Have you ever created a beautiful PowerPoint presentation with audio / video included only to find, however, that the recipient you sent it to could not see it? By following this guide you will learn to make sure that the recipient's computer has all the files available to play your presentation.
Step 1. Open PowerPoint by clicking on Start => Programs => Microsoft Office => Microsoft PowerPoint
Step 2. Create a simple Power Point presentation
Click here if you don't know how.
Step 3. Click Insert => Movies and Sounds => Movie from file (or Sound from file) and add the audio or video file to the presentation
Step 4. Find the file to add
Remember where the file was, you will need its path later
Step 5. Select mp3 or wav format from the "File Type" menu
Step 6. When the following question will appear:
"How do you want the sound to play on the slide?" Select "Automatically" or "When Clicked".
Step 7. Play the slide show to make sure the files actually play at the right time
With video files, you have multiple options. To use some of these, right click on the "sound" icon and then click on "Custom Animation". You can use the Help menu to view a description of all options.
Step 8. Save the presentation by clicking on File => Save As => decide the path of the file => Name the file => Click on "Save"
Step 9. Open your mailbox and create a new message
Step 10. Write the email and complete all fields (Recipient:
Subject: and all the various content you want to add).
Step 11. Attach the PowerPoint presentation
Step 12. Also attach the music and video files you used in the slideshow
This is the key point that many forget, making the presentation useless. If you don't attach these files, they won't play in your presentation. You can find these files in the same file path you used when you used them in your presentation.
Step 13. Make sure the presentation works by opening it on another computer
Always check the presentation on another computer to make sure everything is working as it should. To do this, do not wait for the moment when you will have to send it and / or play it in front of your friends and colleagues, because it may be too late.