply the cream before you really need it. Put it on in the morning, after a shower, and reapply it throughout the day. If you have very dry skin, sprinkle it with lotion and then put on gloves before going to bed (this may sound strange, but it is an effective way to moisturize very dry skin).

Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 10
Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 10

Step 2. Don't use hand sanitizer too often

Alcohol dehydrates the skin even more and causes a burning sensation at the cuts. During the cold months, the best thing to do is wash your hands with a glycerin-based soap.

Also, as counterintuitive as it may seem, the sanitizer eliminates germs from your hands, creating an environment conducive to the aggression of even stronger germs

Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 11
Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 11

Step 3. Wash and dry your hands very well

Washing them often causes more dryness because it eliminates the sebum present; however, it is important that they are always clean. To sanitize them, choose a glycerin soap that is not antibacterial, because it helps the skin to maintain proper hydration.

Make sure your hands are dry when you switch from warm to cold environments during the winter - this means waiting 5-10 minutes before going outside and after washing your hands. Humidity and sudden changes in temperature can cause your hands to lose moisture and damage them even when you are wearing gloves

Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 12
Heal a Cut Due to Dry Skin Step 12

Step 4. Put on the gloves

If you have to keep your hands in the water for a long time (for washing dishes, cleaning, and so on), wear rubber gloves. Protect them when you need to do manual work. If you have to chop wood, do maintenance work on the car, lift and carry objects outdoors, always wear gloves; in this way, you minimize the damage.
