Taking care of the environment might seem like a big deal, but you can start from your home and then broaden your reach. If everyone did their part, the whole world would become a cleaner place in no time. You are never too young to help!

Step 1. Recycle
Recycling is a great place to start. If we couldn't recycle there would be so much garbage on the floor that we couldn't see our feet! Recycling is great. Think, when you recycle paper, you improve our oxygen levels. When you recycle plastic, new things can be created, such as bottles or floors. When you recycle aluminum, new machines are born! Recycling helps you and everyone else. Start by doing the separate collection at home, and if you are looking for bins in which to take the materials to be recycled, you can find out in the municipality of your city.

Step 2. Preserve energy.
The less resources (like water) and energy (like electricity) we use, the less resources we take from nature and the less energy we need to produce. Fun fact: if you have a tap that leaks one drop per second, you will waste around 2400 liters of water in a year! Also, remember to turn off the light when you leave a room. This way you will not only help the environment, but also the family finances. Now you won't be paying the bills, but one day, when you have your own home, you will! It is best to have good habits when you are young. Turn down the heat in your house. It is more efficient to warm yourself up with a jacket than to warm the whole house.

Step 3. Use ecological products
Another way to help is to use products that don't harm the environment. Buy beauty products from companies that don't test on animals. Check the label for Not Tested on Animals. To keep the water clean, do not buy products with Toxic, Danger, or Warning on the labels. If they have this sign, they are as bad for you as they are for the environment! There are tons of eco-friendly products and home recipes that you can use to save the environment and clean up or heal your body at the same time! And

Step 4. Organize neighborhood cleaning
To do this, you will need to hand out flyers with the meeting place and the time at which cleaning will begin. You can also throw a thank you party right after, for the people they've helped. In this case, write it on the flyer and also add at what time the cleaning will finish.

Step 5. Make a difference
A very strong action you can take to save the environment is to write letters to local political representatives about an environmental issue in your area that you are passionate about. You can get their address by asking your parents, a teacher or on the internet. If your teacher is interested, you could write as a class and mail it. This way you will attract their attention! This is how people like us can make changes. And it's very simple.

Step 6. Stay active
The best thing you can do is make family and friends aware of the importance of recycling and keep your neighborhood and environment clean. Remember: everything you do matters no matter how small you think it is. We have only one land and we have to keep it clean. Encourage friends and family to follow your example.

Step 7. Ride your bike instead of having your parents drive you around
Not only will you decrease air pollution, it will also be good for your health.

Step 8. Donate games, books or CDs you no longer want
Throwing them away will ensure that they are no longer used. Take them to a Caritas office close to home. Who knows, you might even find us something you want.
Step 9. Join an environmental advocacy group
You may meet friends who share your values and get advice on what to do to help the environment more.
- Reduce, reuse and finally recycle. First of all it is better to reduce consumption. Buy fewer things. Think about it, you don't really need all those things. Reuse everything you can. If you can't reuse it, recycle it so it can become part of something else.
- Recycle as much as possible! It doesn't matter if you recycle one or a thousand cans, you are still helping to reduce the consumption of new natural raw materials.
- Buy clothes at the flea markets. They give a second life to the clothes of someone who has grown up or who no longer wanted them. Creating new clothes pollutes a lot. Insane agriculture leads to deforestation. The rainforest serves to reduce the greenhouse effect.
- Eat food at 0 km. Reduce transport, then reduce CO2 and heavy metal pollution in the environment.