How to Use the Cover System in Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 5

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How to Use the Cover System in Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 5
How to Use the Cover System in Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 5

This article explains how to hide behind covers in Grand Theft Auto V. These instructions apply to both the traditional third-person version of the game and the new, first-person version of the game.


Take Cover in Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 5 Step 1
Take Cover in Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 5 Step 1

Step 1. Approach an object that you can use as a cover

Here are some elements of the environment that you can take advantage of in this way:

  • Corners
  • Speakers
  • Automobiles
  • Low walls
Take Cover in Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 5 Step 2
Take Cover in Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 5 Step 2

Step 2. Face your character towards cover

You should be in contact with the object you want to use to repair yourself.

Take Cover in Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 5 Step 3
Take Cover in Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 5 Step 3

Step 3. Press the "Cover" button

The button varies based on the platform you are playing GTA 5 on:

  • PC: Press Q.
  • Xbox: press RB.
  • PlayStation: press R1.
Take Cover in Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 5 Step 4
Take Cover in Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 5 Step 4

Step 4. Exit coverage

Holding the "Aim" key, right click on PC and left trigger on console, allows you to look over the cover, from above or to the side.

Release the "Aim" button and you'll be back behind cover

Take Cover in Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 5 Step 5
Take Cover in Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 5 Step 5

Step 5. Shoot from behind cover

Pressing your system's "Shoot" button, left click on PC and right trigger on console, allows your character to shoot over cover or to the side, without exposing his body or head.

Aiming before shooting allows you to shoot more accurately, but also exposes part of your body as you do so

Take Cover in Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 5 Step 6
Take Cover in Grand Theft Auto (GTA) 5 Step 6

Step 6. Press the "Cover" button again

This way you get out of coverage.
