4 Ways to Control Your Subconscious

4 Ways to Control Your Subconscious
4 Ways to Control Your Subconscious

Table of contents:


Although the conscious mind is extraordinary, the subconscious is even more majestic! Whenever your conscious mind processes a choice or an action, your subconscious mind simultaneously processes unconscious choices and actions. Once active, unconscious choices, actions and goals persist until they are realized. Research indicates that it is not possible to administer the subconscious; however, there are activities and exercises that can foster and expand the relative awareness.


Method 1 of 4: Be Positive

Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 1
Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 1

Step 1. Establish a positive internal dialogue

Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. Changing your language will allow you to develop a new mindset and to undo negative thoughts and actions carried out by the subconscious mind. Replace "I'm not capable!" with "I can do it!". Instead of saying "I'm always wrong!", Exclaim "I'll make it!". If you find yourself falling back into negative internal dialogue, stop and take a deep breath. Evaluate what prompts you to tell yourself you won't make it. Identify the factors that cause you to take a negative attitude. Record them as triggers and try to find the necessary positivity again.

This change of language takes time, perseverance and determination. Stay positive as you strive to free yourself from the negative expectations and behaviors dictated by the subconscious mind

Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 2
Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 2

Step 2. Develop a positive mantra

When anxiety and stress appear, calm your nerves and suppress negative thoughts by repeating your own mantra. By repeating it regularly, you will be able to overwhelm the thoughts and actions triggered by the subconscious mind. Identify your negative thoughts and acknowledge that this is an unfounded self-assessment. Create a therapeutic mantra that states the opposite of the negative claim. Come up with two more that express the same idea and use them alternately. Select a place on your body to center positivity, such as the heart or stomach. Place your hand on the chosen spot and repeat your mantra. Focus on the goal and build your confidence.

If you think you're never up to the challenge, choose a mantra like "I can do it", "I'm worth it" or "I deserve it"

Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 3
Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 3

Step 3. Use visualization techniques

Visualizing or mentally tracking your achievement is a great way to train your subconscious mind and relate to it. Start with visualization exercises that require you to engage only one or two senses. Try to visualize every detail of a photograph or object that is familiar to you. As your skills increase, you can try to visualize a scene from a movie or a memory in its entirety. Notice the sounds, smells, colors, textures and flavors. Once you have learned to focus on the details and describe them minutely, start visualizing yourself in the act of achieving your goal. In this regard it will be important to be able to visualize yourself in the most realistic way possible: do not dwell on the negative things and do not imagine yourself failing, visualize yourself while reaching your goal and success! For example, if you visualize yourself giving a speech in public, imagine yourself recovering brilliantly after stumbling around for a few moments, rather than assuming you are making a silent scene.

  • View specific goals. Be specific in defining what you want to achieve. Identify the place, time, and circumstances surrounding your success. Add as much detail as possible!
  • When visualizing yourself, don't try to put on the shoes of a super hero, imagine who you really are.

Method 2 of 4: Practice Mindful Meditation

Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 4
Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 4

Step 1. Prepare to meditate

Meditation will help you focus and guide your subconscious mind. Before starting the practice, determine the length of your session. If you are a beginner, try meditating for 5 minutes. Find a place that's calm and relaxing, free of clutter or distractions, wear comfortable clothes, and set the timer. You can decide to meditate outdoors, on the floor of your room or in the back of your house, the choice is yours alone. Do some stretching, then sit in a comfortable position. Bend forward until your toes touch, release tension from your neck and relax your shoulders.

Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 5
Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 5

Step 2. Take care of your posture

Choose a stable chair, with a straight back, and sit down firmly placing the soles of your feet on the floor; alternatively you can cross-legged on a cushion placed on the floor. Straighten your back, but keep the natural curvature of the spine. Keep your arms at your sides and bend your elbows slightly forward while gently dropping your hands to your knees. Lightly bring your chin to your chest and look at the floor. Before proceeding, get used to the position and become aware of your body.

Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 6
Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 6

Step 3. Focus on the breath and the thoughts that run through your mind

Close your eyes and start following your breath; focus on the act of inhaling and exhaling. When you start to relax your mind will start wandering; thoughts will flow from his subconscious to the conscious side. Be aware of their coming, but try not to judge them. Just allow them to pass and walk away. Whenever you find yourself distracted by your breath, bring your attention back to the next inhalation. In a short time your mind will start wandering again; bring it back to your breath every time. Repeat the process until the meditation session is over.

Method 3 of 4: Practice the Flow of Consciousness Technique

Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 7
Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 7

Step 1. Get ready

Get a pencil or pen and a few sheets of paper. Find a timer and set it to 5 or 10 minutes. Sit in a quiet, distraction-free place and turn off any electronic devices. Don't write using your computer or tablet, you can get distracted very easily!

Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 8
Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 8

Step 2. Start writing

Get comfortable and take a deep breath to find focus. Start the timer and start writing. The technique of the stream of consciousness (stream of consciousness in English) requires that thoughts are allowed to flow freely, chaining each other without any kind of restriction. As soon as a thought comes to your mind, record it on paper. Don't hold back from writing down even the most trivial or bizarre ideas, they could originate from your subconscious mind. Don't judge your thoughts and don't stop to analyze them. The only thing you need to do is keep writing them down until time runs out.

Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 9
Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 9

Step 3. Analyze what you have written

At the end of the session, reread your thoughts and reflect on the written words. Identify recurring concepts and weirdest phrases. Try to identify a possible connection between two different ideas. Take note of any possible thoughts from the subconscious mind. Continuing with the exercise, re-read the results of the previous sessions again. Track your progress in the "stream of consciousness" technique and determine if your subconscious mind is shining through.

Method 4 of 4: Interpreting Dreams

Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 10
Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 10

Step 1. Make a note of your dreams

Before going to sleep, place a pen and diary next to your bed. When you wake up, or periodically during the night, record your dreams in a diary; write down as many details as you can remember. Take note of even the smallest details, no matter how boring or insignificant they may seem. After some time, analyze your writings to highlight any recurring concepts, objects, or characters.

When you dream your subconscious mind is revealed, so by recording and studying your words you will have access to them

Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 11
Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 11

Step 2. Determine the importance of your dreams and rank them

An insignificant dream incorporates aspects of your surroundings, for example, it may include smells, sounds and actions around you. A meaningful dream instead comes from your subconscious mind and is not an ordinary dream, but a bizarre, enigmatic or enlightening combination of elements. Since this is a significant dream, decide in which category to classify it. Was it a revelatory dream that revealed details of future events to you? Can it be defined as a warning or perhaps as a confirmation of something you already knew? Have you somehow felt inspired to make one of your dreams come true or to reconcile with something or someone? Think carefully about it.

Vivid dreams are often the most significant

Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 12
Control Your Subconscious Mind Step 12

Step 3. Interpret your most relevant dreams

You don't need to be an expert to be able to analyze your dreams: all it takes is a little effort and some research. The web and libraries are full of useful resources. When examining your dream, evaluate it in its entirety. Every detail has a broad relevance and can foster a better interpretation and understanding of the subconscious mind. If you feel that the definition of a symbol given by a book on dream interpretation is inadequate, try to consider it in the context of your real life. Try to determine for yourself the possible reasons why a given image, person or thing appeared in your dream.
