3 Ways to Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP

Table of contents:

3 Ways to Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP
3 Ways to Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP

Audio drivers can be installed on Windows XP if you have previously downloaded incompatible drivers, if you have outdated drivers, or if they have been damaged by some virus, power outage or other computer problem. Audio drivers can be installed by downloading important Windows updates, installing software from the disc provided by the device manufacturer, or by downloading them directly from the manufacturer's website.


Method 1 of 3: Download Windows Updates

Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 1
Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 1

Step 1. Click the "Start" menu on the desktop of your Windows XP computer

Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 2
Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 2

Step 2. Click on "Control Panel"

Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 3
Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 3

Step 3. Select "Automatic Updates"

Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 4
Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 4

Step 4. Click on the "Automatic" button

Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 5
Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 5

Step 5. Select the day and time you want your computer to download Windows updates

Select the earliest available day and time to download Windows updates, and fix your sound problem immediately

Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 6
Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 6

Step 6. Click on "Apply"

If updated audio drivers are available for download, they will automatically be installed on your computer on the day and time you have selected to download Windows updates.

Method 2 of 3: Install the Audio Drivers from the Manufacturer's Disc

Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 7
Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 7

Step 1. Insert the disc containing your computer's software drivers into the disc compartment of your PC

Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 8
Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 8

Step 2. Follow the on-screen instructions to reinstall audio drivers in Windows XP

If you need further assistance with installing audio drivers using the disc, please consult your computer manual or contact the manufacturer directly

Method 3 of 3: Download the Audio Drivers from the Vendor's Site

Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 9
Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 9

Step 1. Click the "Start" menu on your computer

Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 10
Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 10

Step 2. Click on "Run"

Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 11
Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 11

Step 3. Type "dxdiag" in the text box

Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 12
Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 12

Step 4. Click on "OK"

Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 13
Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 13

Step 5. Click on the "Audio" tab

Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 14
Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 14

Step 6. Note the name of your computer's sound card displayed next to "Name" in the "Devices" section

Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 15
Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 15

Step 7. Note the name of the manufacturer of the sound card displayed next to the "Provider" entry, under the "Drivers" section

Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 16
Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 16

Step 8. Click on "Exit"

Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 17
Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 17

Step 9. Launch your computer's Internet browser

Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 18
Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 18

Step 10. Visit your computer's audio device manufacturer's website

Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 19
Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 19

Step 11. Search the manufacturer's website to find audio drivers to download using the name of the sound card

If they are not immediately visible, go to the "Support" section of the site to find the audio drivers

Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 20
Install Audio Drivers on Windows XP Step 20

Step 12. Follow the instructions on the manufacturer's website to install the audio drivers


  • If you need further assistance, please visit the "Microsoft Support" site listed in the "Sources and Citations" section of this article, and contact the manufacturer of your sound card. In most cases, you will be able to call the manufacturer directly or receive information from their website.
  • Configure Windows Update preferences to automatically install all important, optional, or recommended updates as they become available. Windows updates can automatically install new software and other system features that can help you prevent or fix future computer problems.
