Edema is a type of swelling that results from excessive water retention. It is commonly found in the ankles, feet, and legs, but can also affect other parts of the body, including organs. Edema is a symptom of many conditions, including pregnancy, congestive heart failure, diabetes, allergies, and infections. There are different types of edema that affect different parts of the body, but they are generally characterized as imprinting or non-imprinting edema. If you apply pressure to an area and the skin continues to fovea after the pressure is released, the edema is considered imprint. On the contrary, in non-imprinting edema, the skin returns to relax after acupressure. Both types of edema can be severe and should not be ignored. There are many natural methods to reduce edema, but it is recommended that you consult a doctor before attempting home treatment to be sure the condition that caused it is not dangerous. Here are some tips for reducing edema naturally.

Step 1. Begin by eliminating all known or suspected food allergens from your diet
This will reduce inflammation that could be confusing or contributing to edema.

Step 2. Decrease the amount of salt in your diet
Salt can contribute to water retention and should be drastically limited if you suffer from edema.

Step 3. Avoid alcohol, tobacco and caffeine as much as possible
These substances can inhibit the natural functions of cells and organs, making them less effective.

Step 4. Limit your intake of animal protein, fried foods, and chocolate
Foods high in fat can limit the effectiveness of the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and pancreas.

Step 5. Eat lots of raw fruits and vegetables
These foods can help your body eliminate toxins that can contribute to edema.

Step 6. Increase your water consumption
Many people find that if your body is retaining liquid, drinking water makes the situation worse. But dehydration can aggravate edema. Drinking lots of water helps your body excrete toxins and salt.

Step 7. Make yourself a dandelion tea
Boil a cup of water and add two teaspoons of fresh dandelion leaves and let them steep for about 5 minutes before drinking. Dandelion leaves are very nutritious, because they contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals. These substances work together to help cells and organs function at their best when taken regularly.
- It is recommended to drink two cups of herbal tea every day to naturally reduce edema.
The following diuretic herbs can be used to make herbal tea in the same way as described above:
- Horsetail
- Parsley
- Yarrow
- Nettle
- Watercress
- Birch leaves
Reduce Edema Naturally Step 8 Step 8. Exercise regularly to promote blood and oxygen circulation to all cells in the body
Physical activity is also a natural diuretic.
Reduce Edema Naturally Step 9 Step 9. Massage and acupuncture can also be effective natural treatments for edema
Reduce Edema Naturally Step 10 Step 10. Look for grape seed extract at a drugstore or herbalist's shop
You can find it in capsules, powder or herbal teas. The antioxidants found in grape seeds are believed to reduce edema.
Reduce Edema Naturally Step 11 Step 11. Eat a whole fresh cucumber every day
Cucumber is believed to reduce water retention in the body, and eliminate toxins that can contribute to edema.