How to Store Berries: 11 Steps

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How to Store Berries: 11 Steps
How to Store Berries: 11 Steps

Strawberries, blackberries, blueberries and raspberries are a real delicacy. Those juicy little fruits are perfect for any use and circumstance. Keep them in the refrigerator to preserve all their freshness if you intend to eat them within a few days, otherwise put them in the freezer where they will last up to a year.


Method 1 of 2: Store Berries in the Refrigerator

Store Berries Step 1
Store Berries Step 1

Step 1. Examine the berries and discard any that are moldy or overripe

Eat the very ripe ones because they won't last if you put them in the refrigerator. Throw away or compost any that are damaged or moldy.

Don't wash berries until it's time to eat them. Otherwise the humidity will cause them to rot

Store Berries Step 2
Store Berries Step 2

Step 2. Place the berries in a plastic container lined with paper towels

Choose a container that is large enough to hold all the berries without crushing them. Line all the inside walls of the container with kitchen paper, then gently add the berries.

  • The paper will absorb excess moisture and prevent the berries from molding.
  • Use their original container if you want. Rinse it and line it with paper towels before filling it again with berries.
Store Berries Step 3
Store Berries Step 3

Step 3. Position the lid so that the container remains half open

Instead of sealing it, leave it slightly ajar so that residual moisture or condensation can evaporate rather than settle on the fruit and risk molding them.

If the berries were contained in a perforated plastic package to ensure good ventilation, make sure the paper does not block the holes in the lid to allow air to pass through

Store Berries Step 4
Store Berries Step 4

Step 4. Store the berries in the refrigerator and consume them within 5 days

For best results, berries must remain at a temperature between 2 and 4 ° C. After 5 days or if mold has formed, throw them away.

  • Do not put berries in the vegetable drawer of the refrigerator, as the humidity level is too high and the air flow is limited. Store them on a shelf.
  • When you're ready to eat the berries, rinse them with cold water to wash away dirt and bacteria.

Method 2 of 2: Freeze the Berries

Store Berries Step 5
Store Berries Step 5

Step 1. Put the berries in a colander and rinse them

Place the colander in the center of the sink and rinse the berries under cold water to remove dirt and impurities. Do not leave them to soak, to prevent them from absorbing water.

  • Soak the berries in a vinegar and water bath (use 3 parts water and 1 part vinegar) to kill bacteria and prevent mold from forming. Rinse them with water and dry them.
  • Discard any moldy fruit.
  • Freeze fruit that is very ripe to prevent it from spoiling.
Store Berries Step 6
Store Berries Step 6

Step 2. Dry the berries thoroughly with 2 sheets of absorbent paper

Spread them on a sheet of kitchen paper and use another to pat them very gently. Try to absorb all the water.

  • Dry the berries well, otherwise the water will turn into ice and the taste will suffer.
  • If you prefer, you can dry the berries using the salad spinner. Again make sure they are completely dry.
Store Berries Step 7
Store Berries Step 7

Step 3. Transfer the berries to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, being careful not to overlap them

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and arrange the small fruits in a single layer. Try to space them out to prevent them from sticking to each other when freezing.

If you don't have parchment paper, you can use aluminum foil

Store Berries Step 8
Store Berries Step 8

Step 4. Place the pan in the freezer for 5-10 minutes

This process is called "flash freezing" and simply serves to ensure that the berries do not stick to each other when you transfer them to the container.

Empty one shelf of the freezer to make room for the pan so that it is perfectly horizontal. If you place it on an inclined surface, the berries will slide and stick together

Store Berries Step 9
Store Berries Step 9

Step 5. Remove the pan from the freezer and pour the berries into a container

It can be made of plastic or glass, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that it is suitable for use in the freezer and that the lid is airtight. Berries should be protected from the air to prevent cold burns and to prevent them from drying out.

If you prefer, you can use a bag to freeze food. The important thing is to squeeze it to let out as much air as possible before sealing it

Store Berries Step 10
Store Berries Step 10

Step 6. Use a permanent marker or label to place the date on the bag

Write the date you froze the berries to remind you by when they should be eaten. Alternatively, add one year to the current year and write "Use by" with the future date.

For example, if you packed the berries on August 5, 2020, write "To be consumed by August 5, 2021" on the container

Store Berries Step 11
Store Berries Step 11

Step 7. Return the container to the freezer and use the berries within a year

Beyond that date they may still be edible, but less tasty. Do not put the container in the freezer door because, as it is the hottest spot, the berries may thaw and refreeze if the freezer is opened frequently.
