How to stop being nervous every day at school

Table of contents:

How to stop being nervous every day at school
How to stop being nervous every day at school

Facing every school day with constant agitation can be a double-edged sword: if on the one hand you need to take your job seriously and try to give your best, on the other hand too much tension can negatively affect your physical state and mental. It is therefore necessary to find a balance between your commitment to studies and the stress to which you feel subjected.


Stop Being Emotional Step 1
Stop Being Emotional Step 1

Step 1. Acknowledge your problem

Whenever you feel very agitated thinking about your school day, try to figure out what is making you the most nervous; think about whether it's teachers, classmates, lessons, homework, or your preparation. These are usually the main reasons for anxiety.

Smile Like You Mean It Step 2
Smile Like You Mean It Step 2

Step 2. Explain your problem

After recognizing the source of stress, talk to your teacher about it. Don't be afraid to voice your tensions, look for a confrontation and possibly a solution. Is there anything your professors could do to help you? If your problem is homework, the teacher may be available to give you valuable advice, or help you find time to study.

Not to Be Shy at a New School Step 10
Not to Be Shy at a New School Step 10

Step 3. Look on the bright side of your problem and try to solve it yourself

If you can't, ask a friend for help.

Report an Emergency Step 4
Report an Emergency Step 4

Step 4. Talk to a trusted person

If your problem is a specific classmate, talk to someone you trust, who also knows the other person and is ready to help you. Together you can analyze the problem, find a solution and decide how to proceed. The support staff at your school can give you the advice you are looking for.

Stop Being So Nervous About School Each Day Step 5
Stop Being So Nervous About School Each Day Step 5

Step 5. Determine the time to devote to studies

It is necessary to devote time each day to study and research. Establish daily what will be the time to devote to your school preparation, getting used to following a daily study routine. If you don't have homework one day, you can do some internet research related to the topics you are studying. It is a dynamic and fun way to increase your knowledge.

Stop Being So Nervous About School Each Day Step 6
Stop Being So Nervous About School Each Day Step 6

Step 6. Be organized

To be able to carry out all school commitments in the best possible way, it is necessary to be organized. Plan what to do, determine how - and by when - you will have to complete the study of each subject. Please take into account the different requests of teachers. Get an agenda and several binders to divide the study material, buy one for each subject, plus an extra one. As the tasks are assigned, write them down in the diary (don't wait: do it now!), Taking care not to write too short and confused: they must not be indecipherable. If teachers cite references or give advice, write them down carefully. Arrange all the material of the lessons in the different binders, choose different colors to identify the subjects at a glance. He arranges all the tasks to be done in the extra binder, dividing the completed ones from the ones yet to be finished. When it comes time to do your homework, you will have a clear understanding of what you need to accomplish and you will be able to organize your time productively.


  • Rather than always thinking about the negative aspects of school, focus on the positive ones. You will be able to look at everything from a different perspective.
  • It is important to always keep up with school commitments. If you stay behind you will find it difficult to clear all the accumulated tasks.
  • Above all… relax!
  • The teachers will be able to help you as long as you demonstrate a regular commitment to your studies. If you show your good will, the teachers will be able to meet you and help you organize and study better.
  • Give yourself a reward every time you reach a positive milestone! It will give you the motivation to put in even more effort.
  • If you have too many tasks to do, don't get anxious immediately, look at the positive aspects! You can meet your friends between lessons, at lunchtime, etc. With calm everything will be fine!
  • Convince yourself that you can do it and you will really do it.
  • If your nervousness is due to the many tasks to be performed, try to deal with them gradually and without getting anxious. Take it one step at a time. If you think you can't do everything, do your best on what you can, but be positive and don't live every school day with anguish. Homework, teachers, and classmates won't haunt you forever, it's just a passing situation. Don't get down and live your school years with serenity.


  • If you are looking for news on the internet for your studies, check that the material is reliable. Keep in mind that some blogs and sites can be written by anyone, even by people who don't have the necessary skills in the industry. Always check the validity of the information you read and don't stick to just one source.
  • If your anxiety doesn't subside, talk to a doctor. Perhaps your problem is not just school, if anxiety becomes chronic you may need the advice of an expert.
  • Don't try to solve all your problems yourself. You can ask for the help of adults and teachers, they will be available to help you and you can learn many lessons from their experience.
