Warts are benign skin lesions - in other words they are not linked to any risk of tumor transformation - that can form anywhere on the body, although the most common areas are the face, hands, feet and genitals. They are caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) which infects the surface layer of the dermis through small cuts or abrasions. Warts are contagious and can spread through direct contact, particularly to people with weak immune systems. It can be difficult to get rid of this annoying ailment, but there are various home remedies for you to try. However, see your doctor if the wart does not go away, interferes with your daily life, causes you pain, or you notice changes in its appearance.
Part 1 of 3: Treating Warts in the Home

Step 1. Exfoliate the wart with the pumice stone
One of the simplest and least expensive things to do to get rid of warts is to use pumice stone. It is composed of a naturally abrasive material, able to scrape and smooth this kind of growths, especially those located on the soles of the feet (plantar warts) which tend to form a thick and callused surface layer.
- Pumice stone is an inexpensive remedy that allows you to get rid of warts formed on the surface layer of the dermis. However, keep in mind that these lesions have rather deep subcutaneous "roots". Therefore, if you just exfoliate them with this method, you will eliminate most of them, but you will have to apply another substance to destroy the root and prevent it from regrowing.
- Before exfoliating, soak the surrounding skin in warm water for about 15 minutes to soften it. This is a very important step in the case of plantar warts because they are covered with a thick callous layer.
- Be very careful when using the pumice stone in the genital areas, as the tissues that make up the shaft of the penis and the vaginal lips are very sensitive and thin. In this case, it is better to rely on a nail file.
- For people with diabetes or peripheral neuropathy the use of pumice stone on the hands and feet is not recommended because, having a reduced tactile sensitivity, they risk damaging the surrounding tissues.

Step 2. Apply some salicylic acid directly to the wart to get rid of it
Another technique that allows you to eliminate the fleshy part of the warts that are on the surface of the skin (and the callosity of the plantar warts) is to apply on them a preparation based on salicylic acid available in all pharmacies. It is a keratolytic, that is a product capable of dissolving the keratin (a protein) present on the horny layer of the wart and any calluses that cover it. It will take several weeks to get rid of the injuries with this method, so you need to arm yourself with patience.
- Keratolytics are capable of destroying and / or irritating even healthy skin, so you need to be very careful when applying liquid products, gels, ointments, or even patches. Before putting on salicylic acid (maximum twice a day), soak the affected area to soften the hardest part and wipe with the pumice stone or a nail file so that the drug penetrates the root of the wart better.
- Salicylic acid products sometimes contain dichloroacetic (or trichloroacetic) acid, which burns the visible part of the wart. However, be careful not to apply them to healthy skin.
- For most warts, you can purchase and use a 17% salicylic acid solution or a patch with a 40% concentration of the same acid.
- Warts are not medically relevant and need no treatment, especially if they don't hurt. Sometimes, in fact, they disappear spontaneously.

Step 3. Try cryotherapy to freeze the wart and remove it
Cryotherapy means "cold therapy". It is a very effective treatment which consists in the localized use of cold and which is widely used for the resolution of some pathologies and aesthetic problems, therefore also in the case of warts. However, you can find some liquid nitrogen-based products (in liquid or spray form) at the pharmacy to be used as self-medication. Initially, liquid nitrogen blisters around the wart, but after about a week they both fall off.
- Typically, several applications are needed to prevent recurrence.
- Cryotherapy seems painful, but typically produces only mild discomfort.
- Liquid nitrogen can leave light scars on fair skin and can cause discoloration on dark-skinned people, so proceed with caution when applying it to warts.
- Applying ice is a form of cryotherapy used for muscle tears and contractures, but don't try to use it on warts! It is not an effective method, indeed you risk only getting cold burns.

Step 4. Cover the wart with a piece of duct tape
There are several anecdotal testimonies (and some research) which show that a regular application of duct tape on normal and plantar warts allows to effectively treat the problem, although it still remains a mystery why this method works. Therefore, cover the lesion with a piece of aluminum tape, then remove it and repeat the operation after a few days. As it is an inexpensive, easy to apply and zero risk method, it is definitely worth a try.
Part 2 of 3: Using Herbal Remedies

Step 1. Treat the wart with garlic extract 2-3 times a day
Garlic is an ancient home remedy used to combat numerous ailments, although its strong antimicrobial properties were eventually found to be due to the chemical it contains, allicin, which is capable of killing several microorganisms, including HPV. Take a fresh clove or buy garlic extract and use it on the wart a couple of times a day, for 1-2 weeks. Once applied, cover it with a patch for a few hours until the next application. Do the treatment in the evening before going to sleep, so that allicin has time to penetrate deep into the lesion and reach the root of the wart.
- In a 2005 study, garlic extract was found to be able to completely heal warts after a few weeks of treatment and that no recurrence was found even after 4 months.
- An alternative, although less effective, is to take refined garlic capsules orally, which attack HPV starting from the circulatory system.

Step 2. Use Thuja essential oil
Thuja oil contains substances capable of stimulating certain cells of the immune system that act on viruses or on virus-infected cells, so it can be useful for eradicating HPV and eliminating warts. Apply it directly to the lesions, let it absorb for a few minutes and finally cover the wart with a plaster. Repeat the treatment twice a day, for a maximum of a couple of weeks.
- Thuja oil is made from the leaves and roots of the western red cedar. Thanks to its powerful antiviral properties, it is an ancient Ayurvedic remedy used to treat many diseases and ailments.
- Keep in mind that it is generally quite strong and can easily irritate sensitive skin - remember this if you have to apply it on the genital areas. If you have sensitive skin, consider diluting it with a little mineral oil or cod liver.
- Thuja oil is often recommended for particularly stubborn warts that resist other treatments. Again, to get satisfactory results, you need to apply it every day for 1-2 months.

Step 3. Treat warts with tea tree oil for several weeks
Tea tree oil has antimicrobial properties that strengthen the immune system, so it can be used to prevent new HPV infections. Start by applying 2-3 drops to the wart, a couple of times a day, for at least 3-4 weeks, and then check the results.
- It is an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory remedy that has been used for many generations in both Australia and New Zealand, but has also been spreading to North America in the last decade.
- Tea tree oil can irritate and trigger allergic skin reactions in some people, especially in those with sensitive skin, although these are quite rare cases.
- Never take tea tree oil by mouth as it can be poisonous.
Part 3 of 3: Knowing When To Seek Medical Assistance
Step 1. Consult your dermatologist if the warts have not disappeared despite your intervention
Typically, this problem resolves itself with self-medication or spontaneously. If you notice that the appearance of warts does not improve during treatment, contact your dermatologist to find out if you need another therapy. He will be able to prescribe you a more effective cure than the treatments you can find at the pharmacy.
- He could treat the wart in his office and even remove it.
- Alternatively, it may direct you to apply a stronger cream.
- Warts tend to go away on their own, but it can take up to three years for them to go away completely.
Step 2. Get examined if the problem is interfering with your daily life
Sometimes, warts can develop on the hands and feet, which complicates carrying out daily activities. If this is the case, consult your dermatologist to find out which treatment options can help you heal faster. So, follow his advice to resume your normal daily activities.
Drug therapy prescribed by your doctor allows you to heal faster than self-medication would
Step 3. See your dermatologist if you feel pain or if the lesions change in appearance or color
While these manifestations may indicate something more serious than a simple wart, such as skin cancer, you don't need to be alarmed. Make an appointment with your dermatologist so that he can evaluate the problem and make a correct diagnosis. Then, follow his therapeutic instructions.
This could be a simple wart, so don't fret. However, it is best to be cautious in these cases
Step 4. See your doctor if you suddenly get full of warts
While you don't need to worry, an outbreak of multiple warts can indicate that the immune system is not functioning properly. Your doctor will be able to tell you if there is any problem. If your immune defenses are compromised, it will trace the cause in order to improve your health.
For example, you may be suffering from an infection or autoimmune disease
- Do not touch warts, even those found on your body, to prevent them from spreading to other areas.
- Do not use the same pumice stone that you use for warts on healthy skin and nails.
- Wash your hands thoroughly if you have touched your own warts or those of others.
- Apple cider vinegar, banana peels, bleach, pineapple juice, yeast and basil have not been shown to eliminate warts. Just take the proven remedies.