Finely chopped lettuce is a great addition to many meals, as a substitute for rice in gravy dishes, or as a garnish for dishes like enchiladas. Since lettuce leaves tear into large slices, a special technique is needed to obtain thin slices and small pieces.
Method 1 of 2: Chop the Thin Stripes
You can easily chop the lettuce into long, thin strips for dishes where you want to add more, or for those with heavy sauces to which you want to add something low-calorie that can pick them up.

Step 1. Cut the lettuce head in half with a bread knife or other large serrated knife

Step 2. Place each half of the lettuce, cut side down, on the cutting board

Step 3. Place the knife on the far right side of the lettuce and start cutting in a back and forth saw motion until you reach the cutting board

Step 4. Move about 0.5cm and start cutting again

Step 5. Repeat until you reach the heart of the lettuce

Step 6. Rotate the head and start cutting on the other side until all the lettuce is chopped

Step 7. Chop the other half of the lettuce as well as needed
Method 2 of 2: Chop into Small Pieces
If you prefer finely chopped lettuce, you can easily do this with a sharp chef's knife.

Step 1. Place the head of lettuce upside down on the cutting board, with the stem facing you

Step 2. Place the knife on the edge of the head cut straight into long strips

Step 3. Repeat until you reach the heart of the lettuce

Step 4. Rotate the head and continue cutting on the other side until you reach the heart

Step 5. Spread the lettuce head on one side and remove the top from the heart

Step 6. Spread the lettuce pieces you cut on the cutting board so that it covers the entire surface

Step 7. Use the knife to thinly slice the lettuce, from left to right of the cutting board

Step 8. Rotate the cutting board 90 ° and repeat the operation

Step 9. Repeat two more times if you want very finely chopped lettuce

Step 10. Finished
- The heart of the lettuce is white and hard; you will realize that you have reached it when you can no longer cut the lettuce easily and what you are cutting no longer separates into leaves. The heart is typically thrown away, because it tastes bitter.
- If you don't need a large amount of chopped lettuce, try cutting the head into quarters before making strips, or cutting one side of the head into small pieces.