How to Install Android App on Bluestacks

How to Install Android App on Bluestacks
How to Install Android App on Bluestacks

Table of contents:


This article shows you how to download and install an Android platform application within the Bluestacks software emulator, available for Windows and Mac computers. Just like any Android device, using Bluestacks you can install apps directly from the Google Play Store. Also, you have the option to download the APK file of an app and use it to install it within Bluestacks when it is not present in the Play Store.


Method 1 of 2: Using the Play Store

Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 1
Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 1

Step 1. Install and configure the Bluestacks emulator

If you have not yet installed it on your computer, go to the official website, click the green button Download Bluestacks visible in the center of the page, click the green button Download located at the top of the page that appeared and install the program on the computer following the instructions dedicated to the operating system in use:

  • Windows - double-click the EXE file you just downloaded, click the button Yup when prompted, click on Install now, click on Business suit when prompted, start the Bluestacks program if it does not run automatically and follow the instructions that will appear on the screen to complete the configuration and log in with your Google account.
  • Mac - double click the DMG file you just downloaded, double click the Bluestacks app icon, click the button Install when prompted, authorize the installation if requested, click on the button Continues when it appears on the screen, start the Bluestacks program if it does not run automatically and follow the instructions that will appear on the screen to complete the configuration and log in with your Google account.
Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 2
Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 2

Step 2. Click the Installed Apps tab

It is located in the upper left corner of the emulator window.

Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 3
Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 3

Step 3. Click the System Apps folder

It is located in the upper left of the tab Apps installed. The list of pre-installed applications within Bluestacks will be displayed.

Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 4
Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 4

Step 4. Click the icon

of the Google Play Store.

It features a multicolored triangle and is located inside the "System Apps" folder. The Google Play Store app will launch.

Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 5
Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 5

Step 5. Click the search bar

It is the text field visible at the top of the Google Play Store page.

Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 6
Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 6

Step 6. Search for the app you want to install

Type the name of the program you want to install (or enter the search criteria if you don't know the name of the app) and press the Enter key.

As you type the app name, the corresponding icon and name may appear in the suggested content list displayed below the search bar. If so, click the application name and skip the next step

Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 7
Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 7

Step 7. Select an app

Scroll through the list of results until you find the program you want to install, then click the corresponding icon to access the specific page of the Play Store.

The Google Play Store search algorithm always tries to find the best apps that meet the search criteria and display them at the top of the results list. Click on the button Install placed under the name of the application chosen to start its installation. If you followed these instructions, skip the next step.

Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 8
Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 8

Step 8. Click the Install button

It is green in color and is located in the upper right part of the page that appears.

Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 9
Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 9

Step 9. Click the Agree button when prompted

The selected application will be installed on Bluestacks.

Depending on the chosen program, you may not need to click on the button as well I accept.

Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 10
Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 10

Step 10. Launch the app

At the end of the installation you can start the program in two ways:

  • Click on the button You open placed on the Google Play Store page of the app in question. In this case it will start immediately.
  • Click the application icon that appeared on the tab Apps installed.

Method 2 of 2: Using an APK File

Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 11
Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 11

Step 1. Install and configure the Bluestacks emulator

If you have not yet installed it on your computer, go to the official website, click the green button Download Bluestacks visible in the center of the page, click the green button Download located at the top of the page that appeared and install the program on the computer following the instructions dedicated to the operating system in use:

  • Windows - double-click the EXE file you just downloaded, click the button Yup when prompted, click on Install now, click on Business suit when prompted, start the Bluestacks program if it does not run automatically and follow the instructions that will appear on the screen to complete the configuration and log in with your Google account.
  • Mac - double click the DMG file you just downloaded, double click the Bluestacks app icon, click the button Install when prompted, authorize the installation if requested, click on the button Continues when it appears on the screen, start the Bluestacks program if it does not run automatically and follow the instructions that will appear on the screen to complete the configuration and log in with your Google account.
Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 12
Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 12

Step 2. Download the APK file of the app of your interest to your computer

APK files simply represent app installation files for Android devices. Normally they are used to be able to install on the device all those third-party applications that are not available on the Play Store, but they can also be used to install a specific version of a system app, for example Chrome. To download an APK file locally, search the web using the name of the app and the apk keyword (for example "facebook apk"), select the site that publishes the file and click the link Download or Mirror.

APKMirror, AppBrain and AndroidAPKsFree are all safe and reliable websites from which you can download the APK files of the apps you want

Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 13
Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 13

Step 3. Click the Installed Apps tab

It is located in the upper left corner of the emulator window.

Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 14
Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 14

Step 4. Click the Install apk option

It is located in the lower right corner of the program window. The "File Explorer" (on Windows) or "Finder" (on Mac) system window will appear.

Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 15
Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 15

Step 5. Select the APK file you just downloaded

Navigate to the folder where it is stored, then click the file icon to select it.

Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 16
Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 16

Step 6. Click the Open button

It is located in the lower right corner of the dialog box that appears. The APK file will be imported into Bluestacks and the corresponding app will be installed automatically.

Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 17
Install Android Apps on Bluestacks Step 17

Step 7. Launch the application

When the corresponding icon will appear inside the tab Apps installed you can click it with the mouse to start it.


  • As of March 2019, the latest available version of Bluestacks emulates Android Nougat (7.1.2).
  • To delete an application, click the corresponding icon with the mouse without releasing the button until one appears X red in the upper left corner, then click on X red and on the button Delete when required.


  • Using APK files is very convenient, but at times it can be risky as they can carry viruses or malware. If your device's security is a top priority, download apps only from the Google Play Store.
  • It is known that the Bluestacks emulator is very slow at runtime, even when installed on high-performance computers. For this reason, you may encounter problems using some applications.
