Have you watched a horror movie like Nightmare or The Ring? You have to go to sleep but you don't want to turn off the light? If you have this terrible problem, this article will help you in no time!

Step 1. Think about the kind of movie you watched
Was it about the zombies? About ghosts? Serial killer? Think about the kind of fear he wanted to arouse.

Step 2. Once you understand what you're afraid of, tell yourself it's not real over and over
Believe it or not, reassure yourself that it is not true or, if you really believe it, that there is no reason for the character to come to you to scare you and / or kill you.

Step 3. Think nice things
Fluffy bunnies running around in the meadows, hugging your best friend, driving that car you've always wanted since childhood. Don't go back to zombies or ghosts.

Step 4. Avoid letting your imagination run wild
Many, petrified with fear, are convinced that the monster will come out of the closet or is behind the bedroom door. They scare themselves as if they love to torture themselves. If you start thinking "Oh, no, Freddy Krueger will go through the closet and kill me" immediately cut it out and fall back on something else.

Step 5. Distract yourself
Watch your favorite show, play something, surf the internet. After an hour or so you will be tired and have forgotten about the movie altogether, so you will be less afraid.

Step 6. Walk around the house in the dark
Face the fear and inspect every corner of the whole house. Yes, even the wardrobe under the stairs that scares you so much. Open the door with courage! Once you realize that there is no monster, double check that every door is locked and go to bed.

Step 7. After watching a scary movie, take a relaxing shower or bath, unless the movie had anything to do with swimming pools, showers, lakes, ponds, rivers or anything related to water (as in the scene of the shower in Psycho)
In this case it's best to avoid, unless the water scene has impressed you.

Step 8. Read a relaxing and boring book, such as your mother's old novels or an encyclopedia

Step 9. Lie down comfortably, make sure you have enough blankets and pillows, and adjust the temperature and lights until you are comfortable
Try not to leave the lights on so as not to encourage paranoia.

Step 10. Think about boring or happy things that happened during your previous day or week or think about a book you just read
Try to explain it to yourself mentally, not out loud. Or read something nice.

Step 11. Listen to relaxing music or music with a nice rhythm, as long as it doesn't keep you awake
Note: If you are really scared, listen to some music anyway.

Step 12. If you are really scared, turn on the television and watch cartoons
Another option is to think of something you really want like a girl, game, birthday party, etc.
- After the horror, watch a comedy to get it out of your mind.
- Try sleeping with an animal or soft toy. Knowing this by your side will make you feel more protected. In addition, a dog or cat can warn you if something abnormal should happen.
- If you sleep in the cold you may have nightmares. Also avoid sweating, you may wake up disheveled and smelly and this too sometimes gives nightmares. Go to sleep dressed appropriately.
- Talking to someone is a good idea, so don't think you're alone in the world. If you share a room with friends or family you trust, ask for a hug. And tell them what scares you.
- Try to remember what you ate for lunch during the week. Your mind will engage in moving away from the movie. Or, if you don't like this example, find a similar diversion to your taste.
- In order not to trigger some fear, stay in an environment congenial to you. If you're sleeping at a friend's house for the first time, for example, avoid worrying or you'll end up scared.
- Don't sleep alone.
- Listen to a relaxing song as you fall asleep and calm down.
- Try to focus on one topic while trying to fall asleep, don't think over too many things. Other genres of movies and books are great choices.
- Close the closets if you are really afraid. You will have the illusion that nothing can go out or enter.
- Close doors and windows.
- Think back to the "director's survival theory": watching a film in the third person makes you realize it's fiction, since the director did it and survived. Films that talk about "found footage" are stupid if scary, because you can compare the reactions of the characters with what you would have.
- Don't think about anything related to the movie, just positive things.
- Find a dog or cat that will protect you from your negative thoughts, unless you are afraid of animals. If you don't like keeping him sleeping with you, prepare him a bed on the ground.
- Make yourself stop thinking about terrifying things. Challenging yourself and telling yourself that you are a clumsy because you can't be brave will make you more determined to be brave.
- If you've watched a horror on YouTube, watch it again (maybe with the lights on) and think about how they made it. It's all about the actors, so don't worry.
- Meditating will help you fall asleep, but you need to do it correctly for it to work. Also, you shouldn't fall asleep WHILE you meditate, especially if you practice martial arts, as it is considered disrespectful.
- Don't try too hard to think about anything else, just relax and nothing bad will happen to you.
- Never, never, never speak to the character who scares you. It would scare you or make you even more angry. And it will lead you to convince yourself that it is actually hidden in the house!
- If the movie is really scary it could give you nightmares for several nights in a row. It is probably best to wait and watch it when you are older.
- Don't sleep with weapons under your pillow. No matter what level of paranoia you find yourself, nothing will materialize and therefore you have no reason to keep a knife or a gun. You could cut yourself or shoot yourself in your sleep and die without even realizing it.