Roman numerals are the number system used in ancient Rome. Combinations of letters from the Latin alphabet are used to represent different values. Learning Roman numerals can help you write patterns, understand ancient Roman culture, and become more cultured. You will find in this article how to quickly master those deceptive symbols.

Step 1. Try to understand the basic symbols
Here are the ones you need to know to get started:
- I = 1
- V = 5
- X = 10
- L = 50
- C = 100
- D = 500
- M = 1000

Step 2. Use a mnemonic method to memorize the order of symbol value
If you have trouble remembering where each element goes, try this simple trick: M.y D.ear Loves Xbetween V.itamins THEntensely.

Step 3. Learn all the digits in order
Here they are:
- I = 1
- II = 2
- III = 3
- IV = 4
- V = 5
- VI = 6
- VII = 7
- VIII = 8
- IX = 9

Step 4. Learn all tens
Here they are:
- X = 10
- XX = 20
- XXX = 30
- XL = 40
- L = 50
- LX = 60
- LXX = 70
- LXXX = 80
- XC = 90

Step 5. Learn all the hundreds
Here they are:
- C = 100
- CC = 200
- CCC = 300
- CD = 400
- D = 500
- DC = 600
- DCC = 700
- DCCC = 800
- CM = 900

Step 6. Know that you cannot have more than three of the same symbols in a row
When putting the same symbols together, you simply add their values. Normally the maximum number of consecutive identical symbols is three.
- II = 2
- XXX = 30

Step 7. Add the smaller values after the larger values
Similarly to the above rule, just add. Remember that the numeral must first have the largest value symbol for there to be a sum. Here's how to do it:
- XI = 11
- MCL = 1150

Step 8. Subtract the smaller values that are inserted before the larger values
In this case, you need to subtract the smallest value from the largest value. Here's how to do it:
- IV = 4
- CM = 900

Step 9. You need to know how dialed numbers are written
There are numerous rules governing how Roman numerals are dialed. Here are some rules to learn:
- IV should be used instead of IIII
2987 is written as MMCMLXXXVII, because:
- The first M gives 1000
- The next M gives 1000
- The following CM gives 900
- The next LXXX gives 80
- The following VII gives 7
- So, adding the values together, we get 2987.
Learn Roman Numerals Step 10 Step 10. Learn to write the largest numbers
Since M = 1,000, if you want to represent 1 million, add a dash or line above the numeral M, which makes it 1 million. The bar above the numeral means that it appears a thousand times. Thus, M x M = 1,000,000.
5 million would be represented by MMMMM with a dash above each M. This procedure is necessary because in Roman numerals there is no symbol greater than M (1,000). This method is not commonly used, but it is good to know how it works
Learn Roman Numerals Step 11 Step 11. Check what you have done
If you'd like to make sure you've converted a number correctly, check with some online converters to see if you're in the right direction.
- X = 10
- MCMLXXXIV = 1984 (M = 1000; CM = 900; LXXX = 80; IV = 4)
- VII = 7
- IX = 9
- CM = 900
- L = 50
- VIII = 8
- VI = 6
- IV = 4
- II = 2
- M = 1000
- C = 100
- XL = 40
- MMM = 3000
- MMXI = 2011
- XC = 90
- XX = 20
- I = 1
- V = 5
- Write and learn. This may be one of the most boring things for some people, but trust me: you understand better when concepts are stored in long-term memory.
- D = 500
- III = 3