Sparkling, creamy and fresh, this cocktail will delight and relax you, after all this is its goal. To "paralyze" you just need a few simple ingredients and a tall glass. You can pour the cocktail into the glass creating several layers or mix all the ingredients in a shaker.
For 1 drink
- 20 ml of tequila
- 20 ml of vodka
- 15ml coffee liqueur (such as Kahlúa)
- 120 ml of milk or half cream
- 60 ml of cola
- Crushed or diced ice (to taste)

Step 1. Put some ice in a Collins glass
The drink contains a lot of liquids, so you'll need a tall Collins or highball glass. This size also requires a good amount of ice to keep the cocktail cold as you go along with the preparation. Calculate a large spoonful.
If you're not interested in creating a layered effect, you can mix the drink in a shaker

Step 2. Add 20ml of tequila, 20ml of vodka and 15ml of coffee liqueur
If you want to create a layered effect, pour the coffee liqueur first. Insert an upside-down spoon into the glass, as close to the liqueur as possible. Pour the tequila and vodka over the back of the spoon.
- The smallest shot of a bartender measuring cup is usually 20ml (half jigger / half shot), but not always. If you don't have this tool, calculate 1 1/2 tablespoons instead.
- 15 ml equals 1 tbsp. You can also add the coffee liqueur by eye.

Step 3. Add the cola
Measure 60ml of Coke, Pepsi, or another cola. Pour it slowly to create a new top layer without affecting the bottom layer.

Step 4. Top off the drink with milk or half cream
Pour it slowly as you stir it onto the top of the drink. This reduces the chances of the milk curdling. Cream is less prone to curdling, but if you pour it too quickly it can still happen. You can measure 120ml or pour the liquid until the Collins glass is completely full.
The milk will seep into the cola, but if it is poured slowly it is still possible to create a separate layer

Step 5. Serve the drink and enjoy
Add a straw to mix it.
- This drink contains an amount of alcohol equal to approximately 1 1/3 standard drink (1 1/3 shot).
- Most bartenders don't garnish this drink, but you can try using a Maraschino cherry.
- This drink resembles a Colorado Bulldog to which tequila has been added.
- Drink alcoholic beverages responsibly.
- Adding milk earlier than necessary can cause it to curdle. It is possible to pour the cola and tequila over the milk, but only if you do it very slowly. If you want to try this variant, replace the milk with cream to reduce the risk of curdling.