Nervous about starting eighth grade? You will see that this article will help you!

Step 1. Make sure you have everything you need to wear

Step 2. Go to bed an hour earlier than you used to in the summer
Did you know you need at least eight hours of sleep? You need to get enough sleep, especially ahead of the first day of school, so you will arrive relaxed and in a good mood. It may be difficult to fall asleep in the evening, but you can try listening to sounds to help you fall asleep or drink a glass of warm milk. You can also go to bed half an hour early and read a bit until it's time to sleep. Then, you will already be relaxed and ready to fall asleep! You can also start from the last days of vacation to respect the times you go to sleep usually during the school period, to get back into the habit.

Step 3. Have breakfast in the morning
Even if it's just a cereal bar, you need to eat something that gives you energy for the day.

Step 4. Think of conversation points to do
Here are some examples.
- "Hi, how did your holidays go?" it's a phrase to use only if you can't think of anything else to say, because everyone has heard it a million times that day.
- "So, which teacher do you have this year?".
- "Did you see… (quote a recently released movie and then comment on it)".
- "Have you seen … (cite a program or a television series that aired that summer and then comment on the episodes, if you have seen them both, otherwise you ask questions!)".
- "Wow, I like yours… (mention something like clothing, accessories, etc.)".

Step 5. Arrive in class equipped with everything you need
Trust me, you'll feel better if you have everything you need in class. Most schools send out a list of things they will need over the course of the school year. Get everything.

Step 6. If you don't like physical education, you have to get over it
Like it or not, you have to take the course, so try to have fun! Stay close to your friends and find something you enjoy doing. Look for new games and ask the PE teacher if you can play them in his lesson!

Step 7. Don't forget your snack
You can bring a sandwich and some cookies, perhaps in a decorated handbag. If you don't bring your own snack from home, however, don't forget the money for the snack dispensers.

Step 8. If you have friends in the classroom with you, chat with them before and after class, but not during class, otherwise you would immediately make a bad impression on the teacher

Step 9. If your friends don't have the same break time as you, take heart and ask someone who seems friendly to sit with you
If you don't find anyone, it's not the end of the world! Of course, if there's no one nice enough to chat with, no one will notice that you're sitting alone!

Step 10. If you take the bus, sit next to a friend or in the back seats
Since you are in eighth grade, you are finally entitled to sit in the back seats (unless you take the bus with the bigger ones!).

Step 11. Go to bed at a regular time and try to get up on time
Set the alarm. It is often more pleasant to wake up to music, so you can get yourself a radio alarm clock.

Step 12. Keep a homework schedule
You will surely have a school diary. Use it! If you don't have it, just get yourself a simple notebook and write down the date with the tasks you have to do day by day. So you will be more organized!

Step 13. If you're having a bad day at school, talk to your parents, friends, or just relax by listening to some music
Music is the best way to calm down, and for girls, shopping is a great way too! Being with friends is always good, whether it was a bad day or not!

Step 14. Take part in extra-curricular activities
Play a sport or activity that you enjoy. If you are not particularly athletic, but want to be part of a sports team, try volleyball! Volleyball in school is not that difficult. If you'd like something more aggressive, try baseball or soccer. If you love being the center of attention, you can be part of a group of mascots or cheerleaders.

Step 15. Try to be careful in class
You can socialize between classes, even at recess, before and after school. Try to get the best grades you can. It will be worth it.

Step 16. If you have a crush on someone, don't let it leak out
If you're a guy, the best thing to do is just be nice to the girl you like and NEVER tease her or let your friends joke about her. If you are a girl, be yourself, talk to the guy you like and try to prevent others from gossiping or else you will seem insecure about yourself.

Step 17. Study for classwork
Try to take notes in class, if possible, so that you can then read them over and review what you did in class.

Step 18. Take part in school trips and events
You're in eighth grade! Go and enjoy!

Step 19. Enjoy eighth grade, because next year you'll be a freshman
You are one of the older students in the school now. Don't be anxious! Until next year you have nothing to worry about!
- Try to get good grades.
- Never forget old friends. You will surely make new ones, but don't neglect those who have been close to you many times in the past.
- Don't bully those in the first or second grade. Next year, when you are the freshman, you might regret it!
- Trust yourself!
- There will be a lot of tragedies but try your best to ignore them.
- Be yourself! It will sound trivial but if you don't, your friends won't know you for the person you really are and you will end up hurting yourself and those around you.
- Trust yourself.
- Feel good about yourself.
- Try to stay out of trouble and avoid fights.
- Do not take alcohol or drugs.
- Don't hang out with kids who use alcohol or drugs.