In the past, binge eating disorder (often abbreviated to BED) was considered a sub-category of an eating disorder. It is currently recognized as a serious medical condition, which can even cause death. BED is the most common eating disorder in the United States, affecting approximately 3.5% of women, 2% of men and up to 1.6% of adolescents. Nevertheless, fortunately, it is possible to change one's relationship with food to return to eating healthily.
Method 1 of 4: Get Psychological Help

Step 1. Get help from your doctor
Before undergoing any treatment to cure your binge eating disorder, you should go to your doctor for an official diagnosis. BED can only be diagnosed by a doctor or other mental health professional. By analyzing your physical and psychological symptoms, they will have the opportunity to formulate the most suitable treatment for you.
- Your doctor can also help you find the right therapist to treat your eating disorder.
- He may also suggest that you take medications specifically designed to treat this condition. Remember that in addition to taking medications, you will need to make lifestyle changes and undergo specific psychological therapy.
- In severe cases, the doctor may suggest hospitalization to ensure ongoing care for the patient with BED.

Step 2. Resort to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
It is one of the most effective methods of curing binge eating disorder, conducted by qualified mental health professionals. The therapist will analyze your thoughts and behaviors to help you reframe them in a healthier and more productive way.
- During the treatment sessions, you will plan your treatments together with the therapist, devising methods and behavioral strategies that allow you to manage your emotions and find a new balance at the table.
- Together you will also examine the thought patterns that cause you to eat uncontrollably, collaborating in order to reformulate them to have a healthier relationship with yourself and with the image you have of your body.
- It is also necessary to find ways to contain the factors that cause you to eat uncontrollably, maintain the progress made and avoid falling back into behaviors that are harmful to your health. The goal of therapy is to help you regain a healthy lifestyle.
- Ask your primary care physician for advice or search the web for an expert in cognitive behavioral therapy. Choose an eating disorder therapist to make sure you get the best help possible.

Step 3. Experience Dialectical Behavior Therapy (TDC)
It is a type of therapy that blends aspects of cognitive behavioral therapy with others deriving from oriental traditions. This method of treatment focuses more on the psychological effects of binge eating disorder. The therapy is divided into four main modules, or phases, during which they are deepened:
- Nuclear skills of mindfulness, the purpose of which is to teach you to take control of your mind and thoughts rather than allowing them to dominate you.
- Ability to tolerate mental suffering or distress, aimed at teaching you to end emotional suffering in a healthy way.
- Emotional regulation skills, the purpose of which is to teach you to accept your emotions, reduce negative thoughts and encourage positive thoughts.
- Skills of interpersonal effectiveness, which teach you to establish beneficial and constructive interpersonal relationships to make you feel emotionally satisfied.

Step 4. Try Interpersonal Psychotherapy
This form of psychological therapy is specifically formulated to help you improve the quality of your interpersonal relationships with loved ones and analyze how these relationships affect, and in some cases lead to, your eating disorder. If your binge eating is caused by harmful interpersonal relationships or the way you interact or communicate with others, interpersonal therapy can be especially helpful.
You will learn some strategies that will help you cope with social situations while allowing you to better relate to people, including friends, family and colleagues

Step 5. Get support from group therapy
If you have BED, look for a center that offers specific group therapy. By listening to the experiences of other participants, you will be able to learn new treatment strategies.
These groups are also excellent support that can help you get through tough times. In the past, people who conduct therapy have been affected by the same disorder as you, which is why they are perfectly able to understand how you feel and put themselves in your shoes
Method 2 of 4: Change Your Eating Habits

Step 1. Eat only when you are really hungry
One of the main problems of "binge eating" is eating mechanically even when you are not really hungry. As a result, you risk eating too much because at mealtime you will actually be full from having eaten previously even though you are not hungry. Rather than refuel whenever you feel the need, for example when you are stressed or for any other reason, only consume your food when you are really hungry.
- To avoid bingeing uncontrollably, try to eat only when you actually feel the symptoms of hunger. Learn to recognize the body's signals to tell if you are really hungry.
- If you are sure you are hungry, do not delay, take a seat at the table or have a snack. Don't wait for stomach cramps, otherwise you will be tempted to continue eating even after you have reached a sense of satiety.

Step 2. Don't try to overcome boredom by eating
Completely unreasonable, you may sometimes start eating just because you're bored. If you are not hungry but feel the need to indulge in food, ask yourself if you are eating just because you are feeling bored. Are you looking for something in the fridge just because you have nothing better to do? If so, don't eat.
Instead, try drinking a glass of water or find something to do to keep yourself busy. Go for a walk, call a friend, or learn to do something new instead of eating

Step 3. Administer the portions
Serving moderately is an effective way to reduce the risk of bingeing. Never eat directly from the package or you will not be able to keep the quantities under control. Measure out meals and snacks by placing them on your plate. This will make it easier for you to avoid overeating.
Focus your strategy on moderation and not deprivation. If you are craving peanut butter, allow yourself to have a spoonful spread on a banana. This way you won't run the risk of overstepping the limit in the following days, ending up eating a whole pack

Step 4. Plan your meal times
Eating at regular times, respecting the customs of the place where you live, can help you not to overdo the quantities. Going too many hours without eating could cause you to binge at the next meal. In general, it is advisable to have three meals a day interspersed with two small snacks. However, the best thing to do is to contact a qualified nutritionist who can help you plan your diet correctly according to your lifestyle. Find a way to bring healthy and tasty dishes to the table, which know how to nourish your body while simultaneously satisfying your palate.
- It's important to get rid of the feeling of having to limit yourself to eating something bland and boring rather than what you really crave.
- Always have a few healthy snacks on hand so you can munch on them between meals. You should eat three main meals a day, but you can alternate them with some light and healthy food, such as fresh fruit, nuts or vegetables.

Step 5. Eat consciously
Often those who eat in an uncontrolled way tend to gulp down food quickly without paying almost any attention to it. By focusing on every single bite, you will reduce the risk of getting carried away and end up bingeing. Take the time to better analyze your tastes, find out what you like, what sensations you feel when you bring a certain ingredient to your mouth, smell each course and pause to recognize textures and flavors. Doing so will help you become more aware of what and how much you eat.
Each meal should have a distinct beginning and end. Avoid munching while cooking or tidying up the table after you're done

Step 6. Location is also important
Make sure you only eat while sitting at the table. Don't eat your meal in front of your computer, TV or while on the phone, otherwise it will be impossible to stay focused and fully enjoy your food. Furthermore, it would be much more difficult to be able to perceive the sense of satiety.
- Those who eat in a distracted way, for example while working or watching TV, tend to eat more than those who are focused on their meal.
- It is also not advisable to eat standing up because the act itself would be disconnected from that of consuming the meal.

Step 7. Select your dishes wisely
Opt for small plates and cutlery. Smaller containers will be able to trick your mind into thinking you are eating a lot. Also use smaller spoons and forks to eat slower and help digest food better.
Small flat plates and soup plates allow you to moderate portions and avoid the risk of overeating

Step 8. Protect yourself from the factors and situations that cause you to eat uncontrollably
Another way to avoid binging is to stay away from foods or occasions when you know you have a hard time holding back. Taking preventative measures that prevent you from overdoing it, outside or inside the home, will have a major impact on how you react to food cravings. To protect yourself from the factors that trigger your desire to eat in an uncontrolled way, you must learn to recognize what are the high-risk situations and develop strategies that allow you to come out unscathed.
- In view of a meeting with friends and family, try to organize an activity that is not related to food. For example, suggest taking a hike or a walk. If you have decided to have a drink together, choose a place that does not serve food.
- If you've been invited to a family reunion or event where you are certain that all forms of sweet and savory delight will be available, set yourself a limit. Promise you will only eat one dish and keep your word.
- Alternatively, bring home snacks prepared especially for the occasion. If you want to resist the temptation to buy an extra large pack of popcorn when you're at the cinema, bring a moderate amount straight from home.

Step 9. Consult a qualified dietician
Many people with an eating disorder choose to seek help from a dietician. Together you will be able to formulate a dietary regimen that allows you to meet your daily calorie and nutrient needs without overdoing the quantities. Day by day you will know what to eat, in which portions and you will learn to gradually change your relationship with food. By collaborating with the dietician you will be able to invent examples of menus that are as healthy as they are appetizing.
- By planning meals, portions, and grocery lists in advance, you are more likely to be able to curb the urge to overeat.
- The dietician will teach you to listen to your body's natural messages. Knowing how to recognize the sensations dictated by hunger and satiety is very important to counteract binge eating disorder.
- Note that the term "nutritionist" is rather vague and can refer to both a person with specialized training and someone who has taken a short course on nutrition and therefore does not have the skills to provide reliable guidance. A qualified dietician is a medical doctor who specializes in food science, legally entitled to "prescribe" a diet or drug.
Method 3 of 4: Be Mentally Strong

Step 1. Relieve stress
Binge eating disorder can be the answer to a problem that plagues a different area of your life. If you feel you have lost your way, you may be trying to regain control over the problem situation by overeating. The bad relationship with food could be due to the fact that you are worried about your job, about the relationship with your partner or about the health of a loved one. Being able to relieve stress could therefore be an effective way to be able to stop eating uncontrollably.
- To accomplish this, reflect on the main areas of your life. Are there several factors that put you under high stress? What can you do to try to reduce them? For example, if one of the main sources of your stress is from an unbearable roommate, it may be time to put an end to that situation to regain your mental well-being.
- Practice an activity that helps relieve stress, such as walking in nature, doing yoga, or meditating. Listen to some classical or jazz music. Do what is necessary to regain your peace of mind.

Step 2. Keep a journal
Having a diary in which to freely write down thoughts, cravings and episodes in which you have succumbed to the temptation to eat uncontrollably will help you analyze your feelings thoroughly. Getting in touch with yourself will help you investigate the factors that trigger your overwhelming desire for food. Before going to sleep, take the time to reflect on the actions and feelings that have characterized your day, doing so could help you change your approach to life.
- Be honest with yourself. Write down how you feel about every aspect of your daily life. Consider both your relationship with people and your relationship with food. What will result from the free expression of your thoughts may surprise you.
- Keep a record of what you eat, but don't let it turn into an obsession. For some people, having to take note of every single food consumed could be counterproductive (particularly for those with obsessive tendencies). However, knowing that you need to log everything you eat may help you not to overdo it. If you find that you feel very anxious about having to write down every single food or that you can't help but be extremely rigid, try to give up this habit temporarily.
- You should also take note of times when you wanted to eat something but didn't. Doing so will help you identify what causes you to overeat.
- Your registry may also be useful for the professionals who follow you. Knowing your habits in detail will help them look for warning signs. Once identified, you can take advantage of it to be able to change your behaviors.

Step 3. Listen to your body
Take the time to connect with your mind and body. If you know how to interpret their messages correctly, it will be easier to understand what drives you to eat uncontrollably, consequently you can change your relationship with food for the better. If you feel the urge to binge, try to distract yourself by doing something else, such as going out for a walk, reading a book, or doing another activity you enjoy. Don't stop until the desire to eat subsides.
When you have a craving for food, don't give in instantly. Analyze your feelings to understand if you are really hungry or if it is simply a compulsive need. If you've recently finished eating or your stomach isn't gurgling, you most likely aren't really hungry. Try to overcome the moment of weakness, time will make sure that the urge to eat passes
Method 4 of 4: Recognizing the Symptoms of Binge Eating Disorder

Step 1. Notice if you often overindulge your food
The first symptom of binge eating disorder is frequent binge eating. A binge is a situation in which you eat more than is considered normal in a short period of time (about 2 hours). In these cases the person seems to lose control over food and become unable to stop eating.
For binge eating disorder to be diagnosed, these episodes must occur at least once a week for three months

Step 2. Evaluate your feelings during and after the meal
Some specific sensations can be associated with "binge eating". These disturbances affect both the moments in which you eat and those that follow. Those affected by this disorder feel uncomfortable and unhappy on occasions when they eat without restraint. They also tend to feel exhausted from stress after eating. Negative affections can be both physical and mental. If you are also affected by this syndrome, surely you have at least three of the following signs:
- You need to keep eating even if you are not really hungry.
- Tendency to eat faster than normal.
- Need to eat even when you feel full and run the risk of feeling sick.
- Embarrassment related to the amount of food consumed and consequent choice to eat alone.
- Feeling disgusted with yourself, sadness or guilt after overeating.

Step 3. Recognize other behaviors that characterize the disease
People affected by BED exhibit numerous behaviors that hinder the proper conduct of their daily life. If you are trying to figure out if you have this disorder, see if you have any of the following habits.
- Covertly dealing with food, for example by eating indoors in a room, in your car or away from others.
- Steal, stockpile or hide food.
- Alternate periods of super strict diet or fasting with bingeing episodes.
- You relate to food in an obsessive way, for example by eating only one type of food, preventing different varieties of food from coming into contact with each other or chewing excessively.
- Change your daily schedules to have time to binge.
- Eating incessantly throughout the day rather than at mealtimes.
- Skip meals at customary times or limit portions at meal times.
- Often feeling sad or depressed (or having received a clinical diagnosis of depression).
- Feeling disgusted with the size of your body.

Step 4. Rule out other eating disorders
Binge eating disorder may sometimes be confused with other eating disorders, such as bulimia. However, there is a big difference between the two diseases: those with BED never try to throw up their food after a meal, even when they eat much more than they should. Bulimic people, on the other hand, feel the need to free themselves from ingested food even when the quantities are small.