If you want to increase the readership of your website or if you want to be successful with a podcast, you need an RSS feed. The RSS feed keeps your users up to date on all your latest articles or episodes and can allow you to dramatically increase traffic. Creating an RSS feed is quick and easy, using a specific program or writing your own. Follow this guide to find out how.
Method 1 of 2: Using an RSS Creator Program

Step 1. Find an RSS authoring program
You have some options regarding RSS services. You can use a web service to automatically create and update your RSS feed for a monthly fee, or you can download an RSS feed program and update your feed manually. The most used programs include:
- RSS Builder - A free and open-source RSS authoring program that allows you to create RSS files that you can upload to your website. It can also automatically manage the RSS feed on your site without having to upload the file every time.
- Feedity and Rapidfeeds - these are web services that allow you to manage multiple feeds with automatic updates. You won't have to manually update your feed when updating your website content. Feedity will generate an RSS file without having to enter each object.
- FeedForAll - a paid program that allows you to create RSS feeds to update your website. It also offers specific tools for creating feeds for iTunes podcasts.

Step 2. Create a new feed
When you've chosen your service, create your first feed. The operation will differ from program to program, but the general idea is the same for almost everyone. All feeds must have basic metadata:
- Create a title for the feed. It should be the same as your website or podcast.
- Enter your website URL. This will help readers return to your home page.
- Enter a description of the feed. You shouldn't write more than a sentence or two describing the general content of the feed.

Step 3. Add an image for your feed
You can add an image that represents your feed. The image file will need to be uploaded to your website for it to be visible. Adding an image is an optional step, but highly recommended for podcasts.

Step 4. Add content to your feed
Once you've entered your podcast information, it's time to start creating your content. Enter the title of the article, blog post, podcast episode, etc. Enter the URL that leads directly to the content, as well as the publication date. If you use Feedity, enter your website URL and the content will be added automatically.
- Each entry should have a short but precise description. This is what readers will see before they decide to click on links in your feed.
- The GUID is a unique identifier of your content. In most cases, you can enter the URL in this field as well. If two different pieces of content are at the same URL, they will need unique identifiers.
- You can add author information and comments.
- Add a new entry for each piece of content you want to share.

Step 5. Create the XML file
When you're done putting all the content into your feed, you'll need to export it as an XML file. This file will allow visitors to subscribe to your RSS feed.

Step 6. Publish the feed
Upload the XML file you created on your website and put it on your home page. Some sites will instead create a URL to your feed that you will need to put on your site.
If you use RSS Builder, you can enter your website's FTP information to automatically update your feed whenever you edit it. To do this, click the FTP button in the top toolbar, click the New Site button and enter the FTP information. When you are ready to upload the XML file to the website, click the Publish Feed button

Step 7. Publish your RSS feed on other sites
There are many sites where you can publish your RSS feed. These sites collect articles of similar interests and can greatly increase your readership. Search directories for RSS feeds that fall into your category and enter the URL to your XML file.
If your feed is a podcast, you can post it to iTunes so that iTunes users can search and subscribe using the program. Your podcast will need to be approved to appear in search results
Method 2 of 2: Write Your Feed
Step 1. Create a list of your content
Create a simple list of your most recent content in a word processor. Try to enter 10-15 items, although you can create feeds with more or less content. Copy the URL in the list, write the titles and a short description and add the publication date.
Step 2. Create your XML file
Open Notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac). Before you can start entering content information, you will need to add the RSS header information. Insert the following code in the first line of the text file:
Title of your Feed https://www.iltuositoweb.com/ This is the description of your feed. Just write a sentence or two.
Step 3. Start entering your content
Each piece of content must be a separate entry under the header. Copy the following code for each entry you need to create, replacing the objects and information of your content.
Content Title URL directed to your content Unique ID of your content. Copy the URL again Wed, 27 Nov 2013 15:17:32 GMT (Note: The date must be in this format) Description of your content.
Step 4. Close the tag at the end of the feed
When you have entered all the entries, close the tags and before saving the file. An example of a three-item feed would look like this:
My Blog https://www.iltuositoweb.com/ My latest article Article 3 example.com/3 example.com/3 Wed, 27 Nov 2013 13:20:00 GMT My new article. Article 2 example.com/2 example.com/2 Mar, 27 Nov 2013 13:20:00 GMT My second article. Article 1 example.com/1 example.com/1 Mon, 27 Nov 2013 13:20:00 GMT My first article.
Step 5. Save your file
When you're done creating your feed, save it as an XML file. Click on File and choose Save As. In the format menu, select All files. Change the extension from.txt to.xml, and rename the file with the title of the feed. Make sure the filename has no spaces.
Step 6. Publish your feed
Now that you have an XML file, it's time to upload it to your website. Use your FTP or cPanel program to put the XML file on the homepage of your website. Make sure you link to the XML file for people to subscribe to your feed.
Step 7. Distribute your feed
Once your feed is online, you can start posting the link to it on the various feed directories. Search the internet to find directories covering topics close to those in your feed. Spreading your feed will allow you to increase traffic to your site.
If you're creating a feed for your podcast, you can post your feed to iTunes. This way iTunes users will be able to find your feed on the Store. It will need to be approved before it can appear in search results
Step 8. Update your feed
If you are manually creating and maintaining your RSS feed, you will need to update it each time you create new content to publish. To do this, open the latest version of your XML file in a text editor and add the new content as the first in the list, using the code described above. Save the file and upload it back to the website.