How to Prepare for Removing the Appliance

Table of contents:

How to Prepare for Removing the Appliance
How to Prepare for Removing the Appliance

If your teeth are dirty and yellow, they will not look good even after removing the braces and perhaps you would prefer to wear braces again to hide them.


Prepare for Getting Braces Removed Step 1
Prepare for Getting Braces Removed Step 1

Step 1. Determine the date of removal

So you can prepare in advance. Don't think about the pain but think about what you will do after visiting the dentist.

Prepare for Getting Braces Removed Step 2
Prepare for Getting Braces Removed Step 2

Step 2. Take pictures of your mouth

So you can compare your teeth in the future with the photo. The appliance was a phase in your life necessary to improve the initial situation.

Prepare for Getting Braces Removed Step 3
Prepare for Getting Braces Removed Step 3

Step 3. Do not whiten your teeth when wearing braces or the color will not be uniform

Brush your teeth immediately after removing the brace and putting on the retainer.

Prepare for Getting Braces Removed Step 4
Prepare for Getting Braces Removed Step 4

Step 4. Talk to your dentist about how to treat teeth after removal

Removing the appliance is rarely the last step. You will probably need a retainer. There are 3 types of retainers: Hawley, Invisalign (clear plastic) and bonded steel wire retainers (less common). The Hawley retainer is the most common and is removable. The steel wire retainer is placed behind the teeth and is permanently bonded. These retainers must be worn for months or years. While this is not desirable for patients, it is better to wear a retainer after brace removal than to have to wear the brace again in the future due to tooth displacement.


  • Always clean the retainer in the morning and evening to avoid bad odors.
  • Dentists recommended the use of a chewing gum after removing the appliance.
  • Don't throw your Hawley Retainer away! To get another one it will take a lot of money! So don't wrap it in a napkin on your plate. You could throw them away by accident! Also, wear the retainer. Better to carry it than to have to bring the device again in the future!
  • After removing the brace, wear the retainer as suggested by the dentist.
  • Get ready to show off your fabulous teeth after removing the braces.


  • If you don't wear the retainer, your teeth will return to their original position little by little. The retainer's goal is to maintain your smile. Otherwise you will have to bring the appliance again.
  • Removing the appliance is painful but you will get used to it later. Some people have to wear retainers for quite a while, so get ready for the idea!
  • When wearing the retainer you may have speech errors.
  • Talk to your dentist to learn about the different types of retainers and choose the one that suits you best. Even if you prefer a clear plastic Essix retainer, your dentist may suggest the use of a permanent retainer.
