If you have the impression that the driving quality of your car is not the same as always, it is worth checking the shock absorbers. It is a fairly simple operation to perform, and allows you to avoid unnecessary visits to the mechanic or, if necessary, to go there immediately for a professional intervention.

Step 1. Look at the car from the front
Park on a flat surface, the car should be perfectly aligned with the ground so that the weight is evenly distributed on both sides.
If you know the technical specifications of your car's suspension, you can measure the height from the ground. If the value is at a minimum or even less, you should take the car to the mechanic for an evaluation and possible repair. A "minimum" height from the ground is sufficient for a professional intervention, it is not ideal and means that something must be replaced.
Check Shock Absorbers Step 1Bullet1

Step 2. Push down the front of the car to check the resistance of the shock absorbers
It is not a scientific test but a subjective one. However, it is able to corroborate the results of other checks.
Stand in front of the car and carefully place one foot on the bumper, you can also decide to use your knee on an area that does not bend and does not dent; it does not matter that you are in the center of the width of the machine. Shift your weight to this support point by pushing the car down. Quickly remove your foot or knee. The car should promptly bounce upwards and return to its original position without too many swaying. If it bounces more than a couple of times, the shock absorbers may be weakened

Step 3. Check the struts or shock absorbers
Check for the presence of any liquid leaking from the shock absorber: if so, there is damage. When the gasket begins to leak, the shock absorber is no longer effective.
You will need to take your vehicle to the mechanic to confirm your suspicions and replace any damaged shock absorbers. Note that you have to make sure that the liquid is actually a leak from the shock absorber gasket and not a residue of some puddle you caught while driving
- Remember that checking the shock absorbers is very important. Surveys clearly indicate that most motorists do not realize that poor suspension system conditions put vehicle safety at risk. A pleasant and comfortable ride is not the main goal of shock absorbers, although it is undeniably guaranteed by their work. The first function is to maintain control of the vehicle and reduce suspension wear while the comfort and handling of a vehicle also derives from how it was designed.
- Never change a single shock absorber. At the very least, they need to be replaced in pairs (front and rear). If you need to replace OEM-style shock absorbers, then it is a good idea to replace all four - if one has broken or is badly worn, the others will soon be.