How to Say "I Love You" in Swedish: 10 Steps

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How to Say "I Love You" in Swedish: 10 Steps
How to Say "I Love You" in Swedish: 10 Steps

"I love you" is an intense and passionate phrase that has a very strong value in every language; the Swede is certainly no exception. Regardless of whether you want to impress the person you're interested in or just know how to pronounce this phrase for future use, know that learning how to say "I love you" isn't that hard. In general, the expression " Jag älskar dig"to declare your love, even if there are other ways to do so.


Part 1 of 2: Learning the phrase "I love you"

Say I Love You in Swedish Step 1
Say I Love You in Swedish Step 1

Step 1. Say the word "Jag"

This is the term that corresponds to the first singular personal pronoun used as a subject (the equivalent of "I"). The Swedish grammar is not exactly like the Italian one, but for this expression the words follow an order that is equivalent to the phrase "I love you"; consequently, "I" must be said first.

  • "Jag" is pronounced more or less like " Jah"(with a slightly narrow a). Notice that the letter" g "is silent, so you don't have to say" jag ".
  • Some native Swedish speakers pronounce this word as if it started with Y (" Yah"), due to the regional accent. You can use either sound (J or Y), as it is only a matter of personal preference.
Say I Love You in Swedish Step 2
Say I Love You in Swedish Step 2

Step 2. Say "älskar"

This is the verb "to love" expressed in the present indicative; this form is obtained by adding an r to the term of "älska", the verb in the infinitive.

For non-Swedish people it is not an easy word to pronounce; the sound is similar to " elskah". The letter ä is pronounced like an open" e ". The final r is more or less silent and the sound should be very light and delicate.

Say I Love You in Swedish Step 3
Say I Love You in Swedish Step 3

Step 3. Switch to the term "dig"

Indicates the personal pronoun "you" with object complement function.

Don't be fooled by the spelling of this word. "Dig" is pronounced exactly like the English word " day"and has nothing to do with another Anglo-Saxon word (" to dig "ie" to dig ").

Say I Love You in Swedish Step 4
Say I Love You in Swedish Step 4

Step 4. Join all the words to form a single sentence:

"Jag älskar dig ". Practice pronouncing each term individually and when you feel ready, put them together. By saying these words in the order they are described, you form the Swedish phrase equivalent to "I love you".

The whole sentence is pronounced: " Jah elskah deyDo not forget that you can use the sound of the Y for the first word thus obtaining: "Yah elskah dey".

Part 2 of 2: Learn other Romantic Phrases

Say I Love You in Swedish Step 5
Say I Love You in Swedish Step 5

Step 1. Answer "Jag älskar dig med" which means "I love you too"

You can use it when someone says "Jag älskar dig" and you have the same feelings. The word "med" can also be used as the preposition "with" in other situations, but in this context it has the meaning of "also".

"Jag älskar dig med" is pronounced roughly like " Jah elskah dey mehNotice that the first three words are exactly the same as those described in the previous section. The d in "Med" is silent and the word is pronounced with a short-sounding e, like that of "apple".

Say I Love You in Swedish Step 6
Say I Love You in Swedish Step 6

Step 2. Say the phrase "Jag är kär i dig" which means "I fell in love with you"

In this case, the meaning is slightly different. Although it is used infrequently in Italian, it is possible to use the verb love to indicate the feelings that unite us to close friends, family members and even pets. However, you only fall in love with a partner with whom you are in a romantic relationship.

  • The sentence is pronounced as: " Jah eh SHAAAHD i dey". The letter k has a" sh "or" sc "sound when it precedes some vowels. The r at the end of the word" kär "sounds like a slight d.
  • Finally, note that "kär" is emphasized and pronounced for a longer time than the other words. This detail is very important, because in Swedish the length of the sounds of a word is part of the correct pronunciation.
Say I Love You in Swedish Step 7
Say I Love You in Swedish Step 7

Step 3. To say "I like you" you can use the expression "Jag tycker om dig"

If you enjoy spending time with someone but aren't ready for a romantic relationship yet, use this phrase. It is definitely less demanding and "compromising" than a declaration of love.

  • The sound is " Jah tik-ed OHMMM dey". Again, the letter r has a sound more like a d that is obtained by tapping the tongue on the palate. When you say" Om ", it prolongs the sound of the o, just like when you say the classic" ohm "while Meditate. Put the accent on this word and keep the sound longer than the others.
  • If someone says this to you, you can reply with: "Jag tycker om dig också" which means "I like you too". It is pronounced the same way, except for the word "också" which sounds like " ok-soh".
Say I Love You in Swedish Step 8
Say I Love You in Swedish Step 8

Step 4. Say "Jag längtar efter dig" which means "I want you"

If you want to impress your Swedish partner with an intense statement, try this sentence. It's certainly not an expression you can say every day, but it can be very impressive if used wisely.

The pronunciation is similar to: " Jah LAANG-tehd efteh dey". The letter ä of" längtar "has a rather long sound. Emphasize the first syllable of" längtar "and keep it for a longer time than the others.

Say I Love You in Swedish Step 9
Say I Love You in Swedish Step 9

Step 5. Answer "Tack" when you receive a compliment

Although Swedes find it unpolite to give a lot of insincere compliments, you are bound to get a few if you hang out with a person. In such cases, you can politely respond with "tack!" ("Thank you!").

The word is pronounced just as it is spelled. Do not prolong the sound "ah", the term is composed of a short and firm syllable

Say I Love You in Swedish Step 10
Say I Love You in Swedish Step 10

Step 6. You say "Känner du för en bebis?

"to ask someone if they would like to have children. A rough translation might be" Would you like to have a child? "Use this phrase with caution! You should only ask when it is evident that your relationship is lasting (or it is clear that you are kidding!).

  • The sentence is pronounced: SHEEN-eh du for en biiebi?

    Don't forget to emphasize the first syllable of "känner" which is pronounced with a short e.


  • Before using these phrases with a Swedish person, it is important to know that the culture of this people is quite reserved when it comes to romance and dating. Saying "I love you" to someone sincerely, before becoming really intimate, can be interpreted as too "hasty" behavior. Try to show your appreciation and feelings by taking an interest in the other person's life and helping them (such as with housework) until a close relationship is established.
  • Listening to audio recordings of a native Swedish speaker speaking is a perfect way to learn pronunciation. For this purpose, Forvo is a great site to learn how to say "Jag älskar dig" and many other Swedish phrases.
  • Just like in other languages, the word "älska" is not only used for romantic occasions, but also to express pleasure in certain activities, for example "Jag älskar att spela schack" which means: "I love (like) to play chess".
