5 Ways to Add a Background in Word

Table of contents:

5 Ways to Add a Background in Word
5 Ways to Add a Background in Word

This article shows you how to add a custom background to your Word documents which normally appear as plain blank pages. You can use a watermark, a custom image, or a solid color.


Method 1 of 5: Insert a Default Watermark

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 1
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 1

Step 1. Launch Microsoft Word

Click the icon with the white letter "W" placed on a blue background.

If you need to edit an existing document, double-click the corresponding file icon

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 2
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 2

Step 2. Choose the Blank Document option

It is located in the upper left corner of the Word templates page.

If you are editing an existing document, skip this step

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 3
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 3

Step 3. Go to the Design tab of the Word ribbon located at the top of the window, to the right of the "Home" and "Insert" tabs

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 4
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 4

Step 4. Press the Watermark button

It is located within the "Page Background" group of the Word ribbon visible at the top of the window. The button in question is located on the left of the items "Page colors" and "Page borders".

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 5
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 5

Step 5. Choose a default watermark

You can select one of the following watermark templates to apply as a background to the pages of your Word document:

  • "Confidential";
  • "Do not copy";
  • "Draft";
  • "Reserved".
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 6
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 6

Step 6. Compose your document as you normally would

The watermark is inserted as the background of the document, this means that the text you are going to insert will be positioned at a higher level than the latter and perfectly visible.

If you need to remove a watermark, press the button Remove watermark placed at the bottom of the "Watermark" drop-down menu appeared.

Method 2 of 5: Insert a Custom Watermark

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 7
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 7

Step 1. Launch Microsoft Word

Click the icon with the white letter "W" placed on a blue background.

If you need to edit an existing document, double-click the corresponding file icon

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 8
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 8

Step 2. Choose the Blank Document option

It is located in the upper left corner of the Word templates page.

If you are editing an existing document, skip this step

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 9
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 9

Step 3. Go to the Design tab of the Word ribbon located at the top of the window to the right of the "Home" and "Insert" tabs

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 10
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 10

Step 4. Press the Watermark button

It is located within the "Page Background" group of the Word ribbon visible at the top of the window. The button in question is located on the left of the items "Page colors" and "Page borders".

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 11
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 11

Step 5. Choose the Custom Watermark option

It is listed in the middle of the "Watermark" menu that appeared. The "Watermark Printed" dialog box will appear.

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 12
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 12

Step 6. Select the "Image Watermark" option

It is located at the top of the "Watermark Printed" dialog box.

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 13
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 13

Step 7. Press the Select Image button

It is located under "Image Watermark".

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 14
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 14

Step 8. Choose the From a file option

It is located at the top of the new dialog that has appeared. The window for the folder on your computer where images are stored by default (for example, the "Pictures" folder) will be displayed.

You can also choose to use the search engine Bing or the clouding service OneDrive if you want to search the web or if the image you want to use is stored in the cloud.

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 15
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 15

Step 9. Select the image you want

It will be used as a watermark for the document under consideration.

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 16
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 16

Step 10. Press the Insert button

It is located in the lower right corner of the window. This will redirect you to the "Watermark Printed" Word window.

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 17
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 17

Step 11. Press the OK button

It is located at the bottom of the window. The chosen image will be used as a watermark for the document in question.

Through the "Printed Watermark" window you can resize the chosen image by accessing the "Aspect Ratio" drop-down menu and choosing the desired percentage that will be used to calculate the new dimensions (for example 200%). You can also select the "Gradient" checkbox to prevent the watermark from appearing transparent

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 18
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 18

Step 12. Compose your document as you normally would

The watermark is inserted as the background of the document, this means that the text you are going to insert will be positioned at a higher level than the latter and perfectly visible. In this case the color of the text will be changed automatically to always remain perfectly legible even if you have chosen to use an image that is too light or too dark.

Method 3 of 5: Use Custom Text as a Watermark

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 19
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 19

Step 1. Launch Microsoft Word

Click the icon with the white letter "W" placed on a blue background.

If you need to edit an existing document double click on the corresponding file icon

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 20
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 20

Step 2. Choose the Blank Document option

It is located in the upper left corner of the Word templates page.

If you are editing an existing document, skip this step

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 21
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 21

Step 3. Go to the Design tab of the Word ribbon located at the top of the window on the right of the "Home" and "Insert" tab

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 22
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 22

Step 4. Press the Watermark button

It is located within the "Page Background" group of the Word ribbon visible at the top of the window. The button in question is located on the left of the items "Page colors" and "Page borders".

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 23
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 23

Step 5. Choose the Custom Watermark option

It is listed in the middle of the "Watermark" menu that appears. The "Watermark Printed" dialog box will appear.

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 24
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 24

Step 6. Select the "Text Watermark" option

It is located at the top of the "Watermark Printed" dialog box.

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 25
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 25

Step 7. Type your watermark text into the "Text" field

It is located in the center of the "Text Watermark" section. The default option should be "DRAFT". The other settings with which you can customize the watermark are as follows:

  • Character type - to choose the font to use to display the watermark in the document;
  • Dimension - to be able to change the font size. Choose "Auto" (the default option) to have Word choose the correct size automatically.
  • Color - to choose the color of the watermark text;
  • Layout - you can choose options Horizontal or Diagonal to determine the orientation of the watermark;
  • You can also deselect the "Semitransparent" checkbox to make the watermark visible.
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 26
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 26

Step 8. Press the OK button

It is located at the bottom of the window. The entered text will be used as a watermark for the document in question.

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 27
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 27

Step 9. Compose your document as you normally would

The watermark is inserted as the background of the document, this means that the text you are going to insert will be positioned at a higher level than the latter and perfectly visible.

Method 4 of 5: Use an Image as a Background

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 28
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 28

Step 1. Launch Microsoft Word

Click the icon with the white letter "W" placed on a blue background.

If you need to edit an existing document double-click the corresponding file icon

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 29
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 29

Step 2. Choose the Blank Document option

It is located in the upper left corner of the Word templates page.

If you are editing an existing document, skip this step

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 30
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 30

Step 3. Go to the Design tab of the Word ribbon located at the top of the window to the right of the "Home" and "Insert" tabs

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 31
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 31

Step 4. Press the Page Color button

It is located on the right side of the tab Design on the Word ribbon, inside the group Page background.

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 32
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 32

Step 5. Choose the Fill Effects option

It is visible at the bottom of the drop-down menu that appeared.

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 33
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 33

Step 6. Go to the Image tab

It is located at the top of the "Fill Effects" window.

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 34
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 34

Step 7. Press the Select Image button

It is positioned at the top of the window.

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 35
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 35

Step 8. Choose the From a file option

It is located at the top of the dialog that appears. The window for the folder on your computer where images are stored by default (for example the "Pictures" folder) will be displayed.

You can also choose to use the search engine Bing or the clouding service OneDrive, if you want to search the web or if the image you want to use is stored in the cloud.

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 36
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 36

Step 9. Select the image you want to use as a background for the document in question

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 37
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 37

Step 10. Press the Insert button

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 38
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 38

Step 11. Press the OK button

It is located at the bottom of the window. The chosen image will be used as a background for the pages of the document.

Unlike when using an image as a watermark, in this case the photo will not be transparent

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 39
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 39

Step 12. Compose your document as you normally would

In this case the color of the text will be changed automatically to always remain perfectly legible even if you have chosen to use an image that is too light or too dark.

Method 5 of 5: Change the Background Color

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 40
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 40

Step 1. Launch Microsoft Word

Click the icon with the white letter "W" placed on a blue background.

If you need to edit an existing document double-click the corresponding file icon

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 41
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 41

Step 2. Choose the Blank Document option

It is located in the upper left corner of the Word templates page.

If you are editing an existing document, skip this step

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 42
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 42

Step 3. Go to the Design tab of the Word ribbon at the top of the window, to the right of the "Home" and "Insert" tabs

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 43
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 43

Step 4. Press the Page Color button

It is located on the right side of the tab Design on the Word ribbon, inside the group Page background.

Add Backgrounds in Word Step 44
Add Backgrounds in Word Step 44

Step 5. Choose a color

The hue you have selected will be used as the background for the pages of the document. The color of the text will be changed automatically where necessary, to ensure that it always remains perfectly legible.

  • If you need to create a custom color, choose the option Another colors placed at the bottom of the menu that appeared. You can use a special selector to get the shade of color you want.
  • You can also select the option Fill effects to use predefined textures or patterns to add to the document background.
