Many people suggest cooking a frankfurter directly in the microwave, possibly wrapped in absorbent paper, but the result is uneven cooking, and a frankfurter that tends to break or dry out in parts. This method, on the other hand, makes it possible to obtain a frankfurter that is always cooked to perfection, almost as quickly.

Step 1. Take a fork and skewer a sausage, about 3/4 of its length, choosing an angle that allows the fork handle to stay parallel to the sausage for 3/4 of its length
The fork must be long enough, so that the handle is longer than the sausage.

Step 2. Place the sausage in a microwave-safe bag or glass cup that is taller than the sausage, but not the fork

Step 3. Fill the glass with cold water to cover the sausage (but not the fork)
It is important that the water is cold (because the sausage just removed from the refrigerator will be too), so that it does not reach a boil too soon and does not cook the sausage.

Step 4. Return the glass to the microwave
IMPORTANT: The fork must not be able to come into contact with any part of the microwave, otherwise it could cause sparks. If your microwave has a turntable, make sure it doesn't touch any part of the oven when you turn the fork.
- The purpose of the fork is to keep the sausage submerged in water so that the top end cannot overcook due to direct exposure to the oven heat (which would happen if the sausage floated on water).
- No, putting a fork in the microwave won't harm it. If the fork touches the walls of a microwave in operation, it could cause sparks and ruin both itself and the oven, but as long as you can prevent it, the process will be totally safe.

Step 5. For a sausage:
cook on high for two minutes. For two frankfurters: cook for three minutes. Adjust the time according to the power of your microwave. When the water boils for 20-30 seconds, the sausage will be cooked.

Step 6. Remove the glass from the microwave carefully, it will be very hot as it contains boiling water
Hold the fork with a pot holder and take it out of the glass

Step 7. If you wish, heat the bread in the oven for 10 seconds

Step 8. Use the fork to transfer the frankfurter to the bun

Step 9. Finished
- Make sure that the fork does not touch the walls of the microwave on, it could cause sparks and damage to the fork and the metal lining of the oven..
- Do not heat the sandwiches while you are heating the frankfurters, otherwise the gluten will plasticize due to the steam produced by the water.