A perfect Pokemon is ready to face anything, especially its weaknesses.

Step 1. Plan
Decide in advance what type of Pokemon you want. The perfect Pokemon will know the moves to counteract its weaknesses and fight other Pokemon normally. Use online Pokemon books or references to research different types of Pokemon and find out which one you want.

Step 2. Catch or get the Pokemon
Search tall grass and water. Look for characters in the game who want to trade. This is a great way to find rare Pokemon. Trade with your friends who play Pokemon, especially if they have the opposite version to yours. This is an easy way to get Pokemon that you wouldn't otherwise be able to catch. For example, if you have VerdeFoglia and want a Tyranitar, find someone who has RossoFuoco! Natures are also important. If you decide to use your starter Pokemon, save and load until you get the nature you think is most suitable. (This is a clever technique, which you can also use on the other Pokemon you decide to use, but since you won't be sure you will get them, it will take even longer!)

Step 3. Increase your Pokemon's EV points
Improve all stats with Vitamins like Proteins. Don't give him vitamins he doesn't need. Doing so will allow you to increase your Pokemon's EV scores up to 100. From there on, you will need to use EV TRAINING. EVs (Effort Values), are stat modifiers that increase according to the Pokemon you defeat in battle. For example, beating a Pidgey grants 1 EV to Speed, while a Staraptor grants 3 EV to Attack. Every 4 EV points in a stat grants a 1 point increase. Additionally, each Pokemon can have a maximum of 510 EVs, with 255 EVs in a single stat. Since neither 510 nor 255 are divisible by 4, the maximum number of points you should have in a stat is 252. Use this knowledge to your advantage, and train the stats you would like to improve by fighting against the right Pokemon.

Step 4. Use logic or the internet to find out what kind of points each Pokemon is awarded - flying Pokemon are usually fast (Speed), Rock-types are tough (Defense), etc
A Pokemon that has not evolved, or that cannot evolve, is awarded an EV point. A Pokemon in the first stage gives 2 EV points, and those in the second stage and the legendary 3 points. You can use items like Macho Bracers to double the EVs earned in battle, or take advantage of the rare Pokerus, if you are lucky enough to contract it, which also allows you to double your EVs.

Step 5. Points IV
Points IV (Individual Values) are also very important. As you've probably noticed, each Pokemon has different stats, even if it's the same species and has the same nature! This is because there are values called IV. Unlike EVs, there is NO way to modify them after you have obtained the Pokemon. These numbers range from 0 to 31, and indicate the quality of the Pokemon's stats, 0 being the lowest and 31 being the highest. - The best way to get a good IV score is to breed Pokemon that you know have good IVs in a specific stat. Explaining this operation in detail, however, would take too long, so we advise those interested to continue with their internet searches. You can use sites like Smogon, Bulbapedia, and Serebii.

Step 6. Teach your Pokemon the moves
Consider his weaknesses and teach him moves that are super effective on Pokemon that can exploit them. Try to teach him very effective moves like Earthquake. Also choose moves suitable for the Pokemon in question. However, remember that the moves used by a Pokemon of the same type as the move will be much more powerful, thanks to the STAB bonus.

Step 7. Level up your Pokemon, up to level 100
Simple and straightforward. Depending on the version of Pokemon you're playing, you shouldn't use Rare Candies up to level 100; if you do, you may lose your chance to earn EV points. This is potentially 126 stat points lost at level 100. If you want to be sure, make sure you have finished your EV training before reaching level 100 (normally, since it takes a lot of battles to reach level 100 without using rare candies, EV points will be full when your Pokemon is at high level).

Step 8. Match the Pokemon
Some special moves can only be learned through replay. For example, get a Light Orb, a Pikachu or a male Raichu and a Pikachu or a female Raichu, give the female the Light Orb and put them in the Boardinghouse. The Pichu that will be born will know Volt Tackle.
- Try catching a Chansey or getting an item called a Lucky Egg. The egg is an item to be awarded to Pokemon that increases the experience points received from battles and Chansey will often have it as an item if you catch a wild one (in the Safari zone in RF or VF).
- If you have maxed out a Pokemon and still want to increase its EVs, in Pokemon R / B / G and O / A / C, you can use the Box Trick. To do this you will have to put your Pokemon in the computer and retrieve it, thus obtaining the increase in statistics. In Pokemon B / N and B / N2, EV points are applied when you earn them, eliminating the problem altogether.
- If the Pokemon you choose will be able to use moves like Thunder, Fire Bomb, Frost, Root Tree, Hydro Pump, or any other moves with 120 attack power or more, it will be useful to you, but remember that these moves are often missing and have very few. PM. It is recommended to teach Lightning, Flamethrower, and Ice Beam as elemental moves.
- Trading a Pokemon with another trainer allows you to train it faster, because it will receive more experience points from battles.
- Here is a list of Pokemon recommended to become the perfect (Non-Legendary) Pokemon: Tyranitar, Aggron, Dragonite, Togekiss, Blissey, Snorlax, Kingdra, Salamence, Flygon, Garchomp, Lucario, Rhyperior, Electivire, Magmortar, Starter Pokémon, and others.
- Never catch glitchy Pokemon. You could cause damage to your game.
- Despite the fact that it is possible to catch most Legendary Pokemon completely legitimately and train them normally, many people consider the use of these Pokemon to be less fair than non-legendary ones.
- Make sure the Pokemon you have chosen can learn the moves you want to teach them.