How to organize a banquet to sell lemonade

How to organize a banquet to sell lemonade
How to organize a banquet to sell lemonade

Table of contents:


One of the most traditional activities for kids who want to earn some money in the summer is to sell lemonade on the street. It's a good idea, even if it's going out of style. By following this guide, you will be able to successfully open and manage a stand to sell lemonade on the street!


  • Lots of fresh lemons, or a lemonade concentrate - avoid dust, it's not as good as fresh lemons, and being able to write "freshly squeezed lemons" on a sign will help you attract customers.
  • Fresh water and lots of ice
  • Sugar


Run a Lemonade Stand Step 1
Run a Lemonade Stand Step 1

Step 1. With the help of your parents, check the laws of the state or your city before opening the banquet

Run a Lemonade Stand Step 2
Run a Lemonade Stand Step 2

Step 2. Get yourself a feast

Cardboard tables will do just fine. To attract more customers, use a nice but not too flashy tablecloth. A colorful tablecloth will grab the attention of customers, who may consider buying lemonade.

Be careful to put the crate in a safe place

Run a Lemonade Stand Step 3
Run a Lemonade Stand Step 3

Step 3. Remember that the place where you are going to put your banquet is very important

Position yourself in a public place passing by. When cars go by, wave your hand to them to point out.

Run a Lemonade Stand Step 4
Run a Lemonade Stand Step 4

Step 4. Offer other products too

Instead of just offering plain lemonade, also offer customers pink lemonade (with the addition of berries), or sweets. Don't overdo it though, 3-5 types of sweets are enough. Vegetables from your own garden are also great: tomatoes in particular are easy to grow, and they taste great.

Run a Lemonade Stand Step 5
Run a Lemonade Stand Step 5

Step 5. Pay attention to the price

Often, the prices of lemonade stands are either too low or too high, which is why the guys who work there don't make any money. Think about how much you would like to pay yourself for a glass of lemonade. Remember to get some coins to give change.

Run a Lemonade Stand Step 6
Run a Lemonade Stand Step 6

Step 6. Experiment with some advertising

Even a simple billboard posted at the exit of the nearest supermarket is enough. Put signs on the stand as well, making it clear what you are selling and the prices. Have you ever seen fast food commercials? They often use red and yellow, colors that make people hungry, even if they don't notice it. Red also attracts customers with its brilliance. Write clearly and simply.

Run a Lemonade Stand Step 7
Run a Lemonade Stand Step 7

Step 7. Get someone to help you

This way you can take turns and take turns. It is even more fun to work with a friend. If you plan to keep the banquet open all day, arrange shifts so that no one has to work more than two hours straight.

Run a Lemonade Stand Step 8
Run a Lemonade Stand Step 8

Step 8. Behave with customers

Nobody will buy anything if you treat them badly. If they have children, talk to them, and compliment them on the clothes, hair, toys, or bikes they have. If it's just adults, smile, show you're happy and just be yourself. Speak loudly so that customers understand what you are saying.

Run a Lemonade Stand Step 9
Run a Lemonade Stand Step 9

Step 9. Take care of hygiene

Get some handkerchiefs, prepare yourself by already cutting the cakes you have into slices, do not sneeze on food or drinks, etc. Place a bottle of hand sanitizer on the table so customers notice your banquet is clean.

Run a Lemonade Stand Intro
Run a Lemonade Stand Intro

Step 10. Good work


  • Offer discounts. For example, you could sell a glass of lemonade for 25 cents, and five glasses for 1 euro. Discounts like this attract customers and look great on the banquet.
  • Try making a mascot for your banquet: for example a lemon with hands, eyes, and a nice smile.


  • Taste your lemonade before selling it. This way you will be sure that it is good.
  • Do the same for the treats you sell, especially if you make them yourself.
  • Make sure you keep the money in a safe place.
  • Don't set prices too high or too low, otherwise you won't make a profit.
  • Use plenty of sunscreen if you need to be outside all day
  • Always get help from a parent if you are small.
