How to Serve Tea: 6 Steps

How to Serve Tea: 6 Steps
How to Serve Tea: 6 Steps

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Tea is a fantastic and healthy drink. It also lends itself to being served in many different ways, fun or refined. Read on if you want to learn not only how to drink, but how to serve good tea as well.


Serves Tea Step 1
Serves Tea Step 1

Step 1. Boil the water and start making tea

Pour hot water over the tea bag you want (there are many varieties, choose carefully). Let the infusion rest before adding any other ingredients. It will take about 5 minutes (but no more) for the leaves to release all the aroma and nutrients.

Serves Tea Step 2
Serves Tea Step 2

Step 2. Serve the tea in the cups

The important thing is that they are not too big, no one wants to drown in liters of tea.

Serves Tea Step 3
Serves Tea Step 3

Step 3. Arrange sugar, honey, sweeteners, cream, milk and lemon on the table so that everyone can add whatever they like

Serves Tea Step 4
Serves Tea Step 4

Step 4. Prepare the food:

  • Make sandwiches. French toast is usually used, but wholemeal bread is also fine. You can accompany the sandwiches with cheese and meat, lettuce, peanut butter and jelly, or any other ingredient you like to put in the sandwiches. You can also make grilled cheese or grilled sandwiches, but remember not to stuff them, otherwise it will be difficult to cut them. Make the sandwiches by making small squares or triangles no larger than half the size of your hand. Arrange them on small serving trays or on individual plates.
  • You can also make scones. Again, unleash your creativity: with butter, cream or whatever you like.
  • Cookies have always accompanied tea. Remember to serve them still warm (put them in the oven for a few minutes, not in the microwave). Leave the butter and jams available to guests; if you don't have cookies, you can make some toast.
  • Fresh fruit. Citrus fruits are to be avoided unless you know for sure that no one will put cream in tea. It is better to opt for berries.
  • Small pieces of cheese are also excellent to accompany tea time. The more intense the flavor, the better. Cheddar and Emmenthal are among the most used on these occasions, but they are not the only ones: for example, smoked cheeses are very popular.
  • Sweets are indispensable. Small cakes cut into small pieces are beautiful to look at and excellent to eat, you can have pastries, biscuits or brownies (they are not traditional in tea time, but they are delicious). The cream puffs and the cream puffs are obviously the right choices.
Serves Tea Step 5
Serves Tea Step 5

Step 5. If possible, organize your tea party outdoors

If you have to do it at home, put on some soft music. Balloons and festoons may not be suitable, it depends on the style of the party. Coordinated plates and cups, as well as matching napkins, are always a great idea.

Serves Tea Step 6
Serves Tea Step 6

Step 6. Make sure all snacks are well arranged and at the right temperature

Also make sure that everything is visible and within reach of the guests. The more appetizers you prepare, the better the party will be!


  • Make sure the tea isn't cold. If it is warm or cold you will not fully enjoy its flavor.
  • Iced tea is fine if you have specifically thought about a cold drink. Although a hot infusion is normally served at tea time, there is no reason why you cannot opt for a different solution.
  • You can also make different snacks like sandwiches, fruit, bread and treats.
  • You can also indulge yourself with the varieties of tea. You can offer different flavors and herbal teas, such as chamomile, chai, black, green and white tea.
  • Don't forget about the tea. Even if you can customize tea time to the maximum, don't forget that the infusion is the key ingredient.


  • Don't make tea that's too hot. You could burn your mouth.
  • When the infusion is complete, make sure the tea is quite hot, so you can add cream or cold milk to reach the right temperature.
