Keeping the nutritional properties of bitter vegetables intact can be difficult. Blanching them prevents the enzymes from breaking and making them bitter. Follow these instructions to blanch the kale so you can freeze it or stir-fry it.
Method 1 of 4: Prepare the Kitchen

Step 1. Place a large pot on the stove
Fill it with water and turn on the fire to the highest temperature. Cover the pot with a lid and bring the water to a boil.
Add salt to the water to make it boil faster

Step 2. Get a large bowl for an ice bath
The more kale you want to blanch, the larger the pot and ice bowl will need to be. Fill it halfway with water and then add a dozen ice cubes.

Step 3. Get a salad spinner
It will help make the leaves dry faster.

Step 4. Place a tea towel on a flat surface
You may need two layers to make the kale leaves dry faster.
Method 2 of 4: Prepare the Curly Kale

Step 1. Wash the kale well
Let it soak in a bowl of water for a few minutes and then scrub the stems and leaves with your hands under running water.
If you have harvested fresh kale, there may be insects attached to the leaves and stems, which you can remove using this method

Step 2. Shake the kale to remove excess water

Step 3. Place the kale leaves on a cutting board
Turn the leaves, so they overlap exposing the stems.

Step 4. Drag the knife to the inside of the stem, where it meets both leaves
It should cut off the stem so that you can throw it away. Repeat this process with the rest of the kale.

Step 5. Overlap the leaves
Cut them horizontally into sections about 4 cm wide. Set the cut leaves aside while you wait for the water to come to a boil.
Method 3 of 4: Blanch the Kale

Step 1. Pour the kale leaves into the boiling water
If you have too much kale for the pot, boil the leaves in 2 or 3 handfuls at a time.

Step 2. Turn the leaves with a wooden spoon
Cover the pot with the lid so that the leaves cook evenly.

Step 3. Set the timer for 2 minutes

Step 4. Remove the kale with a slotted spoon
Put it directly in the ice bath.

Step 5. Dip another handful of kale into boiling water
You can reuse the same water multiple times. Remember to restart the timer every time.

Step 6. Transfer the collard greens from the ice bath to the salad spinner after 1-2 minutes
Run the spin cycle to remove excess water.

Step 7. Arrange the kale on the tea towel in an even layer
Roll the tea towel horizontally to drain excess water.
Method 4 of 4: Use Curly Kale

Step 1. Freeze the kale by placing the leaves in a single layer on a baking sheet

Step 2. Place it in the freezer uncovered for 30 minutes

Step 3. Remove the baking sheet and transfer the leaves to a freezer bag or plastic container

Step 4. Heat 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil over medium heat to sauté the frozen or freshly blanched kale
Sauté some garlic, and after a minute add the kale. Brown for 2 to 5 minutes.
- Frozen kale will need to brown in a pan a little longer than just blanched.
- Season with salt and pepper
- Use frozen blanched kale in recipes that want spinach or other bitter greens.