The difficulty of simulating natural behavior when raising the elbow a little depends on the BAC and the situation. The important thing is to know your limits. If you drink excessively, at some point you will lose control even if you are good at pretending to be lucid. However, if you are careful, you can fool many people into thinking that you are sober. The trick is to know how others understand that a person is drunk. Learn not to send the wrong signals and you will be able to fake such clarity in your behavior that you can fool almost everyone.
Part 1 of 4: Masking the Most Common Signs of Being Drunk

Step 1. Keep your gaze alive and your eyes open
When we are under the influence of alcohol, we tend to have a sleepy look or droopy eyelids. So, try to keep your eyes open and overcome the desire to close them. Blink often and quickly. When you're drunk, your eyes can get irritated, so apply eye drops to decrease the redness.

Step 2. Find a place to sit and stay there
If you walk around, you will attract attention at the risk of tripping or falling. However, by hiding the lack of coordination, people may not notice that you have been drinking. If you have to walk, move quickly to your destination. The speed gained as you fire forward will keep you from wavering. Cling to solid objects (railings, tables, chair backs) as you move to help the brain compensate for the loss of balance.

Step 3. Stay alert
People tend to isolate themselves mentally when they are drunk. They get lost in their own thoughts ignoring everything around them. Try to stay anchored to the context you are in. Listen to your friends' conversations, see what's going on around you and react if someone tries to get your attention.

Step 4. Don't talk too much
If you misrepresent the words, you brag, repeat the same things over and over and express yourself in inappropriate phrases, people will understand that you are drunk. Because alcohol impairs judgment, you don't even realize that you have raised your elbow too high. Don't betray yourself by saying nonsense. Limit your post to short responses.

Step 5. Stick to simple arguments
It is not easy to express complex thoughts when the body is intoxicated, so if you try to explain what is on your mind in these moments, you will give the impression that you have had a few drinks too many. Fight the urge to communicate any "genius thought" that crosses your mind, be it a new business idea, the desire to marry a woman you met fifteen minutes earlier, and so on. In such circumstances, any proposition may seem mind-boggling when in reality it is not at all.

Step 6. Say you feel bad or tired
Inebriation is often easily confused with fatigue. If someone asks you if you are drunk, give a plausible excuse for your behavior. It might give you the benefit of the doubt.

Step 7. Eat something that smells strongly
Oranges, chips, peanut butter, curry, garlic, onions and mints mask the breath from alcohol (and smoke). They are powerful and sometimes unpleasant, but also so common that people will not suspect that you are trying to cover up the smell of alcohol.

Step 8. Apply a perfume or deodorant
When you are drunk, your whole body gives off the characteristic smell of alcohol, not just your breath. Until the liver finishes metabolizing this substance, it will continue to produce that unmistakable, slightly sweet smell, typical of those who have drunk. Use a strong perfume or deodorant to hide it.

Step 9. Brush your teeth
Alcohol dries out the mouth and promotes bacterial growth. People tend to associate the smell of an unhealthy mouth with that of alcohol. If you can't cover it with strong foods, brush your teeth. Then apply the mouthwash and drink plenty of water to rehydrate.
Part 2 of 4: Learn how you behave when you drink

Step 1. Pay attention to some major urges as your inhibitions loosen
One of the major effects of alcohol is to limit inhibitions. If you tend to worry about other people's opinions, drinking can help you relax and stop caring. On the other hand, this also means that some fundamental drives can come out into the open. If you are in the habit of keeping your temper in check, in a state of intoxication you could explode. If you are aware of this problem, you must not only improve self-control, but also try to smooth out your natural inclinations.
If you get annoyed when you raise your elbow, ask yourself if you tend to get angry even during the day. In this case, if you want to look sober when you drink, consider taking a course in self-control and anger management. You will learn some techniques that will help you stay calm

Step 2. Ask your friends what they see when you are drunk
When your judgment is weakened by alcohol, those who are sober may understand your true mental and physical condition by observing the way you behave and react. Ask them to explain how your behavior is altered. See if he's willing to give you some examples. Memorize what it tells you because, in order to pretend to be sober, you will have to learn to hide the psychophysical alterations.
If you want to know how you behave while intoxicated, try asking your friends what kind of drinker you are. While they don't provide exact examples, they can generally describe your behavior. Happy people tend to be very jovial when they consume alcohol. On the other hand, those who are already angry tend to react badly, becoming a problem. There are other types of drinkers, but you can explore this topic on your own

Step 3. Register when you are drunk
You are certainly aware of your behavior when you are lucid. If you check in when you are drunk, you may notice details that even your friends miss. This way you can confirm what they have told you if you think it is not very credible. Plus, you'll have overwhelming evidence of the weirdest attitudes, which can be a great starting point when you want to spot drunk spies.
You don't have to do it alone nor most of the time. You could ask a friend to take a video on their phone when you least expect it. You can also use your mobile phone to record audio and, once the hangover is over, understand how you react under the influence of alcohol

Step 4. Write down your reactions
If you don't want people to understand that you raise your elbow too much, you need to stop acting weird. Drinkers often recognize themselves because they have absurd behavior. To find out more, ask your friends what you do differently, or watch a video or listen to a recording. Your goal is to identify and write down your reactions. This way you will have a list of things to work on.

Step 5. Test yourself to see how well you are able to control your reactions
Some are avoided with practice, but don't overdo it with alcohol. Once you have a list of things to work on, go for a drink and try to behave in the most normal way possible. Check the list to avoid strange gestures and attitudes. If you are having difficulty, perhaps you have raised your elbow too high. Cut back on alcohol until you have learned to pretend to be lucid while having a few drinks.
- Keep in mind that the more you drink, the harder it will be to contain yourself. If you continue, you will eventually not be able to hide the effects of alcohol.
- You can't cover up any alcohol-induced behavior. The important thing is to make sure that people don't notice. For example, if you find you don't have perfect breath, don't get too close.
Part 3 of 4: Pretending to be sober

Step 1. Practice controlling your drinking behavior
You could go beyond all limits. If you're so drunk that you can't hide it, learn to contain yourself. You can ask a friend who hasn't been drinking to observe you. Practice behaving naturally even if you are drunk until you can convince him.

Step 2. Be aware of the context in which you want to be sober
Not always and everywhere you will be able to pretend to be lucid. In a bar it is very different than at a police checkpoint or in front of a couple of angry parents. If you overdo it, you won't be able to control yourself all the time regardless of the circumstance. When you realize that the situation is changing, stop drinking even before you cover up your drunkenness.

Step 3. Get the alcohol test
When you are stopped by the police, they may ask you to take a BAC test with a breathalyser. Often the use of this tool is more complicated in the hands of those who have exceeded certain limits of alcoholic intake. In these cases, you may be embarrassed or too nervous to pretend you haven't been drinking.
Ask a sober person to assess the situation. Get him to study the behaviors law enforcement tend to observe. Then, she can tell you, as far as she can, what your mistakes are

Step 4. Avoid situations where you cannot pretend to be sober
Some body attitudes betray you because it is impossible to hide them. Even when you have learned to control yourself so well that you behave naturally, there is a risk that the body will not follow your intentions. The breathalyzer test can tell you if your body hasn't metabolized alcohol as you thought it would. In fact, it is possible that the functionality of the voice, the muscles of the eyes and the legs is not comparable to that of a person who has not drunk. If you can't physically conceal your intoxication, avoid all situations where you could cheat on yourself.
If you are stopped by the police, it is preferable to cooperate. It is not a good idea to deny consent to a breathalyzer test. You can provide it tacitly by handing over your driving license. Refusal of the alcohol test is equivalent to driving under the influence of alcohol
Part 4 of 4: Keeping Drunkenness Under Control

Step 1. Eat before drinking
On a full stomach, alcohol enters the bloodstream more slowly, avoiding worsening of intoxication. A BAC may temporarily impair your attempt to sound sober. The goal is not to get to that point. To be lucid, you basically need to maintain a BAC that allows you to control your behavior.

Step 2. Keep an eye on alcohol consumption
It is an objective method to avoid raising the elbow too high. You have to know your limits. You see what time it is when you start drinking, so from there it counts how many drinks you drink. If you get to a point where you can no longer control yourself, remember how many drinks you have drunk and try to stay below that threshold next time.
- How the body disposes of alcohol depends on the drinker's body weight and sex, how many drinks he or she ingested, and how long he ingested them. Generally, it is able to metabolize it continuously, but only at a certain rate. If you consider at what pace you drink over a certain period of time, you can determine your BAC and, over time, learn to understand what is the concentration of alcohol in the blood from which you are unable to maintain control in order to keep yourself at the same level. below that threshold.
- Spirits are sold in more or less standard quantities. A can of beer has about the same amount of alcohol as a glass of wine and a shot glass of liqueur. If you're at a party and drinking beer, keep bottle caps or foil tabs to carry the bill. If you're in a bar, ask the bartender how many drinks you've had.

Step 3. Alternate alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks
This way you will avoid overdoing it, but it will also decrease the severity of the hangover. The goal is to dilute the alcohol in the blood by continuously adding water to the body. Alcohol promotes urination by increasing the sensation of thirst. This method will help you not to get dehydrated.

Step 4. Seek the company of a sober friend
You may find that having a person in charge of driving the car prevents you from engaging in certain drunk behaviors, such as getting lost while driving home. There are some mobile phone applications that can help you in this kind of situation. Additionally, a sober friend can also tell you when you have drunk too much and are no longer able to control yourself. Ask him to keep an eye on you so you can tell when you are pushing your limits. By doing this, you will keep your alcohol consumption at a level that you have mastery of yourself.

Step 5. Increase your alcohol tolerance in a healthy way
Over time our body is able to develop a tolerance to this substance. If you haven't drunk in a while, you will probably notice that you only need less alcohol than in the past for it to work. Regular consumption increases tolerance. Increasing your tolerance allows you to drink more for a while and continue to act as if you are sober.
Of course, you don't have to drink just to build your tolerance. Doctors advise men not to exceed two drinks per day, while women only have one drink
- Even if you think you can control yourself, don't drink or drive. Do not get behind the wheel and do not participate in activities that can put your safety and that of others at risk.
- Seek medical help immediately if anyone loses consciousness after drinking. Alcohol intoxication can be fatal.
- Excessive alcohol consumption can cause brain damage, liver injury, and loss of consciousness.