Can't Concentrate When Studying? Do you fall asleep while trying to study the Middle Ages or are you tempted by the scattered objects on the dining room table instead of focusing your attention on the periodic table? Finding a corner to reserve for the studio could be the right solution for you. With the right equipment, a little organization and a personal touch, you can create an oasis of peace that could help improve your results.
Part 1 of 3: Equipping Your Space

Step 1. Find a desk (or table) and a comfortable chair
You need to take a comfortable position, but not to the point that you lose focus or fall asleep (the bed is not the best choice for studying, because it helps you sleep). You also need a workspace that allows you to move around freely.
- The height of the desk or table should be adjusted in such a way as to comfortably rest the elbows without hunching the shoulders. Your feet should rest comfortably on the floor.
Use a comfortable chair that fits the height of your desk or table. You have to avoid the more eccentric office chairs that rotate, swing, recline, stand up, etc. - they would just be a distraction.
Make a Study Space Step 1Bullet2 - If you have to use your PC, you need enough space to place it about 55-70cm away from your eyes.

Step 2. Provide adequate lighting
A study corner that is too dark not only induces sleep, but also strains the eyes, making the desire to study pass away. Too bright light, such as a fluorescent lamp, can be harmful to your eyes. Use a desk lamp to illuminate the work area and also a floor lamp or ceiling lamp to illuminate the room.
If you have the ability to take advantage of natural light, do it. Don't forget, however, that although natural light can give you peace of mind, the temptation to look out the window may distract you from studying. Consider semi-sheer curtains or venetian blinds, or turn away from the window

Step 3. Collect everything you need
Make sure you have the materials you need to study on hand, to avoid wasting time looking for the ruler or pen refills.
- Arrange all school supplies in special containers on your desk or in a convenient drawer - pens, pencils, erasers, paper, notes, highlighters, etc.
- Also have a pocket vocabulary, a thesaurus and a calculator handy, although your mobile has all three functions. Using your phone to solve long divisions or check the spelling of a word diverts your attention from the task you are doing, because it is an invitation to use it for many other purposes.

Step 4. Keep your desk tidy
Use the drawers to have all your items close at hand, but don't scatter them on the desk top. If you don't have enough drawers, use the boxes and bins that you can stack around the perimeter of your workstation.
- Divide all study material by course or subject into folders or binders, making sure to affix labels to easily find what you need.
- You can also organize homework and notes using bulletin boards, cork boards, and wall calendars.
- For more ideas read this article.

Step 5. Also organize your PC files
The organization should also extend to electronic devices, as well as the objects around you. Have you ever looked for the draft of an essay you were writing without being able to find it? Or that you have lost your notes to prepare for the psychology test because you don't remember where you saved them? Create specific folders for each course or subject and store all your files in the right place.
Save files with specific names so you can find them easily thanks to your PC's "Search" function. Avoid using outlandish names for the benefit of descriptive titles. Don't forget to name your drafts

Step 6. Evaluate the idea of a watch
This choice depends on your character: would it help you study for another hour or would it remind you that your favorite program is about to start (or would it make you think "I've been studying for so long ?!")?
- Try to use the clock to set goals to achieve in a certain amount of time. You can also use the clock or timer function of your mobile or a wristwatch for this purpose. Establish that you have to study for a certain period of time, like 30 minutes. Don't allow yourself any distractions in the meantime. When you're done, take a short break to reward yourself!
- You could also use a timer to manage and optimize your time, especially if you're preparing for an automated exam, such as college entrance tests.
If the ticking of an antique clock bothers you, opt for a digital model.
Make a Study Space Step 6Bullet3
Part 2 of 3: Eliminate Distractions

Step 1. Reduce the clutter
This point ties in with the need to organize your desk, but also indicates that you need to keep an eye on papers, pens, open books, etc., which could pile up on your worktop while you study. Too much confusion could make you feel overwhelmed and stressed, hindering your tasks.
- It is a good idea to expect outages; therefore, when you take a break, take a few minutes to tidy up your workstation before starting over.
- Too much clutter can lead to unnecessary distractions. Keep only what you need close at hand. A cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind.

Step 2. Put your cell phone aside
It is difficult to resist the temptation to use a mobile phone when studying. Modern smartphones perhaps represent the most advanced tools, but also the greatest distractions. Put it away when you study or you'll find yourself browsing Facebook or chatting with a friend without even realizing it.
Turn it off or put it on silent so the notification sound doesn't distract you from studying. Also try to place it away from your desk to avoid instinctively picking it up.
Make a Study Space Step 8Bullet1 - If you are using your mobile as a calculator or for other ancillary features, activate offline mode, which cuts off all connections such as Wi-Fi. You can turn it off again during your (short) study breaks.

Step 3. Eliminate distracting noises
Some people can work well with "white noise" - background noises such as the buzz of people chatting in a bar - which are not distinct enough to cause distraction. Others need absolute silence to work. Try to figure out what works best for you and organize your space accordingly.
- "Multitasking" is a utopia. You can't watch TV or browse Facebook and study at the same time, no matter how much you think you are a true multitasker. Focus on studying and leave television and music for leisure time.
- If your study corner is located in a room where there is a TV on or people chatting, or is adjacent to another room with other potential distractions, try to isolate yourself with the help of your background noise.
- Choose something like the patter of rain or white noise; there are many sites and apps that offer continuous listening to pleasant sounds. If you prefer music, try classical or instrumental. You need to choose something that prevents you from getting distracted by covering up the noises around you.
If possible, do not use headphones. In many cases they disturb the concentration and memorization of information, probably because they are not always able to soundproof the external environment.
Make a Study Space Step 9Bullet4

Step 4. Use the study corner exclusively for studying
If you study on your bed, you will be tempted to think about sleep (or you will really sleep), if you study in the place where you usually play video games you will be tempted to play, if you study at the table you will think about eating and so on. You are therefore more likely to associate these places with various distractions.
- If you have the opportunity to create a space - even a corner, a closet, a larger closet, etc. - reserved exclusively for the study, do it.
- If this is not feasible, do what you can to transform a multi-purpose room into a study corner. Eliminate food, plates and centerpieces from the dining room table. Put away your video games, scrapbooking tools, etc.

Step 5. Avoid munching while studying
Studying takes effort and effort, but you have to pay attention: it's easy to nibble on everything when you get on the books. Especially junk food is a bad idea. If you need to have some snacks on hand, opt for fresh fruit, vegetables, or whole foods like crackers.
- Try to avoid excessive sugar and caffeine consumption while studying. They could make you nervous and subsequently make you "break down".
- Try to reserve a snack for breaks. This way you will be more careful about what you eat and reward yourself for working hard.
- However, don't ignore your body's needs. Take a break for a meal or snack, or give yourself a certain amount of time before recharging with coffee. This way you can take care of your mind and body.
Part 3 of 3: Customizing your Studio Corner

Step 1. Make it yours
Try to get it in an environment that suits your needs. If you need absolute silence, find a hidden corner, an attic, a cellar, an empty bedroom, any available space. If you prefer noises, place yourself next to (but not inside) a more lively area.
If the place can't always be reserved for the studio, let others know when you will use it as such. Make a sign that says "Do not disturb" or "Stop it, I'm studying!", According to your personality

Step 2. Embellish it to inspire you to study
Adorning your study corner with posters, signs and photos that are important to you could help give you the energy to keep going. Just make sure they don't become a distraction rather than a stimulus.
Ask yourself what kind of stimuli works best for you. A photo of your family or your beloved puppy? A car poster you hope to receive after passing exams and graduating? The copies of previous chemistry exams with poor grades that you decided to improve? Decide if you need more negative or positive stimuli (as indicated by the expression the stick or the carrot, if you prefer) to continue studying.
Make a Study Space Step 13Bullet1 - Decorating the space identifies it as yours, even if only temporarily, as in the case of the dining room table or a shared space. When you study surround yourself with some significant objects that can be easily taken away when you finish.

Step 3. Appeal to your senses
If you can add a pop of color to your study corner, remember that cool colors like blue, purple and green tend to instill peace and tranquility while warmer colors like red, yellow and orange are inspiring and even exciting.
- Therefore, if you are overwhelmed by anxiety during the period leading up to the exams, consider choosing the palette of cold colors for your decoration, while if you need a boost when trying to study, opt for the warmer colors.
- Don't neglect your other senses, though. Some essences like lemon, lavender, jasmine, cinnamon and mint in some people seem to improve mood and productivity. Try candles and essential oils with different scents.
- Although white noise, the ticking of rain or classical music are the best choices as background noise while studying, if you can't opt for these alternatives, choose a music that is familiar to you. Create a soundtrack with songs you've heard a million times before, rather than a new song that invites you to hum.

Step 4. Don't overdo it
Remember that the purpose of a study corner is to help you study more effectively. If you spend too much time trying to organize your spaces and end up drastically reducing the time you spend studying, you are doing yourself a disservice. A study corner aimed at limiting distractions can become a distraction.
Remember: it would be better to study in a less than ideal place, rather than not studying in a perfect place
- If your study area is too hot, you may fall asleep. Excessive cold can cause slowing of cognitive functions. Choose the temperature at which your mind and body work best.
- Your study corner is useless if you can't use it when you need it. If you are using a space that you are forced to share with other people for whatever reason, set a schedule so that you know when you can use it.
- The intensity of light you need depends on the activity you do. The important thing is that you can clearly see what you need to see without excessive effort or inconvenience.
- An uncomfortable chair could cause discomfort or pain that would impair your concentration. A chair that is too comfortable could make you relax or fall asleep. Choose one that you can sit on for a long time, while not distracting you from studying. This will also allow you not to strain your back.
- Research has shown that most students are better at studying in a quiet environment. If you think a stereo or TV on can improve your mood, don't turn up the volume. Also unplug the TV, so even if I try to turn it on, it won't work. If you want to listen to music, opt for instrumental tracks. Classical, electronic or post-rock music could be the ideal choice. The songs must be calm and relaxing so as not to distract your attention.
- Give yourself a break when you need it. If you feel a decrease in attention, it is preferable that you give yourself a short break, rather than force yourself to work at all costs. Just try not to take too long a break - 5-10 minutes is perfect!
- Your study corner should be quiet, comfortable, and distraction-free. It should make you happy and stimulate you. Decorate it with your favorite photos and items.