3 Ways to Cut a Grapefruit

3 Ways to Cut a Grapefruit
3 Ways to Cut a Grapefruit

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A grapefruit is a tasty citrus that can be enjoyed on its own or in a variety of salads or drinks. It is possible to cut it in different ways. You can slice it, dissect it, or enjoy it directly from the inside of its half. If you want to know how to cut a grapefruit, just follow these simple tips.


Method 1 of 3: Section a Grapefruit

Step 1. Cut both ends of a grapefruit

On a cutting board, lay the grapefruit on its side and with a sharp knife start cutting from about 0.6 centimeters away from the ends of the two poles. This will make it easier to dissect.

Step 2. Turn the grapefruit so that one of the cut ends faces you, while the other remains on the cutting board

Step 3. With a knife, make cuts of about 0.6 centimeters around the entire outer circumference of the grapefruit

This will make it easier to peel it. Turn the grapefruit about 1/8 each time you make an incision. Continue like this until you engrave all around.

Step 4. Use the knife to peel the grapefruit

Now that you have made the incisions, it will be a little easier to peel. Just run the knife along the grapefruit peel, peeling off the sections a little at a time until all the peel comes off. If a little white skin remains, remove it before continuing.

Step 5. Cut each section with the knife

Once the skin is removed, you can use a knife to cut each individual segment until you have divided the grapefruit into several wedges. You can enjoy it this way or in a fruit salad, or in a variety of other salads.

Method 2 of 3: Cut it in half

Step 1. Place the grapefruit on the cutting board, with the poles facing each other

Step 2. Cut it in half

Use a sharp knife to cut the grapefruit in half, top to bottom.

Step 3. Cut around the diameter of the grapefruit

Use a sharp knife, or even a grapefruit-specific knife to cut under the circular area between the grapefruit and the zest. As you do this, try to pass the knife under the pieces, so as to cut through the bottom of the grapefruit as well. This will help separate the sections of the grapefruit from its rind.

Step 4. Cut each segment of the grapefruit

Each segment of the grapefruit will have an approximately triangular shape. Use a thin blade, a spoon, or better yet, a grapefruit teaspoon to cut around the area between the wedge and the thin skin. Once each piece is separated, use a spoon to move them to a bowl, or you can just eat straight from the two halves with a spoon.

Sprinkle with a little sugar for added sweetness

Method 3 of 3: Slice a Grapefruit

Step 1. Turn the grapefruit on its side, with the poles facing each other, and be sure to place it on a cutting board

Step 2. Use a sharp knife to cut the grapefruit from top to bottom

Imagine that the "poles" of the grapefruit are on both sides, like a globe turned on its side. Now, slice it along its equator, making incisions parallel to the circular "poles" on each end of the fruit. Make each slice about half a centimeter thick.

When you're done, you should have about a dozen circular slices, depending on the size of the grapefruit

Make Orange Julius Step 6
Make Orange Julius Step 6

Step 3. Cut the slices (optional)

If you want to split the grapefruit further, you can cut each round slice in half or quarter, like a pie. This method can be ideal for using grapefruit in fruit drinks. You can also just cut a slice in the middle of the grapefruit and use it as a garnish on the side of a bowl of fruit salad or a large jug of grapefruit juice. Or you can simply "tear" the slice into small pieces and eat it directly, without using a spoon or fork.


  • Taste a small piece to see if it is acidic. If it is, add a little sugar or salt.
  • Generally, the upper and lower parts are more acidic, while the "equator" part is sweeter.
  • For a slightly different flavor, try adding three or four drops of vanilla extract.
  • Do you want to prepare grapefruit for the guests? With a fruit, in general, two small portions are obtained. Garnish with maraschino cherries.
  • The top of the fruit has a small brown protrusion left by the stem, but the bottom has only an indent. After you cut the ends, you will see that the "bottom" has a soft hole or whitish spot where you can stick your finger inside. This will allow you to hold it more easily!
  • There is no need to waste the juice and pulp in the zest. Get a large cup or bowl. Using your fingers, rub and squeeze the pink parts to squeeze the juice from the peels. Drink the juice if you like, or add it to fruit pieces.
  • Grapefruit peels are a optimal ingredient in mothproof potpourri. Don't throw them away. Put them in a bag with ground cinnamon. Half a teaspoon of cinnamon, for each tablespoon of fresh fruit peel. Dry them in a pan in the oven at a low temperature, around 70 ° C. Four hours are enough; if they are still soft, let them air dry for at least 48 hours. Add a generous amount of star anise, whole cinnamon sticks, and cloves. Put them in a zip-up plastic bag and punch lots of holes in the bag to let the delicious scent take off.


  • Some people should avoid eating grapefruit for medical reasons. It has no effect on most people, but grapefruit juice can interfere with some medicines. If in doubt, consult your doctor.
  • Grapefruit acts on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract; it has the potential to increase the absorption of nutrients and some drugs by blocking some enzymes. (The idea that this is due to large amounts of the vitamin is apparently a myth.)
