How to Eliminate Negative Influences and Live Positive

How to Eliminate Negative Influences and Live Positive
How to Eliminate Negative Influences and Live Positive

Table of contents:


We have all experienced a negative moment or are still experiencing it. There is a great deal of negativity in us: people are afraid to express themselves because they are afraid of receiving negative responses. Everything we do, as human beings, we do for ourselves and you can't afford to make anyone else happy if you're not happy first. Everything has to start with you: what you want from life, no one can take it away from you!


Erase Negative Influence and Live Positively Step 1
Erase Negative Influence and Live Positively Step 1

Step 1. Everything that happens in your life affects you and the outcome depends on you and how you choose to overcome the situation

You can be happy by turning your thoughts from negative to positive. You can achieve happiness depending on the choices you make, be they ethical or practical. If a tornado flattened your home, you might choose to be happy to be alive or to be grieved for losing your belongings, or you might even feel both ways, but paying more attention to the positives is one way to lift yourself up. and start all over again. If you think about it, that horrible aunt vase is gone too! There is always a more interesting side and a fun side, even if they sometimes coincide.

Erase Negative Influence and Live Positively Step 2
Erase Negative Influence and Live Positively Step 2

Step 2. It is up to you to find happiness by changing your attitude if something is actually bothering you

This can also include changing your context. If you don't integrate well with people in the place where you live, maybe you would feel better integrated if you go home, where people react to situations as you do and can understand when you joke. Or, conversely, if you were not happy where you grew up, maybe there is a different place where the social climate is more akin to your lifestyle.

Erase Negative Influence and Live Positively Step 3
Erase Negative Influence and Live Positively Step 3

Step 3. Setting yourself goals and doing your best to achieve them will allow you to make your dreams come true

Set yourself reasonable goals. Set many small goals to be achieved step by step, step by step, along the way to your great aspiration. Setting yourself at least one small goal each day is extraordinarily helpful in maintaining a positive attitude in life and having something to aspire to. Don't set a strict deadline for your most important goals: unexpected events happen in life and sometimes they make you deviate from your goal, while other times they bring you closer. Succeeding in small daily goals is the first step on the road to your big dreams.

Erase Negative Influence and Live Positively Step 4
Erase Negative Influence and Live Positively Step 4

Step 4. Accepting advice from others is good, but only you know if that advice will help you or not

If you've tried and it didn't work, trying again may be a good idea; however, if you've tried too many times and it never worked, stop and think. Obviously something is missing and often your willpower is not enough. Try an alternative method and experiment with small daily goals - see what you get by trying other methods to achieve your goals.

Erase Negative Influence and Live Positively Step 5
Erase Negative Influence and Live Positively Step 5

Step 5. Thinking Positive Will Make Your Life Better:

keep that in mind! "All or nothing" is not positive thinking. Positive thinking is something different: it is looking at things as they are and choosing to focus on the good aspects, the little manifestations of generosity and the little beauties of life and sharing them (rather than sharing the equally inevitable pains!). It's not about believing that bad things never happen or that everyone is good, and it's certainly not about blaming those who are having a bad time: it's about being in solidarity with them and moving forward knowing that you have been kind. It is about seeing a drop of dew on a weed and remembering that beauty is always, everywhere, for those who seek it.

Erase Negative Influence and Live Positively Step 6
Erase Negative Influence and Live Positively Step 6

Step 6. When you feel happy, look inside yourself and try to understand why:

if you can understand it, you can learn to control your life and organize it to increase happiness situations. When things go wrong, people question themselves, out of the natural desire to find an explanation so that it never happens again. Ask yourself when you're happy to figure out how to make it happen again! Even when trying to figure out what went wrong, try to space out the perspective a little and not see things only black or white - look at them from all angles.


  • No one can take your happiness away from you without your permission.
  • To have a happy life and therefore also be able to give joy to others, you must first be happy yourself.
  • You will achieve happiness when you start thinking positive.
  • Try to think about yourself a little too. If you don't take care of yourself, you won't have the resources to take care of anyone else. So find a balance between love for others and your real needs and don't neglect either of them.
  • This also means accepting others for who they are and trying to understand them, to see things from their point of view to get a better idea of why they react a certain way. You probably know what you want out of life and instead they try to protect you by redirecting you to something you are less suited to. Parents tend to do this often with the best of intentions and sometimes they don't realize they are breaking their children's dream or imposing their dreams on them. Teachers often do it too. Ultimately it is you who live your life; people who love you can also be wrong and that doesn't mean they don't care.
  • If you comply with those who oppress you, you are helping them to burden you more. Be aware of your ethics, develop your concept of right and wrong by evaluating the various moral issues in life, and stick to your integrity. Getting wrong doesn't necessarily make people bad - good people with good intentions can do double the damage sometimes.
  • Everything you do, you do it for yourself: everyone acts for themselves. So if you do something just to please others, you won't be happy in the end.
  • Nobody will take the burden of solving your problems - you have to solve them yourself. Those who think they can do it for others sometimes risk causing harm with the best intentions in the world and waste their efforts.


  • Avoid people who bring negativity to your life.
  • Drive away those who intend to repress you.
  • Don't listen to someone who never gives you good advice.
  • Never try to satisfy immediate desires by compromising your moral integrity.
