Cleaning your home and cleaning for work are two totally different things, even if you are a hygiene freak. If you want to open a cleaning business, you should be fit, be willing to do some "dirty work" and increase your customers by starting to offer the service to your family and friends. Gaining a solid customer base will take time, but with the right attitude, with a good reputation and with word of mouth, it will be easier than you think.
Method 1 of 6: Are You the Right Person for This Type of Business?

Step 1. Before opening the company, make sure it is the right job for you
While the operating costs and training required are low, this work is hard and tiring. Your physical shape will need to be good and you won't have to have problems bending over, kneeling, reaching for things and repeating certain actions for a certain amount of time. If you have had any health problems, consult your doctor.

Step 2. Now, consider your secretarial and accounting skills
You will need to be able to keep accounts and organize work. Customers don't like delays and oversights. Write down your schedule and, for each place you clean, also write down which areas you will need to take care of.

Step 3. Become a good communicator
You will be dealing with a lot of people, so you will need to be open, honest and friendly. With experience you will learn to have a firmer and more confident attitude.

Step 4. Think about your legal or criminal history
If it doesn't get clean, potential customers will be wary of you. Untie every knot before applying for a job.

Step 5. Save Before You Begin
If you are planning to leave your full-time position to open a cleaning business, make sure you have savings for at least six months. Or, don't quit and start working part-time in the business.
Method 2 of 6: A Basic Business Plan

Step 1. The business plan must absolutely be written before starting a business
To draw it up, consider the following points:
- What kind of cleaning company are you planning to open? Will it take care of general house cleaning or specialize in cleaning green spaces, buildings for sale, party halls or places that need to remove damage such as that caused by smoking? The more specific the service you offer, the more research you will need to do to qualify.
- Will your business offer innovative cleaning methods? You could start with a generic business and then move towards a niche.
- Will you use your own products or those of customers? If you make them yourself or believe in a certain brand, you could base the business on this aspect. Either way, you may need to be flexible - some customers prefer you to use their cleaners while having your own.
- Where will you operate? Make a list of local and nearby competitors. Does the market need another cleaning company or is it saturated?
- What means of transport do you have? You cannot use the family car and fill it with buckets, rags and cleaning products, at least not for too long, or it will be difficult to organize yourself. If you use the customer's products, you will be able to travel by public transport, otherwise you will need a personal vehicle.
- Set your prices after checking your competitors' prices. Can you lower them without going bankrupt? Below you will find advice on how to determine the rates.

Step 2. Establish an accounting system
You will need to take care of the accounting and choose a system for organizing invoices, paying taxes, etc. Get account management software and learn how to use it. Do not mix company documents with personal ones. If you don't know any of this, take an online or small business management course.

Step 3. Prices must be reasonable
Sell services based on the quality of the work. If the rates are too low, customers will think your work is poor and you are inexperienced. Additionally, you will want to attract customers who can afford your services. As the old adage goes "you get what you pay for". Of course, you shouldn't be bidding too much either or it will be harder to make your way.
- You can get paid by the hour, per room, per house or per square meter. Decide how to pay according to each specific case. If possible, go see the house or find out about its condition. For areas in poor condition, for example, you will have to ask for more money. Many customers prefer to have a quote to know in advance how much they will pay, with no surprises. Of course, there are exceptions, such as cleaning an oven or a particularly dirty environment.
- Also, you should consider the number of people living in the house, their level of cleanliness, how the furniture is organized and whether there are any pets.
- Houses are not all the same. With experience you will understand how to apply your rates and how to clean effectively, so that you can make maximum profit in a short time.
- If you hire employees, your rates will be higher. Someone makes the mistake of offering low prices without taking into account the fact that more workers may need to be hired.

Step 4. Take out insurance to protect yourself and to guarantee serious customer service
- Check with various insurance companies to find the most convenient one for you.
- Each person hired will increase the cost of insurance, but this will make you more comfortable. In fact, employees will often not work under your supervision, so you will need to protect yourself.
- Warning: the insurance applies to employees, not contractors, who should be insured on their behalf.
Method 3 of 6: Stocks

Step 1. Make a list of the supplies you need, especially if you will be using your own cleaners
Buy everything in bulk to save money and keep invoices for tax deduction.
- Use natural, non-toxic products. This point will make you stand out, especially if you are cleaning homes where children and pets live. Natural products containing essential oils are appreciated for the odor they release.
- Use recognized brands to guarantee the customer the overall quality of your service. If you prepare the products at home, explain to the customer why they are better than those on the market. Get scientific articles highlighting the harmful effects of certain detergents and compare them to the natural ingredients you use.
- Many customers prefer the company to have their own detergents, so they don't have to go out and buy them. Some customers have special products - use them to avoid taking risks. If you ruin something, you will have to pay.
- As for the vacuum cleaner, you can use the customer's one.

Step 2. Dress appropriately
You don't have to wear your best clothes, but still look clean and tidy. Your image must communicate professionalism and reliability. Choose clothing that is comfortable, flexible and in good condition. Try to have more than one weekly change so you don't have to load too many washing machines.

Step 3. Get a vehicle
As for the vehicle, you can rent it when you need it or buy a cheap car for constant use. If you rent it, consider using a removable magnetic advertising sticker to make the car look more professional (don't forget to take it off before returning it). Do some math before you decide.
Method 4 of 6: Marketing, Advertising and Customer Development

Step 1. Create a brand to advertise your services
Decide which image will represent your business and use it on all advertising materials (the colors must always be the same), so potential customers will learn to recognize the brand.
If you have a logo, use it on all advertising materials

Step 2. Invest in a website for a broader perspective
You will prove your seriousness even more and you will be further traceable. Here you can publish some examples of work done, customer opinions, your offer, etc.
- Hire a web designer and use a hosting package so everything looks more professional. The more information you include, the more chances you will have to get noticed.
- In addition to the website, advertise in the online version of the local newspaper and in newspapers in your area.
- Open a page on Facebook and one on Google+. Engage customers with games, quizzes and promotions.

Step 3. Advertise your company
Advertising is essential to make yourself known and broaden your clientele.
- Before running ads, consult with an advertising agency to create an engaging campaign. Don't bet everything on the most competitive prices. Opt for the right rates supported by a special service.
- Enter the company name and contact details on the vehicle to advertise yourself. Go for vinyl decals, which look much more professional than magnetic stickers.
- Print flyers from your home computer or ask an expert. Distribute them everywhere, from shops to homes.
- Use cards to attach to the doors. People often ignore flyers received in the mail and throw them away without even looking at them. A card attached to the door, on the other hand, will take them by surprise, encouraging them to read the ad.

Step 4. Print Business Cards
Distribute them to your family, friends and people you know. Leave them around, especially in places related to hygiene in some way: laundries, kindergartens (parents never have time to clean), supermarkets, etc.

Step 5. Create a schedule whereby customers who persuade a friend to use your service receive a discount (for example, you will give your regular customer a coupon after the friend requests three cleaning sessions)
Method 5 of 6: Your First Customers

Step 1. Getting the first customers is the hardest part
Most customers will want to know if you have experience and if they can trust you with their stuff, so you will need letters of recommendation. In the beginning, ask your family and friends, who will give you honest opinions to improve you.
- Let customers know that you have recently been on the market but that you have done thorough research, that you are prepared and that you are using the most innovative products there are, especially green ones and hypoallergenic ones. Obviously you will need to train before starting.
- Reassure customers of your abilities. Be confident - customers will respect you and know their home is in good hands.
- Also ask for personal references to let customers know that you are a good person. You can make a request to the police.
- Take a discount on the first cleaning session to prove your excellent skills.

Step 2. Focus on quality
In the beginning, forget about the speed. Learning to clean effectively takes a long time. Dedicate yourself more to quality - you will see that you acquire a certain rhythm.
After you're done cleaning, check all the rooms and make sure you haven't left anything out. Make a good impression on the first customers and the word will spread

Step 3. Don't be shy:
tell your clients that you are looking for new business contacts. Tell about your hopes and enthusiasm without insisting. If you have satisfied them, they will recommend you. However, reiterate that the fact of enlarging the company does not mean that you will no longer be available: say that they, being the first, will always be treated with an eye.
Method 6 of 6: Grow the Cleaning Company

Step 1. Get more clients, hire part-time helpers
At some point you may find yourself running the business, while the people you have hired will go to clean up.
- Start with a part-time helper. Train this person and let him replace you once a week, then move on to two and so on.
- You can teach the new helpers the trade yourself or hire the most capable worker, who will also guide them in the work field, so you will save yourself any nasty surprises.
- Do regular quality checks to make sure your standards are being maintained.

Step 2. From manual work to business management
If business is going well, you will need to quit manual labor and hire people, while you will only take care of management. You will be able to move the business from your home to a warehouse and even consider franchising if you have successfully entered a niche.
- Define every detail of cleaning with customers: some are demanding, others are not, but everyone will have to specify what they want.
- Word of mouth will allow you to expand your business, so try to keep your customers satisfied.
- Expansiveness and punctuality are two long-term winning strategies.
- Always carry hand sanitizer with you when you work. Put on gloves when cleaning (change them when going from the bathroom to the kitchen), as you will expose yourself to many germs.
- To open a cleaning company dedicated to new buildings you will need stairs, window cleaning kits, etc. This type of work is done by two or three people and is much heavier. Stickers and labels may need to be removed from windows, showers, sinks and toilets. In addition, you will probably need to eliminate the dust generated by the jobs as well. Consequently, your rates will need to be higher.
- Look at your work critically to improve or ask a friend for advice.
- Don't take more jobs than you can do. Start slow and grow gradually.
- Bring an mp3 player with you when cleaning: listen to some music or learn a new language.
- Use a text message reminder service (such as to text customers the day before their appointment.
- Ask customers for feedback to find out if they are happy and if any aspects need improvement. Standards may change, especially when you are not in control, running the risk of losing a customer.
- You may find yourself working in an unsafe environment where you will find broken stairs, weapons or illegal drugs. Cleaning a private home can expose you to various dangerous situations. Before accepting a job, communicate your standards to the client, clearly saying what you do not tolerate.
- Do not use things that do not belong to you without asking the customer's permission: do not touch the food, do not go to the bathroom, do not read books or magazines and do not browse in the drawers. If you have an hourly rate, don't take breaks while you work.
- If you have health problems, this business is not for you. Clients usually forgive a sick day (and expect you to be able to reschedule the session), but are unwilling to consistently drop out. Also, some clients may think they are abusing you if you are hurting yourself and not hiring you as a matter of empathy. After all, customers need this service to focus on other aspects of their lives, so safety and lack of guilt are important factors when hiring a cleaning company.
- Find out about the products you use and how to clean the different surfaces. You won't want to ruin your client's granite counter or stainless steel appliances. If something breaks, the responsibility will fall on you.
- Use a service agreement to determine what you will do and what you will not do during each appointment, so you can include the warranty and exceptions. Many people will seek compensation for damages, last-minute canceled appointments, or unfinished homework, and will try to get you to work even when there are sick people in the house. You will have to think about the worst-case scenarios and put it all down to protect yourself.
- Always carry your mobile phone to warn you in case of delay or if you find yourself in a dangerous place, so you will immediately get in touch with someone and get help. Sew a hidden pocket into the inside of your work clothes and keep your phone in it; close it with a zipper so the appliance does not fall out while you work.
- The most important element is trust. Ask your customers for various letters of recommendation. Also, be helpful: many customers will need you constantly, so don't let them down. If you need to cancel an appointment, reschedule it now and perhaps offer a discount.