You may have thought that all the stress for the prom would pass once you found the perfect date. But now, you find yourself worrying about not knowing how to dance at the party. Don't worry too much: to dance at the prom, you just have to move your feet to the rhythm, learn a few steps for the slow, relax and even do something silly with friends. If you want to know how to dance at prom and have fun during this magical evening, just follow these steps.
Method 1 of 3: Dancing Quick Songs

Step 1. Move your head to the beat of the music
When you get to the track, you may feel a little anxious, whether you are with your companion or with a group of friends. The first thing to do after setting foot on the dance floor is to let yourself go to the beat. Once this is done, start moving your head along with the music, and move your body slightly up and down to follow the beat.
- Put your back on it. Move them slightly up and down together with your head.
- Don't limit yourself to just raising and lowering your head, like a robot. You can also move it left, and then right, when you hear the music more.

Step 2. Move your feet in time
If it's a fast song, you'll have to pick up the pace; if, on the other hand, it is a song with a quieter rhythm, but not a slow one, then move your feet following the slowness of the music. If you are a beginner, then you won't have to put in a lot of effort to move your feet. Simply bend your knees and move up and down in time. The important thing is to keep moving your feet, at least to move a little.
Once you feel comfortable moving your feet, you can move on to the "double step." All you have to do is step to the right with your right foot, bring your feet together by moving the left, and then lightly hit the floor. Then, repeat it, but this time moving your left foot to the left, and start over

Step 3. Move your arms
Now that your head, shoulders and feet are following the rhythm, you can start moving your arms too. Remember that it would be advisable to start moving all parts of the body at the same time. Starting with your head and feet will help you feel the rhythm, but you don't have to leave your arms at your sides like a boiled fish. You can move your arms up and down in rhythm, always keeping them close to your body, down towards your knees, or even in the air, as if you were dancing while cleaning a window.
- Move things. Dance by moving your arms at the hips and then raise them.
- Don't underestimate the power of the “raise the roof” move at the right time.

Step 4. Put your hips on it
Your hips are a separate entity and should not be ignored. Move them up and down to the music, or move them left and right to match the movements of your feet. Ladies, if you are not feeling very shy, you can also roll your hips in time to the music.

Step 5. Watch what others are doing
Take a look at your friends on the track. Choose a friend who is particularly confident and who demonstrates good musicality. Do you see the steps he takes? Now repeat them. That's right: choose something simple to do with your arms and feet when you get bored of moving forward with the usual steps, and see what happens. If your friend does this and appears to be beautiful, then you can try to do the same.
You should dance while paying attention to the song. If it's a cheerful song with a steady beat and others clap their hands, join them

Step 6. Sing a few words
It's a great thing to do when you feel like you don't know what you're doing. Look at your friends, mime a few words of the song, shake your head, and it'll seem like you're having so much fun with that song that you don't care how you look.

Step 7. Get moving
Don't stay in one spot and don't dance on the same tile. Get moving while keeping time and go to your friends. Keep it interesting and even chat a bit with your friends or with your date, if you can without yelling too much. One thing to do with friends would be to all stand in a circle and take turns moving to the center to show your moves. Don't get nervous: when you dance in the center of the circle, it's normal to be a bit silly.

Step 8. Have fun dancing with your date
If the chaperone remains stationary and refuses to join you and your friends immediately, wait for a few songs before dragging him on the track. But if you are dancing a fast song for two, make sure you follow the same rhythm, stay at an acceptable distance and have fun. Some schools have regulations regarding the closeness between dancers, so it will be better to know the rules of the school in question. That said, it's just going to be fun.
- During fast songs, you can hold positions similar to those during slow songs: the boy can put his hands on the girl's hips, and the girl can keep her hands around his neck.
- If with your partner you want to go a little further, it will be better to make sure that the school allows it. There may be situations that are too sensual.
Method 2 of 3: Slow Dancing Songs

Step 1. Position your arms correctly
If you want to start off on the right foot, then you and your companion will first need to put your arms in place. For the slow prom dance, the arm movements are much simpler than those for the traditional slow. The boy simply has to put his hands on both hips of the girl, and the girl has to wrap her arms around the boy's neck.
- Depending on the intimacy you want to bring to the slow, you should dance keeping a distance of about 15-30 cm between you.
- Girls should think about heels in advance. They should wear a pair that does not make them taller than their partner or makes them eye-to-eye level, or they may feel uncomfortable during the slow.

Step 2. Position your feet correctly
Stand in front of your partner with a distance of 30-60cm between your heads. Do not let your toes touch, otherwise you will collide; instead, alternate feet or have the girl keep her feet between the boy's. Keep your feet at least 30-45cm, so you can move sideways without problems.

Step 3. Start moving
Slow is easy to do. Simply keep your arms correctly positioned, maintain an acceptable distance from your partner, and move back and forth, shifting your weight from one foot to the other without lifting your feet. If you want to turn or move a bit, move both feet in time.
If you got carried away with this simple dance, you might opt for the "step and tap," which simply means stepping to the right with the right foot, and then following that foot with the left, tapping the floor, and then reversing. gait, stepping to the left with the left foot, letting the right follow, and so on. Make sure you keep your feet in sync

Step 4. Don't worry about taking on traditional roles
In the "real" slow, the boy leads, while the girl follows. In this version, the boy holds one of the girl's hands and guides her in the direction he prefers; the girl has to follow him so they can keep dancing. But when it comes to the good old slow prom, this isn't necessary. Just move to the side.
- If the boy wants to drive, follow him and move in the direction he is moving; but for the most part, you won't have to move that much.
- Remember to dance to the rhythm of the music. Not all slow songs have the same rhythm, so you may have to move a little faster or slower, depending on the rhythm.

Step 5. Chat for a while
If you and your partner are in love, then of course, you can just sway and look each other lovingly in the eye. But, for most of you, slowing down in silence could be a bit boring or embarrassing, so don't be afraid to talk to your partner, joke, or chat a bit. You can talk about the fact that you love or hate the song in the background, you can compliment her on her looks or dancing skills, or you can talk about the couples around you. Basically, do whatever makes you enjoy and feel comfortable.
Method 3 of 3: Show off your silly steps

Step 1. Milk the cow
This is absolutely silly, but at the same time a classic. Flex your knees, swing up and down as you raise your fists in the air, one at a time, alternating, as if you were actually milking a cow. Keep doing this for about thirty seconds keeping a serious and busy face, and everyone around you will laugh and join in.

Step 2. Be a running man
This is another great move that will make you laugh for a minute or two, until it gets old. The running man is simple. Raise one foot in the air, so that the thigh is parallel to the floor, and then put it back down while, at the same time, raising the other foot. Continue to alternate your feet as you move your arms exaggeratedly by holding them close to your torso, as if you were stiffing, or push your arms back and forth, as if you were skiing or elbowing.
This works best paired with a Carlton Banks face

Step 3. Reject the rhythm
Get inspired by the cast of Jersey Shore and bounce up and down as you pump your fists into the air, alternating one punch up and the other down. Pick a song and follow the beat. Don't be embarrassed if the occasional, "Yeah, baby!" escapes you.

Step 4. Polish the car
Flex your knees, first one and then the other, and then alternate your hands to form circles, moving one hand in a circle for about three seconds before switching to the other and using it to repeat the same movement. This movement works great if you synchronize with a few friends.

Step 5. Comb your hair
First of all, make a face of someone who knows what they are doing and doing it well. Then, turn left and pretend to run your right hand through your hair as if you were combing your hair, making your perfection even more perfect. Move your feet up and down as you do it, then straighten up and repeat it on the other side. Continue until your hands get tired, or until you can further improve your perfection.

Step 6. Fish your friend
You can try this move at least 2-3 times at the dance before people start glaring at you. Simply be a fisherman: cast your line further and further, in the direction of your friend, the fish. Keep hopping while you do so, so you don't stand still. Then, arch your back and begin to rewind the line "tied" to your friend, so as to mimic that it is a very large fish. Your friend may puff up their cheeks and move their hands along a line that goes from their mouth to you, as if they are actually touching the line.

Step 7. Make the Harlem Shake
When that song arrives, wait until you find a leader to dance around and take control. When the time comes, do whatever you want, as long as it is done enthusiastically: arch your back back, start waving your arms madly behind you with bent knees, punch the air, shake your head. side, and in general, you make believe you are having a seizure. Don't worry - this dance tends to only last a little over a minute, so you'll be done before you start seeing white dots in front of your eyes.

Step 8. Get ready to show off your synchronized moves
Each school dance includes some songs that have a predetermined choreography. They are a fun way to escape the dancing doubts, and, usually, you just need to know a few moves, and in general, do what others do. If you don't want to have to sit and upholster when these songs arrive, then prepare well in advance.