Surely you have happened to go to the mall and see beautiful girls in any shop or dressing room you enter. Surely you have noticed their perfect looks and the laughs they exchanged with their friends, equally trendy. Everyone's eyes, including yours, were magnetized by their every move. It happened to you, didn't it? Did you feel stung by jealousy admiring their seemingly carefree and perfect lives? Do you feel like an ordinary spectator? Why keep being one when you can become one of them?
Method 1 of 3: Beauty and Personal Care

Step 1. Try to have perfect skin
One of the main things every girl wants (if she doesn't already have it) is flawless skin. The three essential products for an ideal routine are definitely the cleanser, tonic and moisturizer, suitable for your skin type. There are five types: mixed, sensitive, oily, dry and normal. Try to understand your skin needs and choose the right products accordingly.
- If you have skin dry, you need moisturizing products. Start with a good cleanser, follow with a toner that doesn't dehydrate it and finish with a particularly nourishing cream. Choose good quality products and remember that the cream should be nourishing, but oil-free, to avoid clogging the pores.
- On the other hand, if you have skin greasy, try a sebum-regulating cleanser and a light moisturizer, i.e. oil-free and that does not clog pores.
- You have skin mixed? Choose a cleanser and moisturizer that will rebalance it. The lotion should be non-greasy and light. Try to keep a good compromise.
- If you are lucky, you have skin normal, so you can use pretty much any product you want. Choose quality products with a light texture. This way your skin will be fresh and hydrated, but you will also control its oiliness.
- In case you have skin sensitive, you will have to take extra precautions in choosing the products to treat it, otherwise you risk irritating it. If in doubt, consult a dermatologist for advice on the right ones.
- If I had a skin with acne tendency, you will need high quality products to take care of it. If the situation is serious, go to the dermatologist; if you have few pimples, try Neutrogena or Proactiv products, which are fine even if it is sensitive.
Buy the right products and start taking care of them!
Wash your face at least once a day if you have dry, normal or sensitive skin; if you have oily or combination skin, you may want to do it twice a day instead. Wet your hands, pour a dab of cleanser on a palm, rub your hands together to create a lather, then lean over the sink, close your eyes and smear it thoroughly on your skin for 30 seconds. Stop for 5 seconds, so you will allow the product to act. Then rinse with cold water to close the pores. Pat your skin dry with a clean towel. Afterward, apply the toner with a cotton ball. Let it dry, then put the cream on. Apply a dot to the highlight areas, namely the chin, forehead, nose, cheeks and the area between the nose and mouth. Lay it out well to make sure there is no residue left and that it absorbs.

Step 2. Make up
One of the pleasures of being a girl (especially if you are beautiful and stylish) is to use make-up. If you have flawless, even skin, don't use foundation or concealer. Learn to put on the right make-up and dose the products to get a good result. Here is a simple and ideal look for most girls:
- With a concealer suited to your skin tone, cover up any imperfections.
- Take an eyeshadow that can highlight your eyes and apply it to your eyelids.
- Apply black or dark brown eyeliner along the upper lashline.
- Curl your eyelashes.
- Apply dark brown, clear, or black mascara.
- Spread some blush on the cheekbones (optional).
- Add a lipstick, lip gloss, lip balm to the light color on the lips. Try to choose one that is similar to the natural color or a couple of shades darker.

Step 3. Show off your natural beauty
Makeup flatters you and makes you even more beautiful, but you can look good even if you opt for a soap and water look.
- To get rid of a pimple while you sleep, buy a product that you can apply directly to the blemish (some are a little expensive) or dab some toothpaste (regular, non-gel). It should deflate.
- To get rid of under-eye bags, take two thin, cold slices of cucumber or two tablespoons that you have left for some time in the freezer. Place them on your eyelids and leave them on for 10-15 minutes.
- If you have particularly chapped lips, take a clean, warm towel and rub it on this area for a minute. You will get rid of dead cells. Next, apply lip balm.
- Drink 8 glasses of water a day for clean and healthy skin.
- Exercise frequently to keep fit. Don't overdo it, though. Responsibly divide up your workouts and give your body time to recover so you don't get hurt.

Step 4. Don't forget your hair
Whatever length, color or style they have, almost everyone agrees that the most beautiful hair is hydrated, clean and tidy. Identify any problems with your hair. Then find the style that's right for you. Preferably, it should fit the shape of the face, but basically you have to choose the one you like. Go to the hairdresser and ask him to give you suggestions. If you want you can do some highlights, create shadows or dye them.
- You can style your hair in a variety of ways. Buy rubber bands and hairpins that match their color, a couple of plastic headbands and headbands, mousse and hairspray. If you don't already have it, invest in a straightener or curling iron and don't forget the heat protector. Silky straight hair is trendy and can completely change your look. Try out different hairstyles and watch other girls for inspiration.
- Don't forget that unwanted hair, whether on the face or body, should be removed. There are several ways to do this, but don't worry too much about it; if you don't want to, you don't have to. If you hate them, the methods are varied. You can try waxing, tweezers, hair removal creams, and razors. A good rule of thumb is to not shave facial hair. This will backfire on you, because when they grow back they will look bigger, longer and darker than before. Also, it will be more difficult to remove them over time. Ask your mom or your friends for advice to find out more.

Step 5. Is tanning trendy?
The answer is no. Fair skin is synonymous with beauty. In any case, fair-skinned girls are just as beautiful as tanned ones (sometimes even more so) and some give more pale skin. However, if you love having a sun-kissed complexion, use a self-tanner. The right one shouldn't make you look orange. You can try a cream or spray product.
Method 2 of 3: Attitude

Step 1. You don't have to be obnoxious to be considered trendy
In fact, being kind is the best you can do for yourself and those around you. Think about it: would you rather be loved (pretend) because people are afraid of your bullying behavior or be adored for your simplicity? There is no question about what the right answer is.
- Always think before you speak. Words can hurt people a lot and if you realize you've done damage, stop. In case you are the type of person who opens his mouth without even thinking, try to change. Before you speak, take a moment to think about whether what you say will have any influence on others. If it hurts them, don't say anything.
- Be honest, but don't blunt. Sincerity is essential for a trendy girl and it is even if you want to be considered a good friend. However, it is not enough for you to be direct, you must also be diplomatic. There is always a way to sweeten the pill! For example, if your friend walks out of the hairdresser with a horrible haircut and asks you how it looks, say "It's not bad, but it doesn't fit your pretty face." She may be offended at first, but then she will appreciate your honesty and accept the suggestions you give her after making this comment. Nevertheless, always try to distinguish the cases in which it is better to be honest and those in which it is better to leave it alone. Sometimes it is preferable to tell a little white lie.
- Don't get stepped on. Defend your space and make sure everyone knows they can't get their feet on your head. If we compare friendships and relationships in general to a traffic light, the light should always be green. When it turns yellow or red, then you have to figure out if these people really deserve to be a part of your life.

Step 2. Cultivate your intelligence
Of course, no one likes to talk to someone who has no idea what they are saying. Be careful in school, no matter how boring a lesson is, and talk to your friends outside the classroom or when the teacher gives you a minute's break. Enrich your knowledge and make your computer homepage a news and curiosity page, so you know the latest news as soon as you open your browser. We know that an intelligent person can be classified as a "nerd" by others, but it is better than being considered a goose.

Step 3. Respect others
If a person doesn't want to tell you something, you can't force them to talk. Be a good listener and try not to gossip about others. You can definitely check out the gossip magazines every now and then, but remember there is a big difference between celebrity gossip and peer gossip. You've probably often noticed how rumors, unfounded or otherwise, can destroy people. Don't put it around and you won't get involved. Also, listen to your parents and help them. Remember they raised you and taught you everything you know.

Step 4. Learn to walk away from what's hurting you
Know when to avoid an argument, situation, or relationship. Never take sides if two people are fighting, even if you agree with one of them. If a friend asks you for advice, give it to her, but you shouldn't suggest that she hurt others or get into trouble. In fact, when people come to you, offer a word of encouragement and suggest that they should find their own way, whatever you say. This way no one will be able to accuse you of their mistakes. Know when to back off when a situation becomes risky or dangerous. Also, learn how to end relationships that don't work out, especially if your boyfriend tries to get you to do something you don't want.

Step 5. Be yourself
Do what you want. There will always be someone who will try to tear you down, but your life belongs only to you. If you are religious, believe it completely, otherwise you don't have to force yourself to do it. Respect everyone's opinions and assert yours too. Find hobbies that interest you and practice them constantly. Remember that it is not wrong to be different in any respect: racial, sexual, intellectual, and so on. Be confident and proud.

Step 6. Learn and use the internet
Read good books and listen to the music you like. If you like, open a Facebook or MySpace account, but don't give out personal information to strangers. Only add people you know. Don't gossip about others, especially on the internet: conversations can be saved, so there will always be a log that will compromise you. Think before you type.
Method 3 of 3: Fashion

Step 1. Be classic and trendy
If you want to have a comfortable, cute, tidy and trendy style, here's what you can't miss in your wardrobe:
- A pair of tight-fitting, dark-washed trousers.
- A pair of dark wash flared trousers.
- A pair of white, black or dark wash shorts.
- A cute bag of medium size.
- A pair of gray or black Converse.
- Some plain plain sweaters with crew neck, low neckline and V-neck.
- Some soft tops with original motifs and different cuts and fabrics, suitable for wearing even at school.
- Two-three cardigans in colors such as navy blue, gray, white and black.
- Solid color tank tops.
- Tight tops characterized by different geometries, buttons, details and cuts.
- One-two high-waisted skirts.
- A pair of flip flops, T-sandals and gladiator sandals.
- A couple of dancers.
- A good quality pair of boots. They can be soft, riding or UGG style.
- Many necklaces and other accessories. You can wear long necklaces, bangles, bracelets, earrings and so on.
- Two hooded sweatshirts.
- A solid color winter jacket.
- Solid color scarves and printed or monochromatic foulards.

Step 2. Which stores should you shop in?
You can find the clothes we have recommended in stores like H&M, Abercrombie, Zara, Bershka, Forever 21 (online), Victoria's Secret PINK (online), Pull and Bear, Benetton, Urban Outfitters (online) and so on. You can also pop into the department stores.
- Always be yourself.
- Never lose sight of your true essence.
- The clothes you wear don't have to be designer. You can be trendy even if you buy them at the market. Assuming they suit your tastes, everything else doesn't matter.
- To find more beauty tips, do a Google search or read other articles on wikiHow.
- Learn to be respected.
- Some might think that you are fake if you change from one moment to the next, so always remain yourself.
- You don't have to have a boyfriend to be a trendy teenager.
- Sun beds and all other harmful methods of tanning can cause premature wrinkles, premature skin aging, and skin cancer. Wouldn't it be better to be pale than to take these risks?