Honey is often described as nature's perfect food. In its raw state it contains many beneficial enzymes and makes a mouth-watering treat for those who have grown up on candy and other harmful processed foods. Periodically, the honey hardens and forms crystals. Although it is a completely natural process, which does not interfere with the taste, there are several things you can do to restore the honey to a liquid state.
Method 1 of 3: In the Microwave

Step 1. Use this tool with caution when it comes to melting honey
If you want it to still be considered raw, you need to be very careful, as the microwave can easily destroy beneficial enzymes by overheating them.

Step 2. If possible, transfer the honey from the plastic container to a glass container
In addition to the fact that it may release toxic components, plastic is not as good a conductor of heat as glass. Simply put, you will be able to liquefy honey faster and more efficiently if you use a glass jar instead of a plastic one.

Step 3. Turn on the microwave for 30 seconds with the "defrost" setting
The time required varies based on the amount of honey you need to melt and the power of your oven. Either way, always start with a minimum setting. The "defrost" function may take longer to complete, but it allows you to preserve all the good enzymes present in honey.
Experiment to see which are the most efficient settings on your appliance, however use great caution. At 37 ° C the taste of honey is altered and above 48 ° C all enzymes stop being effective

Step 4. Check the process from the outside of the jar after 30 seconds
If some "pockets" of honey have started to melt, mix it to redistribute the heat. If the crystals are still intact, put the jar back in the microwave for another 30 seconds and repeat the process until the honey begins to melt.

Step 5. Continue like this, heating for 15-30 seconds and stirring, until all the honey is liquid again
If most of the contents of the jar are liquid, but some stubborn crystals remain, you can get the job done by mixing the honey with some vigor instead of subjecting it to the heat source again
Method 2 of 3: With Hot Water

Step 1. If you are very meticulous and want to preserve all the natural qualities of honey, use a hot water bath
Many integrate this product into their diet because it helps with digestion and health in general. If you are one of these people and your jar is filled with a hard mass of crystallized honey, use a hot water bath for best results.
As mentioned above, not only can the microwave change the taste of honey, but the temperatures it reaches do not allow the beneficial enzymes to survive. Since it is much easier to control the heat than a water bath, you are less likely to destroy nutrients with this method

Step 2. Transfer the honey to a glass jar if needed
Avoid plastic containers as much as possible; not only are they shallow (with the risk of water entering them) but they are also poor conductors of heat.

Step 3. Fill a saucepan with water and heat it on the stove to a temperature of 35-40 ° C
Once it reaches 40 ° C, remove the saucepan from the heat, the water will continue to heat even without the heat source.
- If you do not have a thermometer available to measure the temperature of the water, check the bubbles that form on the surface. They begin to be generated when the water is at about 40 ° C. Also, you should be able to dip your finger in without getting burned.
- Do not exceed 46 ° C. If you can't evaluate the water temperature, let it cool and start over. Honey that has been heated above 46 ° C is no longer considered raw.

Step 4. Soak the crystallized honey in water
Open the lid and, being very careful, put the jar in the water. Wait for the heat to do its job and start breaking down the glucose crystals on the walls of the jar.

Step 5. Stir occasionally to speed up the process
Crystallized honey is a bad conductor of heat and the fact of mixing it allows its redistribution also in the internal part, far from the walls of the container.

Step 6. Remove the honey from the water bath when it is completely liquefied
Since the water is not subjected to a heat source, it cools down over time and there is no risk of overheating the honey. Stir occasionally to get the best result, alternatively let the heat do its job without worrying.
Method 3 of 3: Preventing Crystallization

Step 1. Mixing the honey crystals produces friction
Anyone who has suffered an abrasion will know that rubbing two surfaces together very quickly creates heat. The heat allows the honey to liquefy. So if you find yourself with a jar full of crystallized honey and you don't have a stove or microwave available (or you just want to try a new technique), mix the contents vigorously for 30-60 seconds and see if the problem is solved.
If you are trying to prevent crystallization, the type of honey you choose determines how fast this process will be. Honey with a high glucose content becomes solid faster than varieties that contain less. So alfalfa, sunflower and dandelion honey crystallize before chestnut, linden or fir honey. Mixing these types of honey is a tactic to put off the problem

Step 2. Filter raw honey through a microfilter to retain particles that accelerate crystallization
Pollen, wax residues and air bubbles become "seeds" around which the honey crystallizes. Remove them with a polyester microfilter to keep the honey liquid longer.
If you don't have a microfilter, use very tightly woven nylon fabric or even gauze placed over a sieve

Step 3. Do not store honey in a cold cupboard or fridge to prevent it from solidifying
The ideal storage temperature is around 21-27 ° C. Try to store the jar in a place with a constant temperature.

Step 4. If you see crystals forming, gently heat them to prevent them from spreading
The presence of crystals promotes and accelerates the formation of other crystals, so if you are careful you will not have to liquefy the honey too often.
Do not add water to crystallized honey, heat is enough to make it liquid again.
If you accidentally add water, the honey will ferment in a foam of mead