How to Eat Kiwi: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Eat Kiwi: 13 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Eat Kiwi: 13 Steps (with Pictures)

Do you want to eat a kiwi? This fruit is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. Once you know how to determine if a kiwi is ripe, peeling and preparing it will be a breeze. You can eat it on its own or try using it as an ingredient for making fruit salads, smoothies, and more.


Part 1 of 3: Choosing a Kiwi

Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 1
Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 1

Step 1. Check the kiwifruit for blemishes or other blemishes

The kiwi has an olive green or brown skin covered with a light fuzz. Inspect the entire surface to make sure it has a consistent color. It may have gone bad if you have dark or black patches.

Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 2
Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 2

Step 2. Observe if the kiwi yields slightly to the touch

Ripe kiwis are mostly compact. However, when you press them with your thumb, they tend to give slightly. These signs indicate that the fruit has reached the peak of ripeness.

  • If the kiwi is hard as a stone, then it is not ripe enough. It should give slightly when you press it.
  • If, on the other hand, it yields more than it should, it is too mature. Remember that kiwifruit shouldn't be overly mushy.
Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 3
Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 3

Step 3. Smell the kiwi to determine if it is ripe

Ripe kiwis have a fruity and intense smell. It should be sweet, but not cloying. If it smells overly sweet, it is likely that it is overripe. Doesn't it give off any smell? Then it is still immature.

Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 4
Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 4

Step 4. Find out how to ripen a kiwi

If the only kiwifruit you have available is hard and unripe, you can ripen it at home. Just put it in a plastic bag and keep it on the kitchen counter at room temperature. It should be ready to eat after 1 or 2 days.

  • Kiwis release an enzyme that promotes ripening. Storing them at room temperature in a paper bag speeds up this process. You can add a ripe apple or banana to speed it up even more.
  • Do not try to perform this procedure with a plastic bag. It is important that a little air circulates in the bag to prevent the kiwifruit from tasting unpleasant or spoiling.

Part 2 of 3: Peel and Eat a Kiwi

Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 5
Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 5

Step 1. Wash the kiwi

Wash it under running tap water to remove all dirt and soil residues. Although it does not have visible traces of dirt, it is good to wash it if it has been treated with pesticides. Dry it after washing.

Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 6
Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 6

Step 2. Cut the kiwi in half lengthwise

Lay the fruit on one end. Cut it in half with a kitchen knife to get 2 equal parts.

Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 7
Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 7

Step 3. Remove the pulp with a spoon

If the kiwi is ripe, the pulp will be easy to remove. Put the spoon under the pulp to bring it closer to the peel and separate it well. Do the same procedure with both halves.

  • If you can't remove it easily, you'll need to peel the kiwi with a small knife. You can also use a vegetable peeler.
  • Also peel the kiwifruit if you prefer to keep it whole, so you can cut it into slices.
Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 8
Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 8

Step 4. Eat the kiwi

The 2 halves can be eaten directly or cut into smaller pieces. Fresh, ripe kiwi has a delicious flavor with an aftertaste reminiscent of both strawberries and citrus. Many people like to eat it on its own, but remember that it goes well with many other flavors in case you are interested in trying a kiwi recipe.

Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 9
Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 9

Step 5. Store leftovers in the fridge or freeze them

If the kiwifruit is covered, it can be stored for 1 or 2 days in the refrigerator, after which it will begin to decay and lose its delicate flavor. Freezing it is the absolute best way to keep it longer.

  • Spread the peeled halves or slices on a baking sheet. Cover it with cling film and freeze it for an hour.
  • Move the kiwi pieces to a freezer-safe container. You can freeze it for up to a year before eating it.

Part 3 of 3: Try a Kiwi Recipe

Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 10
Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 10

Step 1. Use the kiwi to make a fruit salad

Kiwi is great for enriching any fruit salad. Cut it into slices or small pieces, then mix it with your favorite fruit to make a tasty and colorful fruit salad. Here are some combinations that go very well with kiwi:

  • Tropical Fruit Salad: Mix the kiwi bits with pineapple, mango, and chopped bananas. Squeeze some lime juice and stir.
  • Berry Fruit Salad: Mix the kiwi with sliced strawberries, raspberries, and whole blackberries. Squeeze some lemon juice and stir.
  • Citrus Fruit Salad: Mix the kiwi with mandarin wedges and grapefruit pieces.
Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 11
Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 11

Step 2. Make a kiwi smoothie

Adding kiwifruit to a smoothie makes it even more nutritious and tasty. Thanks to its vibrant color, kiwifruit is particularly suitable for green smoothies. Follow these steps to prepare one:

  • Peel 2 ripe kiwis;
  • Put them in a blender jug with ½ cup of ice, 1 cup of yogurt, 1 small banana and 1 cup of spinach;
  • Add 2 tablespoons of honey if you prefer sweet smoothies;
  • Blend until smooth and serve.
Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 12
Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 12

Step 3. Make a kiwi sauce

Just like mango, kiwi allows you to prepare a tasty and different sauce than usual. The kiwi sauce goes very well with tortilla chips or to garnish fish dishes. Follow these simple steps to prepare it:

  • Peel and cut 2 ripe kiwis;
  • Mix them with 1 chopped avocado, ½ diced white onion and 1 diced yellow pepper. Add 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of lime juice and stir to coat the ingredients;
  • Season with salt and cayenne pepper to taste.
Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 13
Eat Kiwi Fruit Step 13

Step 4. Try the kiwi ice cream

This ice cream combines the tart taste of kiwifruit with the rich, mouth-watering texture of marshmallow and whipped cream. Requiring only 3 ingredients, this is an easy-to-make ice cream perfect for hot summer days:

  • Peel and cut 4 kiwis;
  • Place them in a food processor with 1 cup of cream and 170g of marshmallow cream. Work the ingredients until you get a homogeneous mixture;
  • Prepare the ice cream with the ice cream maker following the instructions indicated in the manual;
  • Put the ice cream in the freezer for several hours to let it solidify.
