How To Make Marshmallows (with Pictures)

How To Make Marshmallows (with Pictures)
How To Make Marshmallows (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


If you've never made marshmallows at home, it's time to give it a try. They are much tastier than those you buy at the supermarket and making them is a lot of fun. A basket full of homemade marshmallows is a fantastic idea for a treat and a mouth-watering topping for seasoning baked sweet potatoes.


  • 125 ml cold water
  • 3 bags of unflavored gelatin
  • 200 g glucose syrup
  • 450 g granulated sugar
  • 60 ml of water
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 to 3 tablespoons of vanilla extract or other flavors (almond, peppermint, etc.)
  • 40 g cornstarch (cornstarch)
  • 40 g pastry sugar (icing)
  • Food colors (optional)


Make Marshmallows Step 1
Make Marshmallows Step 1

Step 1. Prepare the necessary ingredients and tools before starting

During the preparation it is necessary to have them at hand.

Make Marshmallows Step 2
Make Marshmallows Step 2

Step 2. Make a mix of powdered sugar and cornstarch in equal parts

Mix them in a bowl and keep them aside.

Make Marshmallows Step 3
Make Marshmallows Step 3

Step 3. Prepare the pan

Marshmallows are very sticky.

  • Line the pan with cling film, wax paper, or parchment paper to be able to remove them better once they're ready.
  • Thoroughly sprinkle the baking sheet or foil with cooking spray or pour in oil and spread it out. Make sure the entire surface is well greased.
  • Alternatively you can use a silicone pan as it is non-stick.
  • Generously dust the greased surface with the cornstarch and powdered sugar mix. Return the excess powder to the bowl and save it for later use.
Make Marshmallows Step 4
Make Marshmallows Step 4

Step 4. Pour the 3 bags of gelatin into the bowl of a planetary mixer

Make Marshmallows Step 5
Make Marshmallows Step 5

Step 5. Add 125ml of cold water to the gelatin

Make Marshmallows Step 6
Make Marshmallows Step 6

Step 6. Let the gelatin and water sit for about 10 minutes while you make the sugar and glucose syrup mixture

This step is used to revive the gelatin.

Make Marshmallows Step 7
Make Marshmallows Step 7

Step 7. Mix 450g of sugar, 60ml of water and 200g of glucose syrup in a small saucepan

Make Marshmallows Step 8
Make Marshmallows Step 8

Step 8. Bring the mixture to a boil

Make Marshmallows Step 9
Make Marshmallows Step 9

Step 9. Insert a sugar thermometer into the saucepan and check the temperature until it reaches 117 ° C

Make Marshmallows Step 10
Make Marshmallows Step 10

Step 10. Pour the hot sugar mixture into the gelatin mix and start stirring at high speed

While mixing, add 1/4 teaspoon of salt and continue whisking for at least 15 minutes.

Make Marshmallows Step 11
Make Marshmallows Step 11

Step 11. After 15 minutes, add the vanilla extract or another flavoring

If you want to add the food coloring, do it now.

Make Marshmallows Step 12
Make Marshmallows Step 12

Step 12. Distribute the mixture evenly in the pan you have prepared. We recommend that you grease your hands, spoon or spatula before doing this step:

it will help you.

Make Marshmallows Step 13
Make Marshmallows Step 13

Step 13. If you want, sprinkle more cornstarch on the surface and cover with another sheet of plastic wrap or wax paper and squeeze the mixture into the pan

Make Marshmallows Step 14
Make Marshmallows Step 14

Step 14. Let it rest for about four hours at room temperature

Make Marshmallows Step 15
Make Marshmallows Step 15

Step 15. Remove the large slab of marshmallow from the pan and place it on a cutting board previously floured with the cornstarch and sugar mix

Sprinkle more cornstarch on the side that is now on top.

Make Marshmallows Step 16
Make Marshmallows Step 16

Step 16. Cut the marshmallows into squares with kitchen scissors or a pizza wheel

You can also use cookie cutters to give the marshmallows some special shapes. Separate the pieces to prevent them from sticking together.

Make Marshmallows Step 17
Make Marshmallows Step 17

Step 17. Mix the marshmallows with the powdered sugar to prevent them from sticking to the sides

Make Marshmallows Step 18
Make Marshmallows Step 18

Step 18. Arrange the marshmallows in containers with parchment paper between each layer

Otherwise they will join to create a lump.

If the container has tall, straight sides, you can trace the rim of the container on the parchment paper and cut several layers at once.:)

Make Marshmallows Final
Make Marshmallows Final

Step 19. Finished


  • The marshmallows will take the shape of the pan. If you want, you can pour the mixture into special molds to give it a different shape. Make sure the molds are well oiled and floured.
  • Dip the marshmallows in melted chocolate and they'll be even more delicious!
  • Pay particular attention to the temperature to get a better result.
  • To clean bowls and utensils, soak them in warm, soapy water.
  • Grease and flour your hands and any utensils that will come into contact with the marshmallows. They are really sticky.
  • Image

    A support to spread the heat on an electric stove. A support to spread the heat between the stove and the saucepan will help to cook the mixture of sugar and glucose syrup evenly.
