How to Write Straight: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Write Straight: 7 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Write Straight: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

Having beautiful handwriting involves the ability to draw straight lines of text. This is especially difficult if you use a blank sheet of paper, with no lines to guide your writing. Constant practice and a proven technique are both deciding factors, to keep in mind if you want to learn how to write straight.


Method 1 of 2: Practice Sufficiency

Write Straight Step 1
Write Straight Step 1

Step 1. Practice every day

Daily practice will help you see the fruit of your handwriting improvement efforts. As you practice, you will need to analyze your writing, evaluate your results, and make any changes you deem necessary. It has been shown that constant practice is ideal for acquiring skills and maintaining them over time.

  • Online you can find several worksheets with examples to practice on.
  • Regular and constant practice is crucial for learning to do something new and mastering its technique.
  • Practice on both blank and lined paper.
Write Straight Step 2
Write Straight Step 2

Step 2. Practice a lined protocol sheet

Before you start practicing on blank sheets, practice on a lined protocol sheet for guidance in writing. The lines will help you keep your handwriting straight and master the technique before trying on a blank sheet of paper.

  • Letters known as "descendants" require the "body" of the letter to rest on the line, while the "stem" falls below. The letters g, j, p, y, q and j are all descendants.
  • Letters classified as "ascending" require the "body" of the letter to rest on the line, while the "stem" extends upwards, almost to the previous line. The letters b, d, h, t, l, f and k are ascending.
  • All other letters are placed entirely on the line.
Write Straight Step 3
Write Straight Step 3

Step 3. Draw lines on the paper yourself

If you can't write straight on white paper, you can use a pencil to draw lines yourself. To do this, you will need a ruler or an object with square edges. The lines will help you write straight and then you can erase them.

  • Place the ruler where you want to draw the line on the page.
  • Draw a light line with the pencil.
  • Remove the ruler. Use the ruler to write straight.
  • When you are done, you can erase the line and leave the line of text (written in pen).
Write Straight Step 4
Write Straight Step 4

Step 4. As you practice, write slowly

This is a gimmick that helps you have a neat and tidy handwriting. Writing slowly is also helpful in keeping your handwriting more straight, as it gives you time to correct the slant as you work. Stay relaxed and take it slow: it will help keep your hand firmer.

  • Writing in a hurry can cause crooked and cluttered handwriting.
  • As you write, try to proceed in a straight line.
  • Slowing down the pace also helps to learn more from the exercises.

Method 2 of 2: Adopt Correct Posture and Grip

Write Straight Step 5
Write Straight Step 5

Step 1. Keep your hand and wrist on the same line

The writing process involves a whole series of small movements of the fingers, wrist, palm and arm. By focusing on the whole arm (including the wrist) instead of just the fingers, you will be able to write straighter and more orderly.

  • As you practice, draw large letters, drawing them in the air with your hand.
  • Avoid using your fingers to trace characters. You risk writing wrong and causing hand cramps.
  • Use your whole arm, including your wrist, to form the letters: the result will be a smoother, straighter handwriting.
Write Straight Step 6
Write Straight Step 6

Step 2. Check your posture

At first glance it may seem like an insignificant detail, but correct posture allows you to write neater. Sitting correctly allows you to move smoothly and have more control over your handwriting.

  • Sit with your feet flat on the ground and your back straight.
  • Put your other hand on the table to promote balance.
  • Don't practice while sitting on something soft, like a sofa or recliner.
Write Straight Step 7
Write Straight Step 7

Step 3. Hold the pen or pencil correctly

A correct grip of the pen or pencil is a basic element to take into account. If you hold your pen incorrectly, you tend to lose control and make the letters and sentences you write look sloppy and sloppy. During the exercises, always check that your grip is correct.

  • Hold the pencil close to the tip, grasping it with your thumb and forefinger.
  • Keep it resting on your middle finger, near the last knuckle.
  • Don't squeeze the pencil too hard.


  • Practice calmly and write slowly.
  • Practice on both white and lined paper.
  • You can draw lines on a blank sheet of paper with a pencil and ruler, erasing them when you're done.
  • Try to hold the pencil or pen correctly.
  • Write with your arm and wrist, not your fingers.
  • Extend your hand before exercising to avoid cramps and fatigue.
