This article explains how to create a bulleted list in a PowerPoint presentation. This feature is present in the Windows and Mac versions of PowerPoint.

Step 1. Open the PowerPoint presentation to edit
Double-click the existing PowerPoint presentation icon or start the PowerPoint program and select the "Blank Presentation" option from the "New" tab.

Step 2. Select the slide where you want to insert the bulleted list
Click on the slide thumbnail listed in the left pane of the window. The content of the chosen slide will be displayed in the main pane of the page.

Step 3. Select where to insert text
Click on one of the text areas on the slide, in order to place the text cursor inside it.
For example, you can click on the "Title" or "Click to insert text" text field

Step 4. Click on the Home tab
It's located at the top left of PowerPoint's orange ribbon, which appears at the top of the window.
If you're using a Mac, the Home is different from the menu Home located in the upper left of the computer screen.

Step 5. Select the type of bulleted list you want to use
Click on one of the icons representing three parallel lines located in the upper left part of the "Paragraph" group of the tab Home of the ribbon. You have at least two options: normal bulleted list and numbered bulleted list.
You can click on the button
located next to each icon to display the list of styles with which you can format the bulleted list.

Step 6. Enter the bulleted list items
Type a word or phrase that is the first item in the list, then press the Enter key. This will automatically create the first point in the list and the text cursor will be positioned on the second element to be inserted.
- Repeat this step for all the items in the list that you need to add.
- Press the ← Backspace key on your keyboard when the text cursor is next to a point in the list to finish entering new items.
- You can use several bulleted list formats to differentiate sub-items from the main items in the list.
- If you already have a list of items available, you can turn it into a bulleted list in a few simple steps. Select all the items that will make up the bulleted list, then click on the bulleted list format you want to use.